Anyone have a Diamond HD5850?


Oct 24, 2007
Hello, I just ordered my Diamond 5850 off tigerdirect, which seems to still have some in stock.. though they come at $289.99. Anyways, anyone had any experience with this specific brand? I wanted to know what kind of OC's people have been getting with them, and so forth. Thanks!

P.S. I was willing to pay that much as an act of desperation, I'm upgrading from my ancient 8800gtx! Solid card that served me well for years :). I sold it though, so my setup is videocard-less at the moment. Hopefully it ships tonight.
Thanks for the reply. Now I have a question not only about the Diamond, but 5850s in )general. I have seen at least 2 reviews (one being FiringSquad and the other I don't recall..) Showing that a 5850 OC'ed to just 850-870 core will match and even surpass a 5870 at stock, then I go on forums and see people stating that "the 5850 will never surpass it's big brother", though they never back their claims.

So I guess my question is, if I can get my 5850 past that 850 mark, will it really be almost like having a 5870? According to the reviews it will, but no one will confirm it.
I don't see any reason for the HD5850 to be shot down for any reason.
It is a little pricey but it really offers a substantial amount of power from a single GPU.
Everything I have read puts the HD5870 about head and shoulders above it.

I'd like to have a HD5870 but it's a little out of my budget. If you can afford HD5870 I say go for it.
Okay, that's actually my question because people usually say the 5870 is head and shoulders over the 5850, but then I see these OC benches:

...and more from the overcockersclub review.

My 5850 is on the way, but my question remains, why do people deny the 5850's OC power and it's ability to match the 5870?
I'm not saying the HD5850 is a poor over clocker. I posted a link to a very nice OC result that I attained with the HD5850.

Going by benchmarks alone the HD5870 can beat the HD5850 by a decent margin on every benchmark that I have seen. This is 1 of the reasons that I know it is good. The other reason that i know that the HD5870 is better because it has more stream processors which will help during high quality 3d video gaming at any compared frequency. It's just a better card.

Here is some data on performance for just about every video card you can think of. You will see that the HD5870 is better than a HD5850.

For enthusiast who have the money they will not hesitate to buy the better video card.
HD5870 is better.
Right, but unless I am mistaken, those numbers compare the 2 cards at Stock speeds, not an OC'ed 5850 vs. a Stock 5870. So my question remains. BTW TY for responding.
Yes an over clocked HD5850 is comparable to a non overclocked HD5870.

However when the HD5870 is over clocked it will leave the HD5850 in the dust.
This is strictly comparing the performance potential of each card.
Just wondering if any other owners of the Diamond card are around. There are STILL no reviews of the card on the net, which is amazing to me!
At this point in time it doesn't really which name brand card you bought because the are all based on the same reference design. They also all come off the same production line from a handful of OEMs. One such OEM is Sapphire's parent company which I cannot remember (it's been 6 years since I came across it).

The only real difference at this point in time is price, warranty, and any bundled games or software. Currently, Asus stands outs because they include software that allows you to tweak voltages.

Typically around 8 weeks after a video card is introduced (assuming there is enough supply) companies will come out with non-reference designed / OC'ed cards.