Anyone Fix COD4 iw3mp.exe error ???


Jul 18, 2007
I've noticed a lot of p pl having this error... has IW or Activision done anything?

Anyone find a way to fix it??
No problems yet, the game is pretty good so far. Except my 7900gtx chugs :(
If you're running Vista, than the OS sucks....
If your running XP, than your PC sucks....

I installed COD4 1hr ago and been enjoying it online since....
Great game....!!!!
If you're running Vista, than the OS sucks....
If your running XP, than your PC sucks....

I installed COD4 1hr ago and been enjoying it online since....
Great game....!!!!

More like,

If you're running XP, the OS sucks
If you're running Vista, the OS sucks
If you're using updated drivers, your drivers sucks

Damn...Ran out of things to blame rather than the game itself!?!?!?! OMFG???!!?!?! ORRLLY
Well, maybe it's my ATI card that makes it all work JUST FINE!!!!! :)

Again, the deeper I get into the game (SP moslty, but I did play MP for about 30min) I love it more and more....!!!!
They did an AWESOME job on it....
