Anyone else waiting for the X800XT?


The Great Procrastinator
Oct 4, 2001
I see alot of people buying the X800 Pro. Though I will say it is a nice card, I'm holding off for the Daddy X800XT.:)

Anyone else doing the same?
Yea i'm waiting for the X800XT PE too, I have the money waiting for it, and since I work at a computer store and that i'm an Assistant Manager I can pick it up cheap (ie. cost price :D )

I'm also waiting for the Black Plextor 712A DVDRW which hasn't come out yet... :(
I also have money for that too :)
I'm holding off for me finding a job :p

but seriously the X800 PRO is tempting but I think I will end up getting an XT in the late summer sometime unless the PRO really comes down in price.
Man... this sucks.. i want this freaking card now... i cant wait any more.

that HIS card looks pretty sweet but i think im going with the asus version of the XT
it comes with a couple games one of which i will play and it comes with a webcam... one of which i need... and that video security feature is kinda neat...

anyway i cant seem to get to the asus webpage to provide a link but im sure you could find it...

the only thing about the asus version i dont like is the regular stock heatsink... i like the HIS one much more... (does it also make contact with the ram?).. because that would make it so much better...

anyway... did i mention i cant wait any more...... ti4400 is about worthless for anything i want to play now...sigh...
I notice the HIS card requires win XP. It would be a shame is I had to upgrade the Reliable 2K Game Rig to that. This baby hasn't dumped since it was built, but I think the stock ATI X800XT PE's can handle Win 2K (at least the Pros can)
Anyone know when or if an X800 pro or XT AIW will be coming out? I really need the AIW features, but I don't want to be waiting forever.
blizzle said:
I'm waiting for the daddy of that daddy. (I'm willing to wait awhile)

Glad I didn't preorder the Standard XT with the masses.


what is the eta for this thing?
Im waiting for the x800 XT aswell but mainly hoping that a company will release a version using lower latency ram on the cards so we can OC higher :D

I believe I read somewhere that 1.5ns ram is available and its max is around 800mhz, wonder if anyone will be using it...
Well I couldn't hold out long enough (and I actually found a Pro on a retail shelf) and bought the MSI X800 Pro yesterday. This bad boy overclocks like no other I have found. I was able to get 585 core 1050 mem without any problems. With the Omega 4.5 CAT's I was able to get 10790 on 3dmark with a stock 3200+ and whatever the standard config is for the drivers.

The best part is the graphics look even better than my 9800ProXT did; I found that hard to beleive myself. Now all I have to do is mod this johnny to a XT!
Have mine pre-ordered at CDW. They matched the no longer existant Gateway price or $434.99USD. I got it with $10 ship = $444.94USD, so I'm a happy camper. They expect to receive it the 15th, however it all depends on ATI. One more thing, they ordered a butt load, enough to fill the already 400 pre-orders plus more ;).

I guess we'll see soon enough.
That's exactly how I feel right now.

The X800XT PE is extremely hard to get and I currently have the money to blow on one, but can't exactly wait, but I can wait it out a bit longer, mainly cuz the prices are a bit inflated, but I guess that doesn't matter since I get cost price on any computer related product, and also I'm undecided on which model to get:
built by ATI, HIS, ASUS or other.

So I guess I'll wait it out and read up some reviews before I decide on which make.
I'll probably end up with the built by ATI or the ASUS one since Hercules no longer makes video cards :( (I've always liked the blue PCB boards and the added ramsinks and what not they have on their cards), but the HIS card looks alright, I don't want the ICEQII moded on mainly because that doesn't look like it'll fit in my case.
looks like we wont get the XT's until late june or july :(
I just got off the phone with ATI directly. The x800XT HAS NOT been publically released and WILL NOT for an estimated 2-4 weeks. I asked well then how is retailers like GW distributing them and their response was "are you sure they are not selling the x800 pro as the x800 xt has not been distributed. If they had been already distributed then we (ATI) would have them for sale or backorder on our (ATI's) website online store."

I will and so wont ATI will be amazed if GW can actually provide a s/h tracking# for any orders GW claims are completed and will be recieved in 3-5 business days.

Sorry for the bad news, but I hope it calms some nerves down a little.
I would reserve any judgements about release dates regardless of what people say until ATI makes a press release or gives word to a major website. It all boils down to patients I guess.
agar said:
I would reserve any judgements about release dates regardless of what people say until ATI makes a press release or gives word to a major website.

well didnt ATI tell most if not all reviewers that they would be shipped by the 21st of May?
The X800Pro should be selling in major retail online outlets today, May 4th, and selling for an MSRP of $399. The X800XT Platinum Edition will begin shipping to retailers by May 21st and will be sold at an MSRP of $499.As usual, those MSRP prices will deflate somewhat quickly if the supply is available that ATI assures us there is.

It all boils down to patients I guess.
i agree. :(
But then the date of that article was when?

As it looks now it will be 21st of june they will ship the X800XT PE.
oqvist said:
But then the date of that article was when?

it was may 4th. i was just posting it cause it contridicted what he said, waiting for a press release from ati before beleive what the the info the guy from guru3d got? that contridicts if ati told us a release date in may but didnt make it.
I've heard from 2 major companies, gateway and CDW, that they expect shipment from ATI on the 15th. Multiple sales reps from both companies have explained to many members of rage3d and other forums who purchesed XTs that they are expecting them on the 15th of June, unless ATI changes the expected ship date again (beginning of June shipments were delayed, now its 15th). This doesn't take into account that fact that ATI might be having problems meeting demands (or if the 16 pipe design is having a ramp problem) and if so that post you made about 2-4 weeks from now will make more sense. I just hope it isn't a design problem...i.e. 5800ultra. If thats the case we will be waiting until Fall :D.
I was lucky enough to order this abit X800-XT at zipzoomfly while it was in stock. Total came out to be $480 great deal. Five minutes after I placed my order it was out of stock. Order status says it should be shipped today. w00t!!!!
Bad_Boy said:
it was may 4th. i was just posting it cause it contridicted what he said, waiting for a press release from ati before beleive what the the info the guy from guru3d got? that contridicts if ati told us a release date in may but didnt make it.

Yes that was what I read too. I am still hoping for 21st of june from bestbuy otherwise I am getting real desperate. If anyone is saying anything else I will refuse to listen :p I have still to hear otherwise but you never know. They sure seem to have major difficultys producing them both nVidia and ATI.
I want the AGP version of the X800XT. Are these coming soon?
Let's hope you spoke to soon Bad_Boy. Check this. Yeah, yeah, I know it's only one vendor and a small one at that, but hopefully we start seeing some XT/PEs show up at some smaller vendors and later, hopefully within a week or 2 the larger ones get them.
agar said:
Let's hope you spoke to soon Bad_Boy. Check this. Yeah, yeah, I know it's only one vendor and a small one at that, but hopefully we start seeing some XT/PEs show up at some smaller vendors and later, hopefully within a week or 2 the larger ones get them.

$599 for a X800 XT!? who the hell would pay that?
My memory is shaky so can someone tell me, was this kind of shit pulled for the 9700/5800 launches [ie, missed dates and exuberant prices]?
Ok what do you guys think? I really wanted the XT but I couldn't fricking wait; damn I'm an idiot. Should I sell my Pro and get the XT? Do you guys think it would be worth it?