Anyone else think it's pointless to upgrade now?

I agree that upgrading from 8800 GT's is kinda pointless, but I'm coming from a P4 @ 2.4 GHz and a Radeon 9700 Pro, so my q6600 and 4850 is gonna be a godly upgrade.
^^^^you held out for a long time! Much longer then I could have...well I gues I did too b/c I got a console for a while after a Athlon X2 3200+ and X800xl since it made more since. That's a HUGE upgrade coming from a 9700 and p4
I've got the upgrade itch, but I don't have the need. What I have plays pretty much everything maxed at 1920x1200 with at least 2x AA.
I think this is a good generation for the people with 7900/7800/x1900/x1800 cards like me to be upgrading. I usually hold out 2 generations before I upgrade my vid card. If I had any 8800 card even the 320mb one I would not be looking to upgrade unless it was to a 280gtx or 48700x2
What can I say, I'm a hardware whore! Seriously, for the money you spend and the image quality increase you get, it's not hard to see why people are upgrading from 8800GT/8800GTS, etc..
Some people only want the best, but I think the prices/performance are what's getting people to upgrade so quickly this generation..
Honestly the 8800GT is the best deal out there and is going to last for another 12-18 months. It'll be good with the new bevy of games coming out this fall to actually push the hardware a bit.

upgrading from it doesn't make sense unless you're building a new system or have money to burn.
Well there should be some good stuff out by christmas of 2009, but until then I would just hold off.
I like upgrading as much as gaming. I'll upgrade when there isn't often a compelling reason to do so. That and running a 30" monitor means I'm always left wanting for more performance.
I'm still running my e750 at 3.6 with my 8800gts 640 and I am still impressed at what it can handle. I don't plan on upgrading for a bit, but I have been looking at those quads and 280's : /
I wanted a boost from my 8800GTS 640MB and got it with the 4850 for $154. I may not have it for more than a year, but for the price it can't be beat. I probably would have waited a bit longer had prices for these newer cards been over $300. I'm at the point where I think it's a waste to spend more than that.
I like upgrading as much as gaming. I'll upgrade when there isn't often a compelling reason to do so. That and running a 30" monitor means I'm always left wanting for more performance.

I have to agree with you, upgrading is almost more fun that gaming. I am however running only 1920x1200 :(
Just trying to see if anyone else out there feels the same way as me about upgrading right now. I'm a firm believer in not upgrading unless you actually need to. I see tons of people upgrading(or sidegrading) from 8800gt's,8800gts's, 8800gtx's, 3870x2's to 4850's, 4870's, and gtx 260's and don't really understand it unless you've got a 30" monitor.

I've got an 8800gt oc and e2180 @ 3ghz and still don't have any games besides crysis that I can't run @ max setting @ 1920x1200. I play Company Of Heroes, Grid, COD4, HL2+both episodes, DOD/CS: Source, Bioshock, BF2, C&C Generals, MOH Airborne, Farcry, etc. Sure I would like to play crysis again @ 1920x1200 this time around @ very high, but it just ain't happening with today's hardware....I'll glady wait for better hardware. It seems as if everyone is upgrading for more fps when the minimum fps that you already get is acceptable.

Personally I am going to play the upcoming games that I want with the most graphical demanding last such as Farcry 2(if coded poorly) and Crysis Warhead.

I'm thinkin the 8800gt oc will still hold its own in GTA4, Brothers In Arms Hells Highway(maybe), C&C3 Red Alert, COD5, and Saints Row 2

When I really need more performance quad cores will be way ahead and I'll pick up a Q6600 or q9650 for way cheaper along with whatever card is better then the 4870x2

Some people like upgrading even if they don't play games. Some people want that extra tidbit of AA. Some people don't have any money and stretch their system for as long as possible.
I'm in a similar boat, running a well overclocked 8800GT.
Everytime I get the urge to buy another card (after reading reviews etc), I play games on my 8800 at 1080p and am not disappointed.
Its knowing that you are going to upgrade soon for the upcoming games and want to get the full performance as soon as possible.

What is holding me back is the possibility that the ATI 4000 series PhysX support being a simple wrapper might be bogus. There hasnt been any further evidence of ATI PhysX support and nothing has been released for anyone to try.
PhysX is something worth considering now.
Coupled with NVidias 55nM refresh coming up that will ALSO have increased hardware specs - I've decided to wait a bit :)
The 8800GT is still a good card though it might be a little bit slow for 1920x1200, at least with high levels of AA. That CPU is also good enough when overclocked to 3 GHz... the extra cache of the more expensive C2D's doesn't help *that* much in games, especially when you're GPU bound. If all games you want to play run great, why upgrade? The longer you wait, the greater the performance improvement for the money will be when you finally upgrade.

I was considering upgrading my CPU, but I ended up getting a bigger monitor for the money instead. Now I'm more GPU bound than with the old 19"', so I'll just wait until there's a game that I want to play that doesn't run good enough before thinking about upgrading again. We'll see how Fallout 3 runs on this thing..
^^^^exactly, I do have the itch to pick up a 4870 for crysis, but I'm not spending $260 for one game atm.
If you've waited and can still enjoy the gaming your system provides, nothing wrong in saving money. :)
I have a 8800GT as well and after upgrading to a new widescreen monitor (1680x1050), I still think my card can take at least another year of high/max details and at least 2x AA/4x+ AF (Crysis being the exception).

I'm very tempted to sell the card though, due to a number of fairly good GTX 260 deals, but then I remind myself, "I won this card from a nVidia GeForce LAN party - why replace a good luck card?"
It's been pointless for a long time unless you play Crysis or game at 19x12 or above. I'm still waiting for the game that makes me want to upgrade. Upgrading because I'm bored is lame. Starcraft 2 and GTA4 probably won't need next-gen GPUs, and I'm too busy playing TF2 to care about anything else (except maybe Red Alert 3).
I like upgrading as much as gaming. I'll upgrade when there isn't often a compelling reason to do so. That and running a 30" monitor means I'm always left wanting for more performance.
well some of us have a limited income. :p

that and other expensive hobbies put upgrading on the back burner for me. :(
Crysis has always been the exception, hasn't it. When there's 5-10 other games that also run like crap on anything except $1500+ hardware, then maybe it will make sense to upgrade. It's just that by that time, the equivalent hardware won't cost $1500 any more.
well some of us have a limited income. :p

that and other expensive hobbies put upgrading on the back burner for me. :(

Well when I don't game as much due to lack of good games being out there I do indulge more in my other expensive hobbies.
I honestly shouldnt upgrade as my system is running all the games at my Resolution maxed out. But I still want to.
I suppose like some others here Im an upgrade whore.
Read my upcoming User Article The [H]ard Economics of Video Card Upgrades, coming soon to a Forum near you.
my last system a year ago was a 3 ghz celeron with 512 megs of ram and a radeon 9600 pro. im currently at the system in my sig. soon to have a 9600 gt. anyone know what kind of performance ill get on crysis? i doubt ill get 1440x900 (max res) but what are you other guys with comparable systems getting?
It's a good time to upgrade if you can save some money by selling what many of you are calling "good enough" hardware to play/do what's out there. I just got $130 for my E6600 (2.4 GHz) on ebay and am thinking of selling my 8800 GTS 640mb for about $135 and upgrading my video card, too.
I can't stand not having new stuff.

What I really want right now is one of those Gigabyte boards with the enormous copper heatsink.:D
I am planning on upgrading next month to a Q6600, 4GB, 8800GT, Asus P5Q Pro, and Vista Ultimate 64.
Upgrading now may be relevant depending of your actual hardware and your monitor resolution.
If you own a 2560*1600 monitor then I think it is worth it since the added performance of the newer cards is incredible at this resolution.
At 1920*1200, the newer cards allow to increase AA & AF so it may worth it for some.
I upgraded from an 8800GT to a HD4850, but it was a free upgrade. Had it not been, I wouldn't have upgraded. If I had a 8800GTS 320 or lower, i'd upgrade.
I agree that upgrading from 8800 GT's is kinda pointless, but I'm coming from a P4 @ 2.4 GHz and a Radeon 9700 Pro, so my q6600 and 4850 is gonna be a godly upgrade.

What?! You don't need to upgrade at all!

I'm coming from an Athlon XP 1800!! and Radeon All-in-wonder 8500! And I'm still waiting for the next big thing.....
What?! You don't need to upgrade at all!

I'm coming from an Athlon XP 1800!! and Radeon All-in-wonder 8500! And I'm still waiting for the next big thing.....
so many big things have already past you bye. :p

oh and I take it gaming is not high on your list. lol
so many big things have already past you bye. :p

oh and I take it gaming is not high on your list. lol

Oh but I am - I've just played console mostly (ps2 + ps3)

I am building my ultimate insane gaming rig in Q4 2009... its going to be ATI 5870x4 CFx10!! Full tower with just video cards baby...!!
I upgraded from a 8800GT to a GTX260 for one reason only....Clear Sky.
As long as I can still play TF2 and CS, I wont upgrade for a while. I want a q6600 and some more memory but my 8800GTS 640 will be around for a while. I have no intention of getting a bigger monitor soon. Even then, this card handles 1920x1080 just fine on my TV. I came from the days of 640x480. Somehow, going up past 1280x1024 for casual gaming doesn't really interest me. I actually prefer to use my 19" over my 42". Of course I'm not one for scenery either.

Edit: Also, does anyone else think that BF heroes looks like a cheap DX8 knock off of TF2?
1 day and 5 hours before Clear Sky is available on Steam... I've heard about the intense GPU requirments the game has... Luckily, I'm only running a 19" display so hopefully my 4850 holds up.