any SSD's faster than my samsung 840 pro?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000
A better question is if I went with a larger capacity but it is rated slower than the pro, can people notice that much of a difference?
depends on how much slower....compared to evo...then not at all....some of those low end off brand ssd's are slower than mechanical drives lol
Telling the difference between individual SSD's in actual usage is pretty difficult. Sandforce powered SSD's are really about the only ones you can actually pick out of a lineup with relative ease based on uncompressible testing. 840 Pro vs Evo vs M550 vs Sandisk Extreme 2...No chance in actual usage are you going to tell those apart.
Unless you're doing mass file transfers, I highly doubt you will notice a difference between SSDs two generations ago and 10 generations down the road. Near-instant access times is near-instant access times, and only large programs can make the differences in random read speeds noticeable.

Large maps for games loading may be the sole exception to this.
There are several drives faster if you hit the drive hard with writes. Some drives do better for light use and others are more robust with heavy drive writes.

Latency is the secret and the 840 Pro has sad write latency. What capacity size do you have?
There are several drives faster if you hit the drive hard with writes. Some drives do better for light use and others are more robust with heavy drive writes.

Latency is the secret and the 840 Pro has sad write latency. What capacity size do you have?

I have a 256 GB now. Would like to jump up one notch. Maybe in the 500 GB range.
Yeah, thats true. for general usage there is absolutely no difference you can make out.