Anyone have recommendations for virtual desktop managers in Windows XP?


Jan 1, 2006
I have a dual monitor setup (24" ws and 20" non-wide; 3520x1200 combined resolution). Problem is, thats still not enough screen realestate for me. :D

I'm interested in some decent (preferably free) virtual desktop software. Microsoft's PowerToy is very poorly implemented and isn't worth the time of day. I've tried Virtual Dimension, but I have one big grievance with it: Mouse warping and multiple monitors is buggy. The edge connecting the two monitors will also cause the desktop to switch.

Anyone happen to know of any other alternatives that may fit my needs better?
Another LCD? :p

I've never seen a virtual desktop solution for Windows that matches the ease of use of such utilities in the *nix world, soooo... and yeah I know that Powertoy is basically "Bleh..." for most people. A poor attempt at it, they could have done it much better I think.
I'd love another LCD. . . or two. . . oh hell, I could go for 3 or 4! Just not in my budget at the moment unfortunately :p

I'm half tempted to get around to setting up Slack or *buntu on this machine, but it seems to be overkill for my relatively minor programming needs (not to mention booting back into Windows to play games all the time would be a PITA). Perhaps Vista will see better support for virtual desktops in some manner. . .