Anyone go commando on their monitors?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
I striped my monitor out of its plastic shell and now it just sits on bare metal. It works great, infact I even put a small fan on the back to cool it down. Yes thats right, I'm air cooling my LCD panel.

Its not worth too much, its not a widescreen, but a Viewsonic 21'' square monitor. I have dualies and it reduces the gap between the two monitors, and the frame is so thin!

I know its risky, bu t it has no warranty anyways. Its a great seconadary monitor and I want to do it to my primary widescreen Samsung, but its worth too much at the moment.

Anyone else take the panel out of the plastic frame?
The plastic surround helps prevent any spillage hitting live electronics, it prevents you (or friends/family/cats) from receiving a shock and protects the monitor from excess damage/fire should it fall over or to the floor.
Fair enough if the monitor is of no value and the above risks are of little concern to you but a mention of the risks needs to be made as there are young and impressionable folk on these forums that may have little regard for how much their family or their home is worth.

I wont be stripping any of my monitors bare but party on dude!
Oh! a Viewsonic 21" bare? Can you say "capacitance"? (Just don't allow ANYONE to touch the tube!!)
I'm putting electrical tape over the areas where the light leaks out from the tube. I try to handle it from the edges where I put tape on. As far as the steel frame, no it hasn't shocked me yet :p The monitor is mounted an a monitor swing arm thats clamped to my desk, I try not to move the monitor as much as possible. For the most part there are no kids or animals around that would mess with it.


Really wish I could do the same to the Samsung, but its still got a good warranty and I paid a lot for it, I'll wait sometime before doing anything to it. For now, they are very flat against each other, no light seeping through, looks good except minor alignment issues, I can't seem to get it right, as the other half of the window is bigger on the other screen :confused:

The fan does help, it is at the hottest corner of the monitor mounted quarter inch above surface, gets good flow, and its now cool to the touch, used to not be able to touch it for more than 3 seconds.
Does it really accomplish much? I’m looking at your pictures and I couldn’t even tell you took the shell off until I saw the back.

I wouldn’t risk this with my monitors, it doesn’t seem like the difference (a few mm on each side) pays off in this instance

PS, I don’t mean to offend but would you care to explain your reasoning for mounting the fan as you did? I would think that a 12cm fan over the inverter (lots of caps and MOSFETS to produce heat), or even some 4cm fans blowing air through the side of the inverter would be a better candidate than a (6cm?) fan in the upper corner.

also for people considering this, the inverter outputs approx 12k-20k volts to the florescent tubes which will shock you easily. it is a fire/electrical hazard, also if you insist on taking apart your screen let it sit for a day or so to ensure that all the capacitors have fully discharged. there are some big caps in the lcd's that you dont want to short out

EDIT: I now see your explaination of the fan, I missed that before. I would still use a 12cm fan.

on a side note, what monitor mount is that?
I don't know what brand the monitor arms are. They are rather cheap, they don't have height adjustments on the fly, but can move side to side very easily. I got these at a garage sale and they don't have brand markings on them, but I got them cheap and they serve their purpose well.

The only fan I have is that one, and it works well to cool that hot corner.

The frame of the monitor was an inch think around, and put a huge gap between the two monitors.

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