Anyone else not a fan of the Diablo games?

I think blizzard has deemed sc ghost as being "not good enough" so its burried down there somewhere.

But looking at diablo 3, it looks like wow :D Hopefully it ends up being better than wow and no subscription fee. Otherwise that would just kill it for me. When d2 came out it really wasnt my cup of tea but i finished it 3 times over because it was the in thing during my time along with CS 1.2 i think that was. Starcraft too. Bring it on, bring back the nostalgic times. But most likely that wont happen since i used to play games in interet cafes because its dirt cheap back in my country. And i knew everyone whose a customer in that shop and that was the last good ol days of my gaming. At this time and age, we just game in our own little rooms
/Has no opinion but a question:

Having never played the Diablo games, I am curious to know (as I have not been able to find out much info) if a newcomer will be able to pickup Diablo III and actually understand whats going on.

From the brief-previews and tidbits, it seems like it builds heavily off the Diablo II storyline and almost assumes you knew what happened.

The game looks very fun, but having never played the previous installments I fear I just won't understand the story. Anyone have any info on this matter?
Gah, you guys are a buch of noobs , get with the program already!.
I have never played diablo or diablo 2... or starcraft or warcraft or any other blizzard games so far.
The game looks very fun, but having never played the previous installments I fear I just won't understand the story. Anyone have any info on this matter?

The games don't take a terribly long time to beat, and a lot of the background story can be picked up from watching the cinematic cutscenes available on youtube (at least for Diablo 2). Diablo 1 didn't have cutscenes IIRC. I never did beat Diablo 1, but Diablo 2 was easy enough to pick up and not be confusing as to what's going on.

I think you'll be fine just playing Diablo 3, but you owe it to yourself to explore at least Diablo 2 because the way the story is presented is just so...interesting for lack of a better term.
I enjoyed the first Diablo quite a bit. It was novel enough at the time, the dark fantasy style was interesting, and being able to do some cooperative play with friends and family was great. The gameplay did get repetitive eventually, but it took quite a while for me.

On the other hand, Diablo II wasn't my cup of tea. The gameplay became repetitive very quickly (to the point of no longer being fun for me), and it felt like some of the style and character of the first game had been lost in the transition. Maybe the novelty had simply worn off.