Anyone get TechTV and have a TVtuner card wanna record something for me?

Aug 5, 2004
here is a torrent for Episode 1.

here's a link to the general tracker site I just read over the [H] rules and didn't want to violate #15.
please please please please please please please please please please please dont watch G4TechTV. please... for the love of God.... please dont... just watch anything else but that... even MTV is better than G4.... (not by much, but marginally)

please boycott G4, im begging you :( :(
ya know what's sad? I've got like 20+ old shows on my old HD array which I'm trying to resurrect due to a dead controller. ...just to watch some of the good old shows from 2003-2004. *sigh*
I even burned all of the Xbox special eps to a DVD. Yeah the ones with Leo.
i miss leo so much.... :(

whos running TSS now? ive been boycotting G4 for almost a year now. its tough, but then you remember how sucky G4 is, and its all better.

has kevin and sarah decided to continue to stick around or what? and morgan and adam? poor guys.... :(

:raisefist: curse you G4!!! :mad:
I bumped into Patrick Norton a couple of times when I was on vacation (the week after his wedding) in August. He was sounding pretty optimistic about Leo's ability to find work. I had to let him know how bummed out I was about the G4 take over. He mentioned that he's writing for a magazine now... and thinking about some other things to do.

Except for the bummer mood about G4. It was awesome because I showed him that I was wearning my Spire backpack, which he reccomended to us on his show... Low and behold! he was wearing his too! ULTRAW00T!

I also saw Kevin Rose, but he was too busy behind the camera to speak with.

Leo is on a local radio broadcast every weekend here in southern california.
you can listen to a live stream here:

isn't there like a call for help canada anyways? Leo is a survivor however. he dosn't have to do pc work to stay busy. I just bet Norton is glad he didnt move I bet.
PoisonedPawn45 said:
why boycott g4? did I miss something? :confused:

Yeah I just wasted like 2.5 hours watching the first couple of shows. Man does it suck.
@ least I'm not missing anything
fore1337: how the heck do you know norton and all of them? used to work at TechTV or something? thats freakin awesome.

i had managed to go to CA 2 summers ago to get on a taping of TSS. before it was taken over, fortunately.
TSS Modder said:
used to work at TechTV or something? thats freakin awesome.
I don't know or work for any of em. I was just at a nerdy computer conference, and was lucky enough to chat with Patrick a few times. He was by far my favorite personality on the show. It seemed I always disagreed with Leo, and agreed with Pat. funny.
He is so cool. It was like chatting with one of your old buds from school.

I am just a very lucky fan.
yeah the good ol days are gone.... G4 has been moving the Screen Savers further and further away from it's originally intended audience, now it's so different that had to change the name... and the other new Kevin on the show, he's an @ss

the new shows sucks, hard
I remember when Pat said the S-word on TV. I laughed so hard. He went bright red and covered his mouth. Leo stepped in and continued to talk about the Windows thing the caller had asked about.

Good times. Good times.
PoisonedPawn45 said:
why boycott g4? did I miss something? :confused:
boycott them because they bought techtv for no real reason. all they did was kill 90% of techtvs shows. and whatever shows were left were ruined.
tek2k said:
boycott them because they bought techtv for no real reason. all they did was kill 90% of techtvs shows. and whatever shows were left were ruined.
that eats the big one
I got digital cable for a month or two in 2002 (2003?) as a freebie and watched TSS whenever it was on. I loved it. I didn't learn anything, but it was fun. I get G4 on regular cable, but it is mind numbingly uninteresting. It is so uninteresting that I deleted the channel from my zap2it labs subscription. It's in the void with QVC, HSN, the government channel, bill o'reilly, etc...
compslckr said:
if you are looking for the show that featured several of crimsonsky's case mods and his new book there is a discussion about it in the case modding forum right now and i am hosting the video

there it is if you want it
curious where you got that file from? I agree with you guys the show does seam quite childish, come on they rushed the guy, one freaking guy calls in, they mispronounce the name of the book. They dont pay any attention to the mods, Next day they have tom green smashing lightbulbs talking about his blog and shoving a thumb drive webserver up some guys ass, these guys are freaking morons. but I only wanted that one episode, thanx to those that helped, I just wanted to see Paul, the rest I can edit out thankfully.
its better than it was during the last few months of the Screensavers after the move to G4. There were actually one of two on there who were banned from answering questions because they were usually wrong. I've only watched one since the change and it seemed to be better but it still is like the average G4 show. show you something that is quite old online, clip of a game, filler, one computer tip so they can say its a online show, filler, rinse repeat.
yeah i watched it one day recently and was like..... is this the same show? where's the old guys? its such baby babble i dont even bother before i used to watch the chan 24/7 but now its just bleh
does anyone remember the shows:

"Spy School"
"Secret Strange and True"
"conspiracies" ?

Those were also pretty cool shows on TechTV. I have no idea where they may be airing now. if they still are @ all.
fore1337 said:
does anyone remember the shows:

"Spy School"
"Secret Strange and True"
"conspiracies" ?

Those were also pretty cool shows on TechTV. I have no idea where they may be airing now. if they still are @ all.
i loved spy school and conspiracies. i also really like future fighting machines, and call for help was a great resource. but w/ chris pirillo, it was a love or hate show for most ppl. i personally liked it.

if kevin and sarah knew wat was good for them, theyd hightail it out of there and get real jobs. G4 is just completely ruining their rep. and when are the two gonna get freakin married? theyve been goin out as far as i can remember (at least 4 years, i think).

i think theyre just staying on only because they finally got to be hosts, and just want the spotlight. stupid greedy kids.... :mad:
compslckr said:
if you are looking for the show that featured several of crimsonsky's case mods and his new book there is a discussion about it in the case modding forum right now and i am hosting the video

there it is if you want it

Sweet compslckr ...... My tivo didn't record all of that show... Now I can see it.. woot
TSS Modder said:
i loved spy school and conspiracies. i also really like future fighting machines, and call for help was a great resource. but w/ chris pirillo, it was a love or hate show for most ppl. i personally liked it.

if kevin and sarah knew wat was good for them, theyd hightail it out of there and get real jobs. G4 is just completely ruining their rep. and when are the two gonna get freakin married? theyve been goin out as far as i can remember (at least 4 years, i think).

i think theyre just staying on only because they finally got to be hosts, and just want the spotlight. stupid greedy kids.... :mad:

What's sad is they've gone through like 2 different people to be cohosts on the show. It seems like Kevin Rose is always pissed and that new Kevin is such a dumbfuck, I just don't understand how/why he wants to work for a "tech" channel/show
I liked DoubleD
Dan and Kevin were a great team, even though I was never a big fan of Rose.
i forgot about double d. what happened to him and when? did he quit after or before the move to LA? (they moved to LA, right?)

ive always kinda liked rose. hes alright. pretty cool guy. w/ the freakin hot gf :D ;)

the other guy is just a loser. as w/ pretty much everyone from G4. all of the original TechTV hosts and cohosts were great, aside from a very few.

martin sargent was ok, but it wasnt too bad w/o him. leo was great. pat was very very cool.
morgan webb was/is cool (x plays still goin w/ the original hosts, right?) adam was funny most of the time, but he couldve left and i wouldnt have cared too much.
chris pirillo was a love him or hate em guy. i personally liked him. CFH wasnt the same w/ leo. cat schwarz was ok. she didnt really add all that much to the show except a cute face w/ all of the guys. brett 'somelastname' was a cool guy. thats all i remember right now.

G4 has turned the entire channel from a good technology oriented education channel, to $h1t. everything sucks big time. big big big time. the channel isnt even suitable for anyone under like 16 to watch. i personally hate it when TV show hosts cuss on TV. its even worse when the channel has commercials w/ actors who cuss. when crap like that spreads even to the commercials, then you know that the channel is really really bad.

G4 sucks worse than an amature whore.... :mad: :(
They really need to rename it to,"Game TV". Every time I pass the channel, they're doing nothing but showing games. Don't get me wrong, I love games. I don't want to watch games for fun. I'd rather play games.

The channel is really uninteresting now. 'G'ay'4' TV. :D

mr.dearthian said:
They really need to rename it to,"Game TV". Every time I pass the channel, they're doing nothing but showing games. Don't get me wrong, I love games. I don't want to watch games for fun. I'd rather play games.

The channel is really uninteresting now. 'G'ay'4' TV. :D

that was my whole big thing when G4 first bought TTV. i love games. im a big gamer. but i dont need or ever want to watch gaming crap 24/7. its impossible to make games interesting for that long!

i did like game arena (i think thats the show name?) a little bit. the best G4 show there. it was unique. i kinda liked being able to watch 2 clans battle it out on a few games. but thats just because i like watching LAN party stuff. the hosts sucked (thats where kevin the jack came from). but the show was somewhat interesting/cool.
I have all of the TSS episodes from April back three years ago, when they were running one of the first grand scale contests, with UGM 5.0