Anyone use both inputs on their monitor?


Jul 20, 2006
I have a 2001FP here at work and I have the DVI connected to my box and then the VGA connected to a KVM switch. I often switch, several times a day between the two. Do you think I'm wearing the monitor out by doing this?

I'm wondering if I should invest in another 2001FP or if I should pick up a smaller 15-19" to go side by side.
i have a 2005fpw and i have both dvi and vga connected.

DVI -> MacBook
VGA -> PC (right now, only for TV viewing purposes)

but that´ll change when i get around to buy me a usb2 tv card :)

edit: just read your question now:

why should it tear out the monitor? i think that your switching behaviour should pose no problems, as the monitors were meant to deal with multiple inputs.

as for the second mon: ask yourself if you need the two machines display stuff at the same time. if not then switchin between thme i allright.
monitors are manufactured with multiple inputs for this purpose. It will be fine.
DVI to main PC, VGA to my P3 box when I can't fix it over ssh. Component inputs to my Gamecube, Composite to my N64. I <3 my monitor. :)
DVI to main gaming rig, VGA to server PC...quite simple and effective.

I <3 my Hyundai L90D+. :D
how does switch between the VGA or DVI port on the monitor...

I have a 20.1 Samsung 204B and 2 computers... now I use my old VGA KVM but want
to use DVI. (DVI KVMs seem to suck?)

I have one PC w/ VGA/DVI and 2nd PC w/ double DVI..

what do you guys suggest ?

I use the VGA on my VX2025WM whenever I have a second machine on the bench... no problems sofar.
L2335, DVI --> PC
L2335, Component --> Consoles

Kind of nice to be reading something on gamefaqs while running the console game in question in a window with PiP.