Anyone have SERO + Touch Pro 2?


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008
I've been reading that the Touch Pro 2 is the best smart phone you can get on the SERO classic plan ($30/month). I will not be updating or changing my plan, so that is not an option.

Does anyone have a Touch Pro 2 with SERO? What are your experiences with getting it activated, and what type of data/web services can you use with the basic plan? I wouldn't mind talking about this through PM's btw.
For $15 more a month, you can get any phone you want including smartphones...

If you're not willing to spend $45 a month on a phone, good luck with the Touch Pro 2.
For $15 more a month, you can get any phone you want including smartphones...

If you're not willing to spend $45 a month on a phone, good luck with the Touch Pro 2.
Not really sure what help your post has provided other than a quick jab on someone you don't know. Maybe some of us out there realize $15 here, $15 there, at the end of the month you've saved hundreds.
I had the TP2 on a SERO plan... compared to the HTC Diamond I had before that, and the HTC Mogul I had prior to the diamond, it was the best of the two.... BUT..... it's vastly inferior and outclassed by any of the phones i've had recently. I don't have a SERO plan anymore and have since cycled through an iPhone 4 on AT&T, and now have an Evo 3D. I sold the TP2 to calebb's brother who took it to Rome (it's a world-band phone which is cool).

I'm really not sure what you're looking for though- you can browse websites, listen to podcasts and do quite a bit with the TP2, but it's not quite as functional or as fast as you're going to find on a multi-touch capable device. I only ever used 3G data since tuning on/off wifi on WM 6.5 sucked, and if I accidently left it on, it would tank the battery rather quickly (much like the 4G radio does on my current phone)... I averaged about 2GB/mo. For casual/impulse use (ie: price check while at the store) the TP2 over 3G was too slow to make it a quick process. I agree $30 is a killer monthly price, but your experience with a three year old smart phone will pale in comparison to what a present-day smart phone can do. My clearest memories of WM6.5 consist of constantly looking for the 'best' (least crappy) ROM along with constantly wanting to throw the device at the wall...this was true for the Diamond and the Mogul...the only WM device I had that performed well was my iPaq 3600...
Not really sure what help your post has provided other than a quick jab on someone you don't know. Maybe some of us out there realize $15 here, $15 there, at the end of the month you've saved hundreds.
Quite frankly cause anyone else would love a $45 plan for true unlimited data, text, and 1000 minutes (with free mobile to mobile all carriers) on their iPhone 4S or an Epic Touch with 3.9G Wimax. Trust me, you don't need any help.
Quite frankly cause anyone else would love a $45 plan for true unlimited data, text, and 1000 minutes (with free mobile to mobile all carriers) on their iPhone 4S or an Epic Touch with 3.9G Wimax. Trust me, you don't need any help.

$45? I thought it was $10 for the SERO upgrade +$10 for "premium" data.... making it a $50 plan... which you can get really close to with all the various discounts available out there.
I had the TP2 on a SERO plan... compared to the HTC Diamond I had before that, and the HTC Mogul I had prior to the diamond, it was the best of the two.... BUT..... it's vastly inferior and outclassed by any of the phones i've had recently. I don't have a SERO plan anymore and have since cycled through an iPhone 4 on AT&T, and now have an Evo 3D. I sold the TP2 to calebb's brother who took it to Rome (it's a world-band phone which is cool).

I'm really not sure what you're looking for though- you can browse websites, listen to podcasts and do quite a bit with the TP2, but it's not quite as functional or as fast as you're going to find on a multi-touch capable device. I only ever used 3G data since tuning on/off wifi on WM 6.5 sucked, and if I accidently left it on, it would tank the battery rather quickly (much like the 4G radio does on my current phone)... I averaged about 2GB/mo. For casual/impulse use (ie: price check while at the store) the TP2 over 3G was too slow to make it a quick process. I agree $30 is a killer monthly price, but your experience with a three year old smart phone will pale in comparison to what a present-day smart phone can do. My clearest memories of WM6.5 consist of constantly looking for the 'best' (least crappy) ROM along with constantly wanting to throw the device at the wall...this was true for the Diamond and the Mogul...the only WM device I had that performed well was my iPaq 3600...
I'm not looking to change my plan until Sprint forcefully shuts it down. I don't care about having a new phone/features, just something easier to text on than a flip phone and maybe a little web browsing in a pinch. If I can't have that than I will stick with a flip phone.

Quite frankly cause anyone else would love a $45 plan for true unlimited data, text, and 1000 minutes (with free mobile to mobile all carriers) on their iPhone 4S or an Epic Touch with 3.9G Wimax. Trust me, you don't need any help.
You're assuming that I want all that crap. I just want to make phone calls. I spend very little time in my phone. I just want something nicer than a flip phone since it's dying and I have to buy a new one. Why don't you find someone else to troll.
I had the TP2 on a SERO classic plan ($30/month
some of them at sprint will tell you that you will have to upgrade the plan.
it will work on the old plan.
I would say its great! Go for it. It's the best and likely last smartphone on SERO. It certainly has it's downsides, mainly size, resistive screen, and WM. But even considering those I still think it's a good option. If I was on SERO that's the phone I would have. You aren't going to beat $30 a line unless you go with a family plan with several lines. Pick up the TP2, ride out another two year contract, and see where things stand then.
Good luck getting a new phone activated without swiching to a new SERO Premium plan. I was under the impression that all new activation done by a SERO customer now require a switch to SERO Premium.
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Good luck getting a new phone activated without swiching to a new SERO Premium plan. I was under the impression that all new activation done by a SERO customer now require a switch to SERO Premium.

Sero premium isn't that great of a deal either- It's still Sprint, any employee discount you may have doesn't apply to the $10 "premium (slow) data" fee or the $10 of additional fees they add on, but if you're looking for cheap service, there are better options out there- TMo prepaid, StraightTalk, etc.

The best deal for 'bigdogchris' is TMo prepaid since he "just want to make phone calls." $100 will buy 1000mins good for an entire year. $10 will renew any remaining minutes for an additional year. Best deal out there for grandmas and bigdogchris.