anyway to get around lcd burn-in while gaming?


Apr 16, 2005
I have (had, my lcd is through RMA..uh-gain) a dual monitor setup. A 19" CRT (1600x1200@85Hz) is my main monitor (Dell Trinitron P991) and I absolutely love it. It has given me no trouble what-so-ever. My secondary monitor is a 17" Viewsonic VA712b which the first one had dead pixels as they went green (a green line across the top was irritating) and the replacement that I got easily had image persistance that wouldnt go away. Anyways, when I game, I use the 19" for my gaming while I use the 17" for AIM (to see my incoming IM's), DC++ (my schools network chat/share program), and temperature monitoring of CPU and GPU. The thing is, I dont want another burn in or have the chance of burning in. Is there anything I can while gaming (I usually game like 2-3 hours at a time on end) to prevent image persistance on the LCD? Also, Im thinking about either the Dell 2005FPW or the Viewsonic VX2025WM to replace my 19". Basically I want the following features less than $500
-larger than 19"
-DVI input, RGB can be optional but doesnt matter
-preferrably 8ms but that can be up to 16ms (gaming remember...)
-500:1 or higher (the viewsonic is 800:1 while the dell is 600:1)
-300 is fine for the brightness, 500's are too expensive
-speakers, usb, anything else is optional and I really dont care

Those two monitors fit the bill (except the dell but between coupon codes and deals and ebay along with other e-tail sites, im sure i can find it less than $500) Are there any else? I dont want a cheaply built monitor, I want something good and not have to really worry about image persistance. Also, another question. My va712b monitor is currently under RMA. If it comes back defective (more dead pixels, easily burn in, etc..) do you think it would be possible to contact them and ask for another monitor if id pay the difference? (Id get the viewsonic mentioned above) Or maybe they would pay it becuase of all the hassle they are putting me through for my birthday gift? :p I doubt that one though
i Was in the same situation with the 2025 or the 2005. i went with the 2025 cause it has an 8ms panel vs 12ms on the 2005, and its an IPS panel, vs a PVA panel (or vice versa?) which is much better and is 8-bits.

Also the 2025 has virtually no backlight bleeding, and the 2005's are plagued with it. No SDE either!
Dillusion said:
i Was in the same situation with the 2025 or the 2005. i went with the 2025 cause it has an 8ms panel vs 12ms on the 2005, and its an IPS panel, vs a PVA panel (or vice versa?) which is much better and is 8-bits.

Also the 2025 has virtually no backlight bleeding, and the 2005's are plagued with it. No SDE either!
The 2005fpw is s-ips, and the vx2025 is p-mva. Which type of panel is better is up to user preference :). I used to prefer pva (and therefore probably p-mva and mva), but now I find myself leaning towards s-ips. For me it comes down to this:

IPS - Better/richer colors and better viewing angles.
PVA/MVA - Deeper but crushed blacks, gamma shift, less SDE because of what looks to be a better pixel fillrate.

There are more differences but those are the main ones I see that make me like ips more. That being said, I am not a big fan of the quality control on the dell.

lcboyee1123 said:
lcds have burn in? i thought it was only plasmas
Plasmas burn because the phosphors age unevenly when abused with prolonged static images. LCDs retain images sometimes because the pixels get stuck and can't untwist anymore. It's pretty rare, but I've seen some old laptops with the taskbar stuck on the screen.
lcboyee1123 said:
lcds have burn in? i thought it was only plasmas

I haven't seen an LCD burn-in like a plasma would, but my current display will retain a really faint ghost image for a few minutes if it had been showing the same thing for a substantial amount of time. For example, when I play games, sometimes the outlines of the HUD "burns in" a bit, or if I leave a high-contrast window open and come back 20 minutes later I'll be able to make out where the window was. It usually goes away really quickly by watching a full screen video or whatever, but needless to say it had me worried the first time I saw it happen on my display. It's like temporary burn-in I guess. Or, apparently, not so temporary for the OP. :(

I have an older 2001FP - does anyone else experience what I've described with this display?
They said the 2007FPW would fix the issues with the 2005 but i got a feeling its going to cost over 500 as dell likes to overprice things initially. As for the viewsonic, how is that unit? Is it a capable one? Does it suffer from burn-ins? And as far as burn-ins go, wait n/m, if i were to get that one it would replace my CRT. How is that unit?
Or what about the BenQ FP202W? Thatlooks like a good monitor. Or is Acer, sceptre, or phillips good manufacturers? I hope you can see this link it shows a list of monitors that i am looking at. Im looking at viewsonic mostly becuase of the current monitor I have. if i could, id like to trade that in with credit towards another monitor and pay the difference to viewsonic, but i dont know if they would let me. what do you think of the monitors in that list? which one stands out the most as the best for gaming and longevity along w/ performance? thnx
Bump...Also, is getting an HDCP Compliant monitor worth it? I mean I dont understand the whole fuss. Could someone explain it to me? I view HR.HDTV ripped tv eps, arent I viewing them in HD? and whats the whole 720p/1080i etc.. all that mean? :[ i feel n00bish :(
New High Def DVD players *will likely* require HDCP encryption to display movies at the full 1080p resolution. Otherwise, they will display at a lower resolution. (540i I believe) It'll still be higher than DVD resolution, but it won't be the true badass HD.
Ive edited what im looking for:
-larger than 19"
-DVI input
-component/RCA inputs
-8ms but that can be up to 16ms (gaming remember...)
-500:1 or higher (the viewsonic is 800:1 while the dell is 600:1)
-HDCP Compliant (so im ready for future)

the gateway FPD2185W i was looking at has these features. anyone have this one or know of any good review sites covering it?
I dont think an LCD can burn in. I may be wrong but they use pixels and they are on/off types. I dont think the colors can burn in. You can get stuck pixels but I dont think this is effected based on how long that pixel is a certain color.

Plasma's are similar to LCD's and do experience horrible burn in, and I think that has carried over to be an urban legend that LCD's too have this problem when they really dont.
They have image persistance which is like burn-in. depending on the monitor will depend on how easily it can be removed.
LCDs can definitely suffer from a burn-in-like effect, commonly known as image persistence.

I'm a hardcore user and my ViewSonic VP191b has been absolutely wrecked by this problem. After hours of gaming (World of Warcraft, which has a lot of static elements), my WinXP desktop with gray background is literally destroyed. Even if I switch to full-screen TV-watching, I can still see the icons/buttons from the game burned in at the bottom when the colors on that part of the screen are less intense. And it doesn't go away. Not after days, or even weeks. About the only cure would be to give up playing WoW completely. But then something else static that "burns in" would become noticeable. My panel is also developing other distortions in the image that I can't attribute directly to image persistence. It's just defective technology, IMO.
it sounds like u go to njit lol

edit haha i checked ur member info and u do go to njit... awesome
One option, especially if analog, is to just use the positioning buttons of the monitor to shift the screen ever so often. This might (emphasis on might) put off the problem a bit longer.

My Samsung 170mp (the original and best version of that monitor) shows no sign of burn in, but then again, I don't play a game for 48hrs straight. I can't imagine getting burn in unless you're spending 8hrs a day on the game, day after day, after day...
come to think of it i leave my monitor on over night everyday without a screensaver and i've had this for 2 years its a LG 17in flatron no burin in whatsoever or dead pixels
Most new LCDs are resistent to burn-ins unless you leave the same static screen for several days straight. The best way to fix burn-in situations is to use a grey background and leave it up with nothing else when you're not using the lcd. This will fix most situations.
I have seen plenty of Dell 1703FP with burn-in images across the courtrooms because it's opened 24/7 without a screensaver. We can clearly notice taskbars and icons.
Pretty much anything has some sort of burn in.

I've seen a CRT with burn in so bad that it could be seen (clearly) when the monitor was off. It happens in exteme situations. This was monitor that displayed a solid black screen with white letters on it for about 18 hours a day for 5 years.
I can't imagine getting burn in unless you're spending 8hrs a day on the game, day after day, after day...

Yeah, that's exactly what I've done, except it's been more like 11+ hours per day average for about half a year. I added up the /played time of all my characters and the total was over 1800 hours. Sick? Yes. But my LCD can't handle that level of MMORPG addiction.
viper92086 said:
it sounds like u go to njit lol

edit haha i checked ur member info and u do go to njit... awesome

Yi Fu all the way!

Turning the monitor off does not do anything for the burn-in...

I turned mine off for a few days and the burn in was still there. I think its mostly the quality of the monitor and how it was made.
After seeing many brands hooked to the same feed and sitting side by side, I went for the LG which is made by Phillips. BTW BenQ and ACER are made by the same company too.