Anybody know of Windows 7 discounts for teachers?


Limp Gawd
Nov 4, 2009
Hey all,

I'm well aware that Micro$oft is offering serious educational discounts on Windows 7. . .but they require a .edu address.

I'm a high school teacher, and thus don't have one (they are generally only for colleges). Don't have one from my college days either - when I went, they weren't giving out such things (*sigh* Damn I'm old :( ). So, though I'm in education, I don't qualify. I'm also the computer tech for my school (it pays a little extra, and more importantly give me admin privileges on the network), but I think that counts for nothing either.

Does anybody know of any available discounts for Windows 7 for teachers? Some extra-secret-squirrel program I haven't heard of, or some procedure to call Microsoft, say the magic word, and get the hook-up? Any pointers would be well appreciated, both by me and my wallet.

Thanks yossarian, but sadly . . .no deal. I checked their site, and our cheap-@#$ school apparently doesn't participate in their discount program. Which figures - I probably shouldn't expect too much from an institution which pays me in shiny rocks and trade beads :p

Anybody have anything else?

You need to speak with your technology director. I work for a school district and we have a contract to purchase software for staff at discounted rates. Office 2007 can be had for $70 and Windows 7 Professional Upgrade is $50 (for us). I get mine for free through my college though, but that's where I point staff too that ask about buying Office.
Try I don't think your school needs to participate in anything. You just need to be able to prove your affiliation with an academic insitution. My wife started taking some night classes at a community college a few years ago, and we could get cheaper software there.
Thanks guys.'s discount is a stunning $0.01!:rolleyes:

It's off to the county IT director to see what I can do. He's kind of a clueless tool, so I'm not hopeful, but what have I got to lose? Wish me luck . . .
