Any word on the DFI S939 board?


Aug 4, 2004
Picking up a S939 3500+ soon(waiting for the new rev.) and heard great things about DFI's S754 boards and was wondering if anyone had any idea when to expect a s939 implementation from them
probably sometime mid to late january. it should be an nf4 board, so hope they release an agp version too ;)
from waht i believe nforce4 is only pci-e no agp but i mihgt be wrong and search for "dfi 939" at pcper or anandtech and you can find a picture of the mobo you wondernig about it looks really sweet im looking at it too hopefully it wont be buggy or a hit or miss thing with msi or asus...sometimes dfi has good bios sometimes just throw it away .. :D
synergy321 said:
from waht i believe nforce4 is only pci-e no agp but i mihgt be wrong and search for "dfi 939" at pcper or anandtech and you can find a picture of the mobo you wondernig about it looks really sweet im looking at it too hopefully it wont be buggy or a hit or miss thing with msi or asus...sometimes dfi has good bios sometimes just throw it away .. :D
please.... punctuation is your friend. use it wisely and often. o yea, check spelling, too.

anyways.... i have no knowledge on this, so I cant help ya any. sorry about that.