Any suggestions for FPS games for PC


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2010
Hi everyone. I'm looking for suggestions for some new First Person Shooter games for the PC. I tend to like games with long single player campaigns like Fallout 3 and Borderlands 2, but I would consider playing a co-op if the game is good. I did love Half Life 2 and F.E.A.R.

I've also played all the Bioshock games. I'm not really looking for games that are heavy on multiplayer because I'm already dedicated to other multplayer games. I'm looking for a game to play just to play when I'm not playing online.

Far Cry 3 looks pretty good. I will admit, I've had a hard time finding a game to play, I think because I'm pretty picky.

Anywho, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for your time and suggestions.

Prozac :)
Stalker soc=best sp fps ever. It has a decently long story, and its one of the most atmospheric games i have ever played. just play it with the complete mod. since it really smooths out the bugs and adds quite a lot of polish.
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They're not all "new" but have good stories & gameplay IMHO

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Dishonored + The Knife of Dunwall DLC
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
STALKER Call of Pripyat + Misery Mod 2.0 (released today)
Metro 2033
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Borderlands 2 + all DLC (not the best story but its quite fun)
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl (I agree with shifty68)
Considering you like the exact same type of FPS/RPG hybrids that I enjoy, here's what I would recommend.

1. Far Cry 3
2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
3. Dishonored

Any of those three will probably keep you entertained for weeks, if not months if you are a completionist. I recommend all three!
I enjoyed the hell out of Far Cry 3 and both Borderlands games.
STALKER never did it for me. It always felt klunky and bug ridden.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Battlefield 3
Any of the Half-Life 2 games
Doom 3 (BFG editition if you don't like switching between flashlight and weapon and find the original is too dark)
F.3.A.R. (F.E.A.R. 3)
Bioshock Infinite (Skip Bioshock 2, entirely forgettable)

There's loads more but brain no worky after just getting up...
Hard Reset - fun and challenging with interesting weapons and weapon combinations and also very nice jirrafix and physics. It's cool to see robots crawling towards you after you've blown it in half. The physics are really impressive even without PhysX enabled, with robo chunks flying all over the place and what not. It no multiplayer to speak of just a laeaderboard for a challenge mode, to which I never even bothered with.
Was going to suggest Hard Reset as well. The only detracting value it has is the story, i can't follow it at all.

Put it on your steam wishlist and buy it when its $5 - $9.
^ from what I gathered from it, it's your typical convoluted steampunk sci-fi plot where 'the corporation' builds an advanced computer ai to manage things, I guess, then the ai becomes like self-aware and begins to take over 'the corporation' and eventually the world type of thing. Or something to that effect anyhow, it's not really important anyways, just shoot many robots is all!
You should really try FarCry 2 it's far superior to the original. Same thing with Bioshock 2.

I hear Aliens: Colonial Marines is fun also.
There's loads more but brain no worky after just getting up...

LOL, I know what you mean. :D

Thanks everyone for all of your suggestions. Keep them coming if you think of any more games. I'm going to go research a few. I guess I've always been picky because I don't want to buy a game and then find out it sucks. And it's not so much the money I mind losing, but the time and opportunity to play other games that I will really enjoy more.

I'd say as of now, i'm leaning toward: Far Cry 3, maybe Dishonored, and possibly Deus Ex - I actually own Deus Ex but couldn't get fully into it, you know why? Mainly it was the hacking, I have low tolerance for puzzles within games. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I no game ever have I enjoyed lockpicking, hacking computers, or any other mini-game. I want to get to the action as quickly as possible. If there was a console hack for the hacking in Deus Ex I would prolly play it...I liked the rest of the game.

Anyway, thanks everyone. :)
Borderlands 2 was fairly long...

Yeah but I consider it one of the best co-op FPS games. I know some people play it single. I guess I should have explained myself better. I mean hell I should have quoted the whole first paragraph. Kind of reads like the OP is saying Half Life 2 and FEAR are coop. I don't know it just read funny, and I'm busting stones.

Anyway, with all the hybrid games being mentioned, I'm kind of yearning for there to be more pure shooters. Now I'm :(
Sigh. I tried to troll. I hope he doesn't actually buy those. my bad.
Arma 2 and Arma 3 have massive pick up and go & replay-ability perks attached, as long as you spend a day or two acclimatizing to the differences between a first person simulator and a first person shooter.

Hundreds and hundreds of custom missions to play through on dozens of custom maps, and to top it off... an amazing mission editor that lets you put together any random scenario you might fancy fighting on a given day.

Specifically, I'd recommend the Cold War Crisis Rearmed mod for Arma 2. It's one of the best first person shooter campaigns to come from a modding team in a long time, imo. Namalsk Crisis is also very good.
Arma 2 and Arma 3 have massive pick up and go & replay-ability perks attached, as long as you spend a day or two acclimatizing to the differences between a first person simulator and a first person shooter.

Hundreds and hundreds of custom missions to play through on dozens of custom maps, and to top it off... an amazing mission editor that lets you put together any random scenario you might fancy fighting on a given day.

Specifically, I'd recommend the Cold War Crisis Rearmed mod for Arma 2. It's one of the best first person shooter campaigns to come from a modding team in a long time, imo. Namalsk Crisis is also very good.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just gonna have to go and play that darn game. It keeps popping up everywhere. Which one should I start with 1 or 2 or 3?

Thanks again.
I like Battlefield 3 its pretty good, Crysis 3 and Far cry 3 Blood blood dragon seems pretty good but I havent played it much yet.
Funny thing, when I first saw the screenshots of Arma, I thought it was a low budget freebie game, but I think I'll take another look. Perhaps I was wrong.

lol. Its far from low budget. Very realistic as well. Not a run and gun kind of shooter either. Sometime I just get tired of COD style of play
I reccomend some Payday The Heist for some crakin good coop multi player, Payday 2 comes out in August and should be even better.
lol. Its far from low budget. Very realistic as well. Not a run and gun kind of shooter either. Sometime I just get tired of COD style of play

I'm guessing you have to use a good bit of tactics and strategy, since you describe it as very realistic. Yep, I too get tired of the run and gun play style - sometimes. Sometimes I do want to start killing right away. Something like Borderlands and Borderlands 2 is nice then.

You've really got me wanting to look into the Arma series more. Was it a free to play game when it first came out?

And thanks to Brules for mentioning Tomb Raider. I will check it based on your recommendation. I really like peoples input when II'm looking to buy/play a game. Knowledge is Power. ;)
I'm guessing you have to use a good bit of tactics and strategy, since you describe it as very realistic. Yep, I too get tired of the run and gun play style - sometimes. Sometimes I do want to start killing right away. Something like Borderlands and Borderlands 2 is nice then.

You've really got me wanting to look into the Arma series more. Was it a free to play game when it first came out?

And thanks to Brules for mentioning Tomb Raider. I will check it based on your recommendation. I really like peoples input when II'm looking to buy/play a game. Knowledge is Power. ;)

you guessed right. I dont believe it was ever free but its cheaper if you buy during the alpha now beta stage of the game. Arma 3 is my 1st of the series. Im new to pc games only playing for a year now. Arma3 can be very demanding of your GPU too.