Anyone Using a GeForce FX 5900XT with Doom3?


Aug 2, 2004
If so, please post machine specs, game settings and timedemo demo1 results.

I'm wondering whether I'm on target with my results. Seems a little slow.

Machine: P4 2.6 ghz; 1 GB DDR RAM (800 mhz FSB); Geforce FX 5900XT (overclocked by 9% to 425/763 -- stock is 390/700). Vid drivers -- MSI's 61.21 drivers.

Game: 1024 x 768; high quality; nothing turned off in advanced setttings
except for AA and Vsynch.

timedemo1: 25.9 (ouch)!

Now if I turn off Ansitropic Filtering (via Nvidia drivers) I get to 30.2.

If I drop to 800 x 600, I can leave AF on, and get in the low 30s. I get
over 40 in 800 x 600 with AF off (everything else as above).

So what do you other 5900XT people see (and don't forget to post machine
specs and game settings)?

Also, which do you think would be best for image quality ---

800 x 600 (High Quality) -- leaving AF (ansitropic filtering) ON as by default, OR:

1024 x 768 (High Quality) -- but turning OFF AF via the Nvidia driver controls?

Note that framerates in timedemo for both of those settings is above 30 fps.

By the way, I refuse to play in medium quality (I want all the sounds too).
yes me and my friend both have 2nd machines with a BFG5900XT and a gainward5900xt
both run the game at 1024x768 high detail
haven't yet played with a 1280x1024
cause MY BFG6800GT ROCKS......=]
to busy to play with my lan box :D

also my lan box is almost the same as my main gaming box
my friends box is a xp2200 with a Epox 8kra2+
512 megs of ram on both machines Corsair XMS PC3200LLT
[RIP]Zeus said:
yes me and my friend both have 2nd machines with a BFG5900XT and a gainward5900xt
both run the game at 1024x768 high detail
haven't yet played with a 1280x1024
cause MY BFG6800GT ROCKS......=]
to busy to play with my lan box :D

also my lan box is almost the same as my main gaming box
my friends box is a xp2200 with a Epox 8kra2+
512 megs of ram on both machines Corsair XMS PC3200LLT

Thanks for the response, but without timedemos, it isn't really helpful for a comparison.

Anyone else have a 5900XT out there -- I can't believe no one does????
caesardog said:
Thanks for the response, but without timedemos, it isn't really helpful for a comparison.

Anyone else have a 5900XT out there -- I can't believe no one does????

i will have timedemo's for you tonight when i get home ok
Heres what i got

AMD xp 2000
1Gig Ram
Soundblaster live
Chaintech FX5900 XT 128 meg
No Overclock in any way
Direct x 9c
Nvidia drivers 61.77

Running Doom 3 @ 10 x 7 higth Detail vertical sync off,AA x2
Steady 64fps, with the DOOMCONFIG TWEEK.

I have no problem and its a blast to play

Rig in sig -

Latest Forceware

Timedemo demo1

1024*768 high detail: 31.0
800*600 high detail: 37.1

The video card is currently clocked at 450/800. System memory is loose at 3-4-4-8.
I am actually quite pleased at how well my 5900XT runs Doom 3.

Averaging 40 FPS, dipping to 25 and as high as 60 (max anyway). High Quality at 1280 x 768. (Native res for widescreen monitor)

Ran the Time Demo from this morning and got 44.8 FPS.

Edit: Here's some screenshots :)

1280 x768, High Settings, no AA, with my MSI 5900XT OC'ed to 430/770


Aucirob said:
Heres what i got

AMD xp 2000
1Gig Ram
Soundblaster live
Chaintech FX5900 XT 128 meg
No Overclock in any way
Direct x 9c
Nvidia drivers 61.77

Running Doom 3 @ 10 x 7 higth Detail vertical sync off,AA x2
Steady 64fps, with the DOOMCONFIG TWEEK.

I have no problem and its a blast to play


Seems like something fishy is going on here. I'd love to say that's true, but that kinda contrasts with everyone else in this thread.
Just ran the timedemo that came with the game. timedemo 1.

1280 x768, High Settings, no AA, with my MSI 5900XT OC'ed to 430/770

33.3 FPS
Hm... I wanna replace my Ti4600 with a 5900XT. Problem is... no cash and is it worth the upgrade? Or should I just stick with this till PCI-Express boards and cards are more popular. Hmmm......

I'd love to play Doom 3 @10x7 2xAA though... lol.
KevC said:
Hm... I wanna replace my Ti4600 with a 5900XT. Problem is... no cash and is it worth the upgrade? Or should I just stick with this till PCI-Express boards and cards are more popular. Hmmm......

I'd love to play Doom 3 @10x7 2xAA though... lol.

Oh yeah, the 5900XT is very nice upgrade from a ti4600. I'd say get it!
rig in sig,10x7 high detail + 2x AA/8xAniso = 25.8 fps in timedemo1 on the first run,27.3 in second run.11x8 with the same settings is do-able if I turn off AA.I will have a Asus V9999 Gamer Edition next month,which is a 6800 12 pipe card oc'd out of the box 350 core,plus it comes with 256 megs of GDDR3/2ns ram.
PerfectCr said:
I am actually quite pleased at how well my 5900XT runs Doom 3.

Averaging 40 FPS, dipping to 25 and as high as 60 (max anyway). High Quality at 1280 x 768. (Native res for widescreen monitor)

Ran the Time Demo from this morning and got 44.8 FPS.

Edit: Here's some screenshots :)

1280 x768, High Settings, no AA, with my MSI 5900XT OC'ed to 430/770

What time demo from Tech Report are you referring to? Do they have some different benchmark time demo then the games internal one? 44.8 sounds really high at that resolution for a 5900xt -- i get in the mid 30s at 800 x 600 high quality. Are you turning some stuff off?
PerfectCr said:
Just ran the timedemo that came with the game. timedemo 1.

1280 x768, High Settings, no AA, with my MSI 5900XT OC'ed to 430/770

33.3 FPS

What cpu? That's pretty high at that resolution.
caesardog said:
What time demo from Tech Report are you referring to? Do they have some different benchmark time demo then the games internal one? 44.8 sounds really high at that resolution for a 5900xt -- i get in the mid 30s at 800 x 600 high quality. Are you turning some stuff off?

Nope, not turning anything off. Bear in mind I have a gig of ram and a Athlon 64 3000+, here is the link to the TR Time Demo.
caesardog said:
What cpu? That's pretty high at that resolution.

Make sure you enable signatures in your options so you can see my sig. My specs are in my sig.

Chaintech VNF3-250 | Athlon 64 3000+ (Thermaltake POLO 735 HSF)
1GB Kingston HyperX DDR370 | MSI FX 5900XT @ 430/770
Maxtor 120GB 7200RPM SATA | Antec SONATA
Samsung 17" 172W Widescreen LCD
Another thing I read in another forum....
Doom3 is buggy at caching demo data, first run is alway choppy because it reads data from HD when entering new areas. 2nd run, everything is already cached in ram from the 1st run, so everything goes smooth.

Maybe I'll run that TR demo again, the 44 FPS I got was first run, prolly get 50 on the second run.
So I ran the TR Demo twice in a room, and gained 6 FPS the second time around since it was all cached. This time I got an even 50.0 FPS!

Bear in mind as well that I have Triliniear optimizations turned on it the Nvidia Control Panel. For the 5900XT it is really necessary for good performance.
PerfectCr said:
So I ran the TR Demo twice in a room, and gained 6 FPS the second time around since it was all cached. This time I got an even 50.0 FPS!

Bear in mind as well that I have Triliniear optimizations turned on it the Nvidia Control Panel. For the 5900XT it is really necessary for good performance.

Where is that "trilinier" option. I don't see it in my Nvidia 61.xx drivers. Even with advanced options enabled under performance.

Post a screenshot if you can.
caesardog said:
Where is that "trilinier" option. I don't see it in my Nvidia 61.xx drivers. Even with advanced options enabled under performance.

Post a screenshot if you can.
Sure :) Goto Advanced Settings and Performance and Quality Settings. Make sure you click the check box that says "Advanced Settings". If you have Coolbits 2 on there, remove it. The Anistropic Optimizations on or off does not make a difference for me, but turn Trilinear Optimization ON. Also make sure you're Image Quality Settings are set to HIGH in there, if it set to VERY HIGH, then these choices are GREYED OUT.
PerfectCr said:
Sure :) Goto Advanced Settings and Performance and Quality Settings. Make sure you click the check box that says "Advanced Settings". If you have Coolbits 2 on there, remove it. The Anistropic Optimizations on or off does not make a difference for me, but turn Trilinear Optimization ON. Also make sure you're Image Quality Settings are set to HIGH in there, if it set to VERY HIGH, then these choices are GREYED OUT.

My drivers are different -- I have mipmaps under the advanced settings with the option of either Off; bilinear or triliniear.

With trilinier, my performance in timedemo 1 actually dropped slightly.

I wonder if the option I'm seeing is the same thing.
These are the 61.77 Drivers NEW On Nvidias site. Get them. And yes, if you are running the same drivers then it should look the same. Like I said, if you Coolbits 2 (TWO) installed, it will alter the look of the drivers.

The option is NOT force mipmaps.
PerfectCr said:
These are the 61.77 Drivers NEW On Nvidias site. Get them. And yes, if you are running the same drivers then it should look the same. Like I said, if you Coolbits 2 (TWO) installed, it will alter the look of the drivers.

The option is NOT force mipmaps.

Yeah, I should have been running the 61.77. I just installed them (over my 61.22 drivers).

I saw a 50% improvement in 1024 x 768 (high quality): before 25.9; now 38.5 on timedemo demo1.

In 800 x 600 (high quality), I'm now at 50.1 on timedemo demo1.

I think Nvidia is doing some funny stuff with their drivers though. All of the above is on the default settings for the 61.77 Nvidia drivers. However, on the older drivers, there was no "high quality" on the performance tab. The default on the new drivers is "quality". If I put it on "high quality" performance drops to essentially what it was (maybe a little worse) on the older drivers default settings.

Note that default on the 61.77 is trilinear filtering "ON". With it set to "off" my performance dropped slightly, to 36.3 at 1024 x 768 (high quality).

Well I can definitely feel better running at 1024 x 768 (high quality) now. Since timedemo demo 1 is well into the 30s.
KevC said:
Seems like something fishy is going on here. I'd love to say that's true, but that kinda contrasts with everyone else in this thread.

Agreed -- unless he runs timedemo demo1 on those settings, it really is not a valid comparison. He's just looking at in-game framerates, which is very subjective at best.

A. you dont' stare at them all the time in the upper right corner.

B. it will depend on what you do, what you look at and where you are in the game, and what's going on around you.

He should post back after running timedemo demo 1 with those settings.
caesardog said:
Yeah, I should have been running the 61.77. I just installed them (over my 61.22 drivers).

I saw a 50% improvement in 1024 x 768 (high quality): before 25.9; now 38.5 on timedemo demo1.

In 800 x 600 (high quality), I'm now at 50.1 on timedemo demo1.

I think Nvidia is doing some funny stuff with their drivers though. All of the above is on the default settings for the 61.77 Nvidia drivers. However, on the older drivers, there was no "high quality" on the performance tab. The default on the new drivers is "quality". If I put it on "high quality" performance drops to essentially what it was (maybe a little worse) on the older drivers default settings.

Note that default on the 61.77 is trilinear filtering "ON". With it set to "off" my performance dropped slightly, to 36.3 at 1024 x 768 (high quality).

Well I can definitely feel better running at 1024 x 768 (high quality) now. Since timedemo demo 1 is well into the 30s.

You're exactly right. High Quality disables those optimizations. Quality ENABLES Trilinear optimizations, which as I said, is really esstential for the 5900XT.

As for the new settings, new drivers, new settings to play with. :)
Okay, I have the following:

AthlonXP Mobile @ 11 X 200 = 2.2GHz
1gb PC4000 DDR
Albatron NF2 Ultra
Aopen GFFX5900XT 128MB at stock 390/700
61.76 WHQL Forceware - default settings (no AA, AF)

I am playing Doom3 at 800x600, High Quality, but....I am retarded and do not know hot to start TimeDemo. Do you do this while playing and opening console? Let me know please and I can get you some numbers. As for feel, there are no hiccups at the aforementioned settings.

ma><1mu$ said:
Okay, I have the following:

AthlonXP Mobile @ 11 X 200 = 2.2GHz
1gb PC4000 DDR
Albatron NF2 Ultra
Aopen GFFX5900XT 128MB at stock 390/700
61.76 WHQL Forceware - default settings (no AA, AF)

I am playing Doom3 at 800x600, High Quality, but....I am retarded and do not know hot to start TimeDemo. Do you do this while playing and opening console? Let me know please and I can get you some numbers. As for feel, there are no hiccups at the aforementioned settings.


FYI links do not work in the signature.

As for how to run the timedemo...

I was running the TECHREPORT Timedemo, not the one that comes with the game.
See this thread -->
ma><1mu$ said:
Okay, I have the following:

AthlonXP Mobile @ 11 X 200 = 2.2GHz
1gb PC4000 DDR
Albatron NF2 Ultra
Aopen GFFX5900XT 128MB at stock 390/700
61.76 WHQL Forceware - default settings (no AA, AF)

I am playing Doom3 at 800x600, High Quality, but....I am retarded and do not know hot to start TimeDemo. Do you do this while playing and opening console? Let me know please and I can get you some numbers. As for feel, there are no hiccups at the aforementioned settings.


You want to run the timedemo that came with the game.

When at the main menu, pull down the console by holding down 3 keys together: Ctrl -- Alt -- ~ (next to the 1 key).

When you have the console down, type: timedemo demo1

Let it play through and it will report fps at the end.

Then run it one more time, if not twice.

Report the 3rd run

@800x600 High Quality: 40.5 FPS

@640x480 Medium Quality: 57.6 FPS

I play at the 800x600 High and it doesn't feel that laggy at all...pretty smooth actually. Of course I play at the easiest less mosters at one time.

ma><1mu$ said:

@800x600 High Quality: 40.5 FPS

@640x480 Medium Quality: 57.6 FPS

I play at the 800x600 High and it doesn't feel that laggy at all...pretty smooth actually. Of course I play at the easiest less mosters at one time.


Try a timedemo at 1024 x 768 (high quality) -- nvid drivers at default settings. What do you get?
And try overclocking that lil baby, despite what Carmack says. The XTs are meant to be pushed :)
No. :D I am getting 30 fps (1280 x 1024, high setting without AA) with my 9800 pro OC 380/360. P4 2.6c @ 2.99 GHz. 1 GB RAM.

Chaballaman said:
can 5900xt (o/ced) beat 9800pro in doom3?
ma><1mu$ said:

@ 1024x768 High Quality: 31.6 FPS



Sounds a little low -- unless its your CPU. I have an Intel P4 2.6 ghz CPU; 1 GB DDR Ram;, MSI 5900 XT (overclocked to 425/763).

I get 38.5 in timedemo 1 (1024 x 768) High Quality. Nvida drivers 61.77 at DEFAULT settings. Game settings at default of 8 x AF (no AA); vsynch off.

Note that the 61.77 drivers increased my FPS almost 50% from 61.22 drivers. You may want to go to 61.77 and try another time demo.
I am getting rougly the same 5900xt runs very smooth 1024 x 768 high quality 8x AA.... is AF better than AA. SOmeone please clarify yes i have read the articles. But i mean visually in doom 3? or performance wise. Please specify which one. Thanks
I may take some flak for this, but, visually, the better option is the one that looks better to you while still giving you what you deem to be acceptable performance.