Anyone familiar with setting up Pandora FMS?

Red Squirrel

[H]F Junkie
Nov 29, 2009
I cannot for the life of me figure out the proper procedure for setting up an agent. I found some documentation but it skips a lot of important details and is very vague.

What steps do I need to do on the server, and what steps do I need to do on the client? Or is there a way to do the steps only in one place and have them replicate? (ex: the modules). I managed to get one semi working but any modules I added arn't working. It's just a big guessing game due to lack of documentation.
Tell me a little more about this software .... is it as good as Nagios?

Is it easier to use than Nagios?

Do you need a non windows based server to run it?

I am sure you can answer faster than us having to dig through their website right now haha
We use it at work and it's fairly decent. Setting up a Linux agent is usually very easy but now that they changed it to a service based agent I'm just not sure how the new one works. It runs on Linux, which is a plus, but can also monitor windows. Even ESX server (which is basically Linux).

The part I like the most is the fact that each monitor point is based on the output of a command. This opens tons of possibilities to monitor stuff like environmental control devices or output from various software etc.

I played with Nagios a bit but not enough to fully compare it. I'm more familiar with Pandora because I used it at work and it's decent. Only thing is it tends to trigger lot of "agent down" false alarms, but hopefully they fixed that in the newer version.
Ok so I figured it out. Turns out iptables was running and blocking the agent from connecting. Given this is a distro specific for this you'd think they would have opened up the port by default.

Managed to find the service, it was an oddball name: SuSEfirewall2_init and SuSEfirewall2_setup. I then setup my own script to start it so I can set my own rules. Now the agents report. Turns out when you make a new agent it will auto create on the server too.

Now I can tie this in to my environmental monitoring server and monitor temps and stuff. I'm waiting on an arduino board so I can monitor other stuff too like battery voltage and hydrogen levels. This is going to be awesome.