Anyone know of a nice site/thread which lists exact settings for their O/C i7 920's?


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2009
looking to overclock my i7 920 D0. I have seen a lot of threads ABOUT overclocking it, just wondering if anyone has a good thread specifically for stable settings? I know each chip is different which is why I'm looking for a good place to start.

I appreciate any replies
Since like you said all chips are different, there is no good place someone can tell you where to start specifically. Also, don't overclock on stock Intel cooler. It's barely adequate for stock speeds.

With that said:

1) vvt and vdimm help uncore and dimm stablility
2) vcore will effect core overclock stability

Grab memtest and loop it to see what volts are needed for rated memory clocks.
Start running prime, linx, super pi, etc to find stability

1.35v for vvt and vcore are Intel spec max fwiw. Keep vdimm and vvt within .5v of each other to keep cpu safe.

I prefer to bump vvt and vore a notch or two after you found minimal stability to ensure no problems that are missed. From what I understand, ioh usually doesn't need messing with core cpu overclocking. It may help with Vantage numbers to show what is needed to stable video with said overclock but I'm not sure yet.
looking to overclock my i7 920 D0. I have seen a lot of threads ABOUT overclocking it, just wondering if anyone has a good thread specifically for stable settings? I know each chip is different which is why I'm looking for a good place to start.

I appreciate any replies

All I did was watch Kyles [H] video thing on overclocking.

I raised the BLCK to 200, voltage to 1.25 and turn off turbo :)

Easy as that
If you search on XS under the intel section they have some serious stuff over there