Any reason to get the original Street Fighter IV?

Everyone has moved to ssfIV honestly its not much more expensive than the first.. Just be aware that you will mainly play Ken or Ryu players online.
Everyone has moved to ssfIV honestly its not much more expensive than the first.. Just be aware that you will mainly play Ken or Ryu players online.

I haven't really faced any Ken/Ryu recently but I'd rather face a decent one of those than a decent Gen/Makoto or the like, I just can't seem to defend against them lol
with ssf4 as cheap as it is. at this point, no reason to get it, other than for collection purposes.
Do you like playing Sagat or Zangief? Both are more powerful (in the case of Sagat, a lot more so), so I guess you might enjoy just playing around with them. Otherwise, SSF4 has all of the characters, moves, etc. from normal SF4, plus a lot more.
Be aware than if you play SSF4 at this point, online play is going to consist of people who are:
a)extremely good and have been playing since day 1
b)extremely new to the game and likely have never played before
There isn't much middle ground. No matter what, be ready to get a lot of shit from people if you beat them. It doesn't matter who you use, somehow the online community considers everyone an exploit :p
i never felt any arcade sticks are comfortable in your lap, but i see people do that at tournaments all the time.

the madcatz standard fightstick is a pretty cheap option at $40-50 and then there's the madcatz tournament edition sticks, which come with the sanwa buttons and joystick and larger.

a lot of the people like hori real arcade pro since it feels sturdy, somewhat light, and comes with good buttons (i'm not sure of the joystick though).

i have the standard sticks, but thinking about selling them. i feel that they are too small to rest my hands on. people buy the standard and replace the buttons and joysticks with good parts and its a cheaper way to get just the housing with good parts. the hori is a good middle ground. i'm buying the tournament stick myself, since it comes with all the parts i want is already want w/o modding (except for octagate) and i think i would prefer the larger base.
I'm not much for sticks, but you can get the Tekken 6 bundle for next to nothing these days. I've seen it for $30 at Wal-Mart. Not sure how good that stick is, but that price is great...and Tekken 6 is at least pretty decent in the grand scheme of things.
The current standard is the Madcatz Tournament Edition. Anything less, and you will be making a sacrifice in quality/usability. Good alternatives are the Hori HRAP3 and if you are going all out, the Hori VLX. I use the Madcatz TE, and would recommend that.
Do you like playing Sagat or Zangief? Both are more powerful (in the case of Sagat, a lot more so), so I guess you might enjoy just playing around with them. Otherwise, SSF4 has all of the characters, moves, etc. from normal SF4, plus a lot more.
Be aware than if you play SSF4 at this point, online play is going to consist of people who are:
a)extremely good and have been playing since day 1
b)extremely new to the game and likely have never played before
There isn't much middle ground. No matter what, be ready to get a lot of shit from people if you beat them. It doesn't matter who you use, somehow the online community considers everyone an exploit :p

LOL, you forgot to give him the best advice! Dont forget to mash ultra/DP during your opponents blockstrings!
LOL, you forgot to give him the best advice! Dont forget to mash ultra/DP during your opponents blockstrings!

LOL - normal attacks that aren't jabs = FTL if anyone has an Ultra.
Oh how I despise those damned Ultras.
To this day I still think reversing ultras and supers would've fixed a lot of what's wrong with that game.
LOL - normal attacks that aren't jabs = FTL if anyone has an Ultra.
Oh how I despise those damned Ultras.
To this day I still think reversing ultras and supers would've fixed a lot of what's wrong with that game.

I've had pretty good luck reversing ultra's with the raging demon, but it's situational and only from very close range.
I've had pretty good luck reversing ultra's with the raging demon, but it's situational and only from very close range.

Yeah, it just depends on who you are. It just seems odd to reward people for being hit with a move laden with invincible frames, juggle properties, big damage, etc. for essentially getting hit or absorbing attacks. In normal SF4 once about 2/3 the cast got an Ultra you more or less had to turtle or run away.

It always seemed more appropriate to reward someone with a move like that for being offensive instead. Supers would work better as a Ultra because they can be linked from a combo (forcing the downed player to attack more) but aren't so all-powerful.
Ultras could reward the player who had the advantage with something to thwart comebacks, but leave you open if you miss. It just seems like a better fit, IMO.

Right now SF4 is great until someone gets and Ultra and then it turns into Mortal Kombat 1 and 2.
It always seemed more appropriate to reward someone with a move like that for being offensive instead. Supers would work better as a Ultra because they can be linked from a combo (forcing the downed player to attack more) but aren't so all-powerful.
Ultras could reward the player who had the advantage with something to thwart comebacks, but leave you open if you miss. It just seems like a better fit, IMO.

I agree with these sentiments 100%. Are ultras still pretty much the same in SSF4?
Just get super. No one plays vanilla anymore, lol. As for arcade stick, its mostly japanese parts these days, so the madcatz Tournament edition is your best bet. The buttons and stick on the standard edition are crap and youre going to have to mod them anyways, thoguh its not too hard. Also, Hori Real arcade pro (ps3) is a good beginner stick, and you can change the buttons pretty easily if you want the full japanese arcade stick feel. I'm not to sure on the xbox variants.

Also, theres no difference with on that Blaz Blue stick, its just the artwork thats different.

Bleh, ssf4 is the only game i play nowadays -_-.
I agree with these sentiments 100%. Are ultras still pretty much the same in SSF4?

Some are, some aren't. Damage has been toned down a bit on many, and when used in ridiculous juggles (Sagat, and the tired-ass Balrog headbutt/Ultra sequence) damage isn't as bad. In the case of Chun Li, her new one hits like 25 times and juggles off anything, but it does minimal damage.
Ultras are still pretty much "almighty" when used against anything else, though.
They're annoying and omnipresent, but I don't find myself cursing them as much as I did in normal SF4.
I bought SSF4 used from Gamestop. Reminds me of why I do not like Street Fighter. I used to love this series when I was a kid but now I like Mortal Kombat a lot more, a lot more skill involved.
I bought SSF4 used from Gamestop. Reminds me of why I do not like Street Fighter. I used to love this series when I was a kid but now I like Mortal Kombat a lot more, a lot more skill involved.

It's okay to like MK more, but saying it takes more skill than any of the Street Fighter games is almost unarguably wrong.
I bought SSF4 used from Gamestop. Reminds me of why I do not like Street Fighter. I used to love this series when I was a kid but now I like Mortal Kombat a lot more, a lot more skill involved.

You GOTTA be trolling....just gotta...
While it's a good deal at $10...Super is only $20 on Amazon right now.
There's absolutely no reason at all to get regular SF4 on the console right now considering that price. If you're on the PC, different story since there is no Super available.
Isn't there some planned extra character DLC for super soon too? That won't be available on vanilla.
That arcade version of Super SF4 has Yun and Yang in it (ugh...I never liked them) and there were some screenshots leaked that showed them on the achievement screen for the 360. While a long way from confirmation, that's a pretty good sign.
I know the arcade version also made a fair amount of move tweaks, I'm honestly more interested in those than Yun/Yang.
I thought there was gonna be at least 6 with Rolento and Mika being heavily rumoured too?

I'd absolutely love it if Mike Haggar made it.....'gief v Haggar!!
It's okay to like MK more, but saying it takes more skill than any of the Street Fighter games is almost unarguably wrong.

Admittedly I am great at neither game but it seems that the timing needs to be a lot more spot on in MK to be effective.
Back when SSF4 was announced for the arcades, there were 2 new character slots shown and that led to a ton of speculation about Rolento, R. Mika, Hugo, Alex, etc.
But as it turns out it was just Yun/Yang.
That's not to say they might not add other characters, but that's a lot less likely.
I've been in favor of Alex personally. While I love Hugo...he really always was just a bad clone of 'Gief. Rolento would've also been very cool, but alas Capcom got lazy.

Admittedly I am great at neither game but it seems that the timing needs to be a lot more spot on in MK to be effective.

Maybe on the surface for really casual play, but there's a lot of timing with Street Fighter in terms of canceling moves into one another and knowing an exact number of frames or milliseconds between attacks in which things can and can't be interrupted. With MK, it's usually "what you see is what you get."
Shin Akuma and Evil Ryu are being banded about as being added.....

Gotta say that's a cop out IMO.
UGH...more uppercut posse characters are the last thing we need. They already make up about 2/3 of the characters being played online. If they made a palette-swap for Balrog, that would account for like 99% of the characters used.
I gave up on SF4 online play a long time ago, I haven't even bothered with Super.

If you really want to play SF online, get STHDR (SSFTHDR); the level of balance in the game is ridiculous.
I'm still holding out hope for an HDR of either Zero 2 Dash or Zero 3..(Zero 3 being more likely at this point). Z3 would look incredible if they did it in HD.....:eek:

MK better than SF? MK hasn't been good since UMK3 and I still think MK2 was the best MK. Doesn't matter, none of them can touch Third Strike or Zero 3.
I still play HD Remix a fair amount.
There are still a few dedicated people left playing it on online, but not too many. I stopped playing for 4-5 months and when I hopped online I saw that same few people still playing it.
I really love that one, but hate how they changed both Zangief and T. Hawk's supers into some kind of bastardized Tekken motion. I've only pulled their supers off by accident...and only a few times each over the course of a few years. Why not let people use the old motion?
I bought SSF4 used from Gamestop. Reminds me of why I do not like Street Fighter. I used to love this series when I was a kid but now I like Mortal Kombat a lot more, a lot more skill involved.

If by skill you mean skill = memorizing button presses....sure.
