anyone know where this window went?

oOo sam lee oOo

Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2004
just yesterday, frozencpu had a window, with an 80mm fan mount, and you had to rivet it to your its gone...anyone know why? and where i can get it now?
you could always just go pick up some polycarbonate, a holesaw and DIY.
i was thinkin about doin it, but im 14...= no job = no money except lunch money :(

unless theres a place that cells that stuff for a cheap price..
home depot or lowes might have some, im not sure as ive never actually looked for it. they might have something similar as well, perhaps regular plexiglass. it shouldnt cost too much.

im guessing you already have a dremel/saw of some sort if you are doing the window mod, so you probably dont have to buy a holesaw in that case.
That rubber molding does suck ass. I have still yet to get my window in grrrrrrrrrrrr!
dude im in the same boat as you(14 and no job) however if you go to ace hardware or a store like that a peice of polycarbonate is dirt cheap. just suck up to your schools metalshop teacher so you have acsess to the tools you need :D
dood your 14 you shouldnt have a problem asking a shop teacher at your school if u can borrow a 73mm hole saw (fits an 80mm fan perfectly). just take a fan after u make the hole, center it on the hole and with a sharpee or something mark where the holes are for the screws, its easy to make a template or just slice a fan in half and use that to get ur measurements perfect :D good luck to ya man :D
o yah if u dont wanna use the rubber molding, pick up some of that foam tape that 3m makes, it works great just put it on the inside of ur case after you sand and file the edges of your cut. or just drill holes and rivit it, i learned the hard way not to use screws, they worm out and make it hard to mount it correctly without it looking like crap :D
or you can use some sort of clear drying glue around the edges on the inside of the case if you prefer not drilling evenly spaced holes here and there for rivets, etc....

on my panel the window is held on by little plastic push-in screws(?) i guess you can call them that....

such a PIA to take off though.
clear drying glue wouldnt hold it, keep in mind your trying to adhere a piece of acrylic to aluminum or steal... well a metal.... its pretty unlikly that it will hold or even cure to it.
Being 14 and/or having no job is no excuse for forgetting your modding obligations :D. Try and get any job you can. (Im a gardener who works for 1-2 hours a month, at this season) I too am also 14. You could use epoxy to hold the window onto your case.
Epoxy is what I'd recommend to attach the window. Better than double sided tape or ugly rivets and screws, by far.
XeRo_Dark said:
clear drying glue wouldnt hold it, keep in mind your trying to adhere a piece of acrylic to aluminum or steal... well a metal.... its pretty unlikly that it will hold or even cure to it.

i meant adhesive. like as stated above. stuff holds glass in place so some lightweight plexi shouldnt be a problem.
Another vote for silicon glue to hold a window on. It works great and you can pry the window off at a later point if you ever need to.
What do you guys suggest as a cutting tool for plexi/poly ?

And if the answer is a good old dremel, what attachment/disks do you reccomend?