Anyone have the new Asus Eee PC 1000HE


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2002
I am really thinking about getting one, does anyone here at the [H] have one?

was looking at the 900 line but then saw this, better specs at only 70$ or so more. The only thing i hate is its all glossy....why would they do that when the 900 was so popular with its finish
i dont think they are out. i am gonna jump on it as soon as they release

Edit: I dunno, Amazon claims they have them in stock, but ships in 2-3 weeks. They are also $25 cheaper than the Egg
Some people have received them, but it is mostly preorders right now
ok, what do you guys think about the following?

1) Keep the 160gb hdd, just remove the 2x80gb partition and just use it as a single 160gb partition?
2) Buy this SSD and replace it in the computer?
3) I have read some comments on the Egg about the different PCIe harddrives being either sata or pata, such as the comments for this drive here, which has read 90mb/s and write 55mb/s. Anybody know the difference in the drives and whether the 1000HE is sata or pata?

Two things to keep in mind:
A) Battery life. Will the hybrid hdd or ssd have better battery life?
B) Performance. The ssd only has 40mb/s read and 15mb/s write. Anybody know what the hybrid hdd performance is?
the 1000HE has a normal bog standard laptop sata interface... you'd have trouble with the pci-e ssd you pointed at. i had a 900 and a 900a, with the bog slow mlc and the slc disks...
the 160 that comes with the 1000HE absolutely SMOKES either of those ssd disks.
the 1000HE has a normal bog standard laptop sata interface... you'd have trouble with the pci-e ssd you pointed at. i had a 900 and a 900a, with the bog slow mlc and the slc disks...
the 160 that comes with the 1000HE absolutely SMOKES either of those ssd disks.

which ssd are you referring to? i pointed to 2 different ones. The first one i linked to is made directly for the EeePC and the 2nd one is faster.

Also, the Egg just got them in stock and mine will be here on Wednesday, I am quite excited. I went ahead and ordered a 2gb stick of RAM and a 16gb SDHC card, but per your advice I didnt order an SSD
I'm in for one...I don't even own a laptop but I want something to write with. Added 2 gigs Crucial, an 8gig flash drive and a bluetooth mouse. Now I just need a cooler case. It should all be here March 4.

This netbook makes me better than other people who do not have one.
I've had the 1000HE on order with BeachCamera for about 2 weeks. They're due to ship around 3-14-09.

One of the primary reasons for choosing the 1000HE over other brands and other Asus models is the battery life, which is rated around 7 hours under normal use, 9 hours under power saving mode.
whats the diff between the HE and the HA?

Basically you get the newer Atom processor, Bluetooth, larger density battery, and 802.11 n capability. The battery life is about the only reason to upgrade. If I had seen that it was out 2 days earlier before I ordered mine, I would have gotten it. No biggie since I love my 1000HA.

Also for anyone with an Eee PC or any netbook for that matter, I highly recommend the link below. I'm about halfway through it for my 1000HA Eee PC and I've gotten some really useful apps and utilities on it. BTW, with my screen at +3 brightness, wireless lan ON I get about 5 hours of battery life. Lan OFF I get about 6.

Another good link for Eee owners:

Basically you get the newer Atom processor, Bluetooth, larger density battery, and 802.11 n capability. The battery life is about the only reason to upgrade. If I had seen that it was out 2 days earlier before I ordered mine, I would have gotten it. No biggie since I love my 1000HA.

Also for anyone with an Eee PC or any netbook for that matter, I highly recommend the link below. I'm about halfway through it for my 1000HA Eee PC and I've gotten some really useful apps and utilities on it. BTW, with my screen at +3 brightness, wireless lan ON I get about 5 hours of battery life. Lan OFF I get about 6.

Another good link for Eee owners:

I had a 1000HA and its battery life was 7 hours...whats the HE? Link shows 9.5 hours... so you gain a couple hours battery life..

How about processor performance? Whats the new Atom's specs? Dual Core coming?:)
the only changes to the CPU are that the bus is increased from 133 to 166mhz, and the core from 1.6 to 1.66 ghz. The N270 ran the GPU at 133mhz, so it might also be bumped up to 166, but I haven't seen that anywhere official or seen benchmarks to prove it.
I've had mine for almost a week... :)

I like it, mainly got it for the keyboard (which I hit.. 100+ wpm on some typing tests on) and the long battery life. Which I haven't fully tested, 9 hours is really with everything off and brightness turned down, and CPU clocked down I believe... threw in a 2GB stick I had laying around and it's running great.

One annoying part is the 2 x 80GB partitions, but I'm just going to re-install windoze most likely... get rid of any traces of the bloatware that it comes with, then use the DVD to reinstall drivers/whatever software I did want.

Either way, for $365 it's a good deal, I'm sure faster/better ones will come out within 6-9 months, but it's good enough for now.
I'm in for one...I don't even own a laptop but I want something to write with. Added 2 gigs Crucial, an 8gig flash drive and a bluetooth mouse. Now I just need a cooler case. It should all be here March 4.

This netbook makes me better than other people who do not have one.

Which mouse did you get and from where? I have been browsing the Egg for a BT mouse and I haven't found any that are really that great. I am looking for one with back/forward buttons.
After messing with my 1000HE for a day I have decided that the wireless card kinda sucks, the 802.11N only runs at 2.4ghz and not the 5ghz of the N standard. I had a few problems connecting with my home network, the netbook does not like the wep2 enterprise settings on my WRT110 router, standard wep2 works fine tho.

Before I even fired up the netbook I replaced the 1gb ram stick with a 2gb ram stick so I am not really sure on a difference but I would assume it helped.

I used CCleaner to gut the pre-installed apps off of the netbook which resulted in dropping about 500mb off of the install size.

I have no problems with the two 80gb partitions, it just makes it easier to setup a dual boot for win7 which I will work on tonight.

I decided to see how the netbook played games, I was able to install the Orangebox set and get HL2:EP2 to run just fine in 800x600 reso, Portal did not run very well and crashed every time I looked at a portal, I guess the havok calcs are a bit to intensive for the 1.66ghz atom.

I couldn't find a good BT mouse so I went with the Logitech VX Nano mouse, the "micro" dongle is so small it is actually hard to remove, I will just leave the thing in the netbook for the foreseeable future.

As for battery life, the netbook ran for about 7 hours on max performance mode with about 2 hours of HL2 gaming, about 3 hours of bandwidth maxing file transfer/downloads, and a nearly 2 hour long defrag.
After messing with my 1000HE for a day I have decided that the wireless card kinda sucks, the 802.11N only runs at 2.4ghz and not the 5ghz of the N standard. I had a few problems connecting with my home network, the netbook does not like the wep2 enterprise settings on my WRT110 router, standard wep2 works fine tho.

I looked through the settings in my router and i wasn't able to find a setting to set either 2.4ghz or 5 ghz. Will i have issues with this?

I have no problems with the two 80gb partitions, it just makes it easier to setup a dual boot for win7 which I will work on tonight.

Post your results and experiences with this, i am thinking about doing the same when mine gets delivered tomorrow.
As for battery life, the netbook ran for about 7 hours on max performance mode with about 2 hours of HL2 gaming, about 3 hours of bandwidth maxing file transfer/downloads, and a nearly 2 hour long defrag.

That is pretty remarkable! I remember last year when I bought my eeePC 900 how impressed I was by the 3.5 hour battery life w/ 50% brightness and WAN turned off :p The great thing about how cheap these little netbooks are is that I'll be able to buy a new one pretty soon and still have spent way less than I would have on a notebook. With the ION coming soon, the future is looking bright
Man, this thing is awesome...I'm typing this post right now on it.

Cool thing is, I'm using my iPhone for the internet connection using PDAnet adapted to the iphone....the 3g speed is pretty damn good, I downloaded a 1.8 mb file from Adobe flash server at like 60 kb/s. Considering I can remember the days of dialup and 4 kb/s being fast that is pretty incredible that I can have *free* internet wherever I go. I say free because technically it's not free, I pay for the internet...
Man, this thing is awesome...I'm typing this post right now on it.

Cool thing is, I'm using my iPhone for the internet connection using PDAnet adapted to the iphone....the 3g speed is pretty damn good, I downloaded a 1.8 mb file from Adobe flash server at like 60 kb/s. Considering I can remember the days of dialup and 4 kb/s being fast that is pretty incredible that I can have *free* internet wherever I go. I say free because technically it's not free, I pay for the internet...

How does that Work?, i was thinking about doing that exact same thing if i get the 1000HE
I don't know with the Iphone, but I got it setup to connect with Bluetooth with my env2... illegally tethering to Verizon's network... I think on speedtests I was getting .5 mb down or close to it... pings were in the 200's but it was fine for quick email/browsing if I really need it... But I don't plan to use it too often...
Man, this thing is awesome...I'm typing this post right now on it.

Cool thing is, I'm using my iPhone for the internet connection using PDAnet adapted to the iphone....the 3g speed is pretty damn good, I downloaded a 1.8 mb file from Adobe flash server at like 60 kb/s. Considering I can remember the days of dialup and 4 kb/s being fast that is pretty incredible that I can have *free* internet wherever I go. I say free because technically it's not free, I pay for the internet...

I know most people will understand what you meant..but

b = bit
B = byte
How does that Work?, i was thinking about doing that exact same thing if i get the 1000HE

Actually real simple except for the jailbreaking of your phone, which is itself is simple once you get over the whole fear factor. Once you JB it, you download the app on Cydia and it sends a link to your phone and walks you through making a 'wifi' connection on your computer...
I looked through the settings in my router and i wasn't able to find a setting to set either 2.4ghz or 5 ghz. Will i have issues with this?

Post your results and experiences with this, i am thinking about doing the same when mine gets delivered tomorrow.

The wifi card is a b/g/n card so if your router will only do 5ghz in N then it will jump to b/g for connection.

I am having some problems with vLite and w7 atm, I was trying to gut the extra stuff such as drivers out of w7 and add the the EEE's drivers to the install "disc" but it keeps resulting in a bsod on install.
I think I will just hold off on W7 until the 7048 or whatever RC comes up in the next few days.
I am having some problems with vLite and w7 atm, I was trying to gut the extra stuff such as drivers out of w7 and add the the EEE's drivers to the install "disc" but it keeps resulting in a bsod on install.
I think I will just hold off on W7 until the 7048 or whatever RC comes up in the next few days.

hmm, thats not good to hear. i just got mine today and i am playing around with it right now. i was planning on putting w7 on it this weekend, but do you think that it would be better to hold off for now?
i dont have an external disc drive, how would i go about installing w7 on the 2nd partition without one? does anybody know a way that i can take the iso for w7 and make a bootable flash drive out of it?
No, first thing it says is requires intel-VT, the atom does not support hardware assisted virtualization.

[EDIT] I take that back, it says that on the first link, but the second link with sys reqs, says hyperspace dual supports the atom, so nvm.
[EDIT] I take that back, it says that on the first link, but the second link with sys reqs, says hyperspace dual supports the atom, so nvm.

Right, so do you think the graphics chipset will support the dual? As far as I can tell, thats the only thing that would prevent it from working on the 1000HE
here's a nice little update: i was able to dual boot xp and win7 pretty easily. win7 runs EXTREMELY well on the 1000HE. i would say its a toss-up as to whether xp or win7 run better on this system.

i ended up creating a bootable flash drive from my 8gb microcenter drive and ripping the iso to it. win7 installed in a total of about 6 minutes. the only problem i have experienced so far is trying to install avgj free, even though it is supports win7. i dont know if it is an issue with the fact that i also have it installed on the xp partition. i am currently troubleshooting that...

if you havent played with win7, do so. it had installed every driver, and even has bluetooth support straight out of the install, which i thought was very impressive. if you are kicking around the idea of installing it on your eeepc, well you have a free partition and might as well use it :)

let me know if anyone needs the article i followed to load win7 to the flash drive (it requires vista though, didnt work in xp)

EDIT: AVG just installed correctly, just uninstalled and reinstalled and now it is running fine.
What build of W7 did you install?

build 7000, why?

when i got my beta key, i only downloaded the 64-bit iso from microsoft for my desktop computer, so i had to torrent the 32-bit iso a couple days ago and thats which build i guess i got.
build 7000, why?

when i got my beta key, i only downloaded the 64-bit iso from microsoft for my desktop computer, so i had to torrent the 32-bit iso a couple days ago and thats which build i guess i got.

the Aton cpu is 32 bit?