Any Problems with Ultra X2 550w yet???


Jun 18, 2006
Mines been humming along 4 months now and seems to be stable, no crashes on new rig except for Asrock/Uli driver issues.

Have yet to find anything cooler looking either :D
It's a good solid supply. it's the X-connect (original, dual fan model) that was less than steller.
AdamNesvick said:
Mines been humming along 4 months now and seems to be stable, no crashes on new rig except for Asrock/Uli driver issues.

Have yet to find anything cooler looking either :D
Fine for mid-range systems & as long as you don't have power hungry GPU(s) without a balanced +3.3V/+5V load, you should be fine.
That's a good PSU, I wouldn't expect any problems. It can push its full rated load, so you can do what a Enermax Liberty 500W can do.