Anyone try the new ZoneAlarm 6.0.631?


Nov 22, 2004
The title pretty much says it. I just wanted some of your opinions on the new version, if you like it? I personally think it is a pain @$$ to deal with, and am going to go back to 5.5. Please no flaming on how ZoneAlarm is bad (well except maybe vrsion 6 :p ).

The reason I hate this version is it is way too "locked down" in terms of internet interaction with your computer (as well as programs communicating with other programs). Every little subapp tripps ZA in version 6 (it doesnt do this in 5).

Anyway, opinions?
This is ZA's way to branch out into the virus scanner and browser security business. They have taken the old pro version, and stripped it to what amounts to the freeware version, which I wouldn't be surprised if they stop providing. Anyway, the new version has few, if any, of the popup, cookie control, etc. features of the old ZA Pro. A separate program will provide those features for an additional price. Everybody's getting greedy now. It doesn't matter to me because my subscription just ran out, and I uninstalled ZA. It was getting buggy anyway, so I installed the old freeware version of Kerio, 2.1.5.

I believe that 6.0.631 is an interim version to make do until the new split programs hit the market very soon.
This version causes my computer to constantly lock up. I DO have the pro version (good for a few more months or so). Its a shame to see this software degrade like this. I really hate when companies issue software just to fill in time gaps..... reminds me of the Windows ME days :eek:
Yeah, I had issues with it, too. It wouldn't let me log in here for a couple of days, and there is a thread about it up at Forum Help & Feedback. That's when I decided to let the subscription lapse. The old Kerio version is way easier on resources anyway. It has one very minor packet issue that would get only the most anal user worked up, but it still is a great firewall. I can live with it. Besides, I think I'll Google around for the fix- now that I think about it. ;)

Update: I Googled. The issue isn't worth worrying about, so try Kerio 2.1.5, and see if that works for you.
Heh looks like I am going to go with the flow on this one and take Keiro for a spin :)
I'm not liking 4.1.3 much. If one could get 2.1.5 and add the little features 4.1.3 had, it would be my perfect fw.