Any way to sort of "permanize" PowerStrip settings? Eg put them in drivers?


Apr 2, 2002
Well, right now I'm running a rather, shall we say, less than standard resolution. I got the idea from the fact that the linux X server clearly told me my monitor was capable of 1400x1050. Rather an unusual number. Well, I got an idea from that. DVD is 720x480, so 2x DVD is 1440. Obviously asking it to do 1440 isn't too unreasonable, so I did so and, it worked. Then I was rather painfully reintroduced to the annoyances of running a non 4:3 (or at least 16:9 on a widescreen) resolution that I had forgotten since the days of video cards offering 1280x960 as well as 1280x1024. So, I set it to 1440x1080 to make it perfectly 4:3 while still being able to make 2x dvd basically fit with a minimal amount of damage, and, lo and behold, I notice that even without having figured out how to get ffdshow set up for DVDs yet, just using their crappy built in resizing filters, DVD looked so much cleaner and clearer -- just positively beautiful. Well, now that I've switched from my old Radeon 9600 Pro to this new Geforce 6800, I've noticed that it gives me absolutely no troubles in just ADDING the resolution, in fact, it's 50x easier to add new resolutions -- not even requiring powerstrip to do so. However, it absolutely does not fit without shrinking to pitifully small sizes. I know this is due to some kind of timing settings or something somewhere. Anyway, for the moment I will just have to let Powerstrip take over, but, that's a huge pain because it loves to be a pain in the rear every time I start a game. What I'd REALLY like to do is find some way to make the currently working settings more permanent. To somehow set the drivers to use it or whatever. I don't like having to rely on powerstrip to see my desktop... I know, I know. Many of you out there would just cry at the idea of someone using 60Hz or maybe even one or two below, but, darn it, I need my resolution and I'll take just whatever it will let me. I even used 2048x1536 on my grandmother's 21" monitor when I borrowed it one time and absolutely LOVED it beyond words. Plus I even still was using small fonts. Still, in either case, you just can't beat the absolutely amazing effects it has on watching videos (I swear, it made this old analog screen the closest I've ever seen one to getting near the same quality as digital when it came to DVD watching.)