Anyone here make Ogg files with EAC?


[H]ardForum Junkie
Sep 30, 2001
I can't get it to work. How do you have yours configured?
What exactly isn't working?
I was using EAC/ogg for the longest time before moving to FLAC and I never had a problem.
here is a link to a profile I created a few months ago with ogg. Of course, you'll have to change it to suit your needs, but the command line options should be ok..
Thanks for the file. I've been using CDex for Ogg, but I thought I would give EAC a try.
I think the link above is where I get the info to make my profile from. Good stuff there.
Your profile is working here, although I did need to uninstall EAC and clean the registry of all traces. I was on the right track as it turned out, but something about the initial install was screwed up in some way. Anyway, it works now. I was able to up the maximum threads from two to four, thanks to dual processors, so the speed in secure mode isn't too bad. ( I think the rig will handle six, so I'll try that next.) It is amazing to me that we have similar preferences as to what constitutes an acceptable bitrate for ripping, etc. :)