Any way to make bitmapped fonts look good on LCD?


Nov 9, 2006
I've noticed that bitmapped fonts, most notoriously MS Sans Serif, look hideous on LCDs, even with ClearType (which I think has no affect on bitmapped fonts whatsoever). The font looks extremely sketchy.

The good news is that the handful of apps I've seen that use MS Sans Serif in parts are generally configurable, but it would be nice if raster fonts weren't such a problem in the first place.
You're not going to see it in too many apps, but when it is used, you'll notice it. It's much like looking at TrueType fonts with font smoothing disabled.

I don't see anything wrong in that SS. I think you're seeing some tearing on non-pixel fonts and that is just common on a lot of LCD's I've seen.
Seriously? If you notice, that font looks like a connect-the dots font circa the Dark Ages. By contrast, ClearType-hinted fonts, like Arial for example, look smooth and substantial. There's a world of difference.

Is it possible you have hinting turned off entirely and so have never seen the difference? It's pretty much mandatory for LCD.