Anyone know how to properly set up Snap Raid sync / scan / repair?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 11, 2003
Title pretty much says it all. Ive been running SnapRaid for a while but I havent ever properly set up the scanning and repairing portion of it. At this point, I pretty much use it in case of a drive failure and nothing else.

Ive read through plenty of tutorials when I first set it up but I never really sat down and figured out what settings would put the least amount of wear on my hard drives while also protecting against data corruption and such.
On linux I have a script that automatically runs a sync and a scrub if no files were deleted.

It's basically this script:

I have it scheduled to run every saturday night at ~4:00AM

Outside of that I somewhat randomly log on and do a

snapraid diff

then briefly look at the list

snapraid sync

and if there is time / know the tuners are not going to be very active I do a
snapraid scrub

I just did a sync 20 minutes ago..

My status looks like this

snapraid status
Self test...
Loading state from /mnt/mythtv/zfs_5t1/content...
Using 1155 MiB of memory for the file-system.
SnapRAID status report:

   Files Fragmented Excess  Wasted  Used    Free  Use Name
            Files  Fragments  GB      GB      GB
    1558     326    1017       -    2771     255  91% d1
    2881     473    1353       -    4160     256  94% d2
    1632     278     486       -    3074     766  80% d3
     839     128     653       -    1760     221  88% d4
    1398     206     826       -    2756    1128  70% d5
    1810     217     400       -    3029     254  92% d6
   10118    1628    4735     0.0   17552    2883  85%

 26%|                                                      o
    |                                                      *
    |                                                      *
    |                                                      *
    |  o                                                   *
    |  *                                                   *
    |  *                                                   *
 13%|  *                                                   *
    |  *                                                   *      o
    |  *                                                   *      o
    |  *o                                         o        *      o
    |  **                                         *        *      *
    |  **                                    o    *        *      *       o
    |* **                                    o   o*        *      *   o   o
   171                    days ago of the last scrub/sync                 0

The oldest block was scrubbed 171 days ago, the median 60, the newest 0.

No sync is in progress.
The 31% of the array is not scrubbed.
No file has a zero sub-second timestamp.
No rehash is in progress or needed.
No error detected.