Any Microsoft Exchange experts?


Extremely [H]
Apr 16, 2008
Our exchange guy aint the brightest in the box and he still has no idea to fix my problem.

I work from home a lot and we have webmail access so you don't have to be connected via VPN to get your mail which is great as long as you configure exchange correctly to the webmail address..

I've been setting up my exchange mail the same way for 2 years, no problems. It always finds my email after I've reloaded my home OS.

A few days ago in the middle of the day I lost connectivity to send or receive. Got this error message claiming it couldn't connect to the exchange server. 0x80040115

I tried VPN'ing in for a direct connection and still nothing, no connectivity to the exchange server.

I rebuilt my account multiple times and nothing. It will resolve my name in the settings tab (ie check name) but once Exchange is fired up and before it can build the folders (since I started over with a new profile) it still says it can't connect to exchange.

We are using 2010 Exchange apparently but for some reason it only seems to be effecting my account or least what I'm aware of.

Of course it works fine at the office.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

I'm using 2007 Office
May get some more answers over in the Networking and Security forum...more IT admins hang out over there.

I'm going to guess you're using Outlook Anywhere? (what used to be called Outlook over https)

Have you imported the certificate?
Sometimes Outlook Anywhere will have an issue with the local .OST file...which is the locally cached file on your hard drive which is sort of a mirror between your Outlook at your mailbox on the Exchange Server...which synchronize back 'n forth. It's a hidden file in your user profile, I often find deleting it and letting it rebuild from scratch gets rid of issues.
never had a cert downloaded before with this connection but thanks for the info
FYI you do not need VPN to connect to Exchange in Outlook. Go in your Account setting, then double-click your Exchange account, then hit More Settings. Go to the Connection tab and check "connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP" and hit Exchange Proxy Settings. Fill out the following fields:

  1. Use this URL.. ""
  2. Check "Only connect to proxy servers.." and put in ""
  3. Then check "on fast network" and "on slow network"
  4. And change Proxy authentication to "Basic Authentication"

This will allow you to use Exchange through your webmail proxy instead of having to VPN to use Exchange's network hostname. HTTP proxy will be ignored when you're on your network or if you're VPN'd in.