Anyone play Anarchy Online?


Jan 6, 2003
Given that the base game is free of charge + free to play, thought I'd give it a shot. Any [H]'ers play regularly?
Oh yeah. I play all the time. Don't really have a main character, though, just a lot of low level alts.
i played till like lvl 56 , there are 200 levels plus 10 shadow level with the expansion. It was fun and i could see some people really liking it but then i bought WoW and never looked back. Its very fun and free so its worth a shot.
shiffero said:
i played till like lvl 56 , there are 200 levels plus 10 shadow level with the expansion. It was fun and i could see some people really liking it but then i bought WoW and never looked back. Its very fun and free so its worth a shot.

There's 20 extra levels with the expansion. Each of which counts as 5 regular levels.
thx for the idea, im dling it now.. WOW has gotten boring as hell and have cancelled my sub.. ahh I can save 15bux/mo again
Played for about a half hour. It's pretty amazing how far MMO interfaces have come in just the last 3-4 years or so. Compared to WoW, GW, or even SW:G, it feels very ... kludgey. Performance is a bit spotty as well -- XP 2800, 1 gig ram, x800xt and I'm getting some stuttering at 1280x960 4xAA 12xAF =\

I'll play more later and give it a chance.
i used to play and i have the game still, if it is free to play i would be happy to play the game again, i enjoyed it a good bit, i just never had anyone to play with
ok i at least gave it a shot.. omfg the graphics are horrible, i feel like im playing something from 1995, including the bad animation and texture resolution, low poly models, etc, etc. and yes, the gui/hud are shitty as well.. now i can see why its free, lol they are desperate to get people to pay for this old thing.. oh well..
i've been playing AO off and on since 2001
its been the best MMO to compared to the others i have played.

Was on a 2 year break from AO last month.

Currently level 201 Atrox Fixer on RK1 - Xzeep