Anyone remember


Will Bang for Poof
Aug 7, 2006
I know, I know...everyone remembers (or should imo)... my question is...

Where does everyone go for release dates, ect... now?
steam is not killing pc gaming at all period. Actually steam resurrected pc gaming.
Wikipedia or VGreleases
It's often full of lies and mistakes, but that's the nature of the beast on a community-driven website.
steam is not killing pc gaming at all period. Actually steam resurrected pc gaming.

I haven't bought a PC game is years, and starting again recently the first game i bought was on steam because it was on sale. I'd have to agree with the above statement, even though the prior comment was meant sarcastically (i think).
Nothing but love for Steam here! They have done more for PC gamers than most other companies combined!
I can't imagine anything that needs to be known about PC games, or PC gaming, that you couldn't find out here, or ask here and get an answer to.

I mean, who is more in the know about anything to be known than this group? And if we don't know, someone here knows someone who does!
Ohhh, I thought toilet paper ceased to exist once the iPad came out. It's so expensive to wipe my ass now...
That's your fault for getting the paid app.

No, it's his fault for switching to the widescreen toilet paper squares instead of hanging onto the 4:3 squares. 16:9 TP just doesn't let you get as much work done, because of the less vertical height.
PC Gaming lives on. To hell with Steam....I want my discs. Maybe I am too nostalgic....
PC Gaming lives on. To hell with Steam....I want my discs. Maybe I am too nostalgic....

Same here. However I do use steam when I'm forced to or when it has a sale I can't pass up. Steam just doesn't look good sitting on my shelves as my game boxes. ;)

Also I didn't know PC gaming died (steam resurrecting comment) I haven't had any down time since I started seriously PC gaming in the 90s. The only problem with PC gaming was the crime of developers crow-baring PC genres onto consoles first then giving us leftovers. However with consoles getting long in the tooth we are/will see PC come back to the front line. Microsoft needs ideas to steal from for it's next console.

OT, anyone ever know what became of the owner of gonegold. Didn't he have health issue or something? After all this time I still miss that site.........ok, ya it was health issues.
I know, I know...everyone remembers (or should imo)... my question is...

Where does everyone go for release dates, ect... now?

Yeah I remember that site. A guy used to run it . I used to check it out almost daily around the late 90s and early 2000's.

great time in gaming as is now.
Where do I go for release info - VGReleases, IGN (yeah, yeah, I know...) and GameSpot

Gamegold had a pretty sad ending. I can't remember what exactly, but the main contributor had a disability of some sort (was a former police officer IIRC?) and eventually had to shut the site down. I used to follow the site regularly back when PC gaming was big and I had more time for games.