Any McAfee Corporate Users in here?


Apr 5, 2001
WTH is going on? I have tried every number I can find on their site and it won't connect. Thought it was our phones for a sec but I can hit Dell Support and I tried a few other vendors with 800 numbers and it was no prob. Anyone else running McAfee Enterprise stuff?

800 338 8754 is the number. Can anyone at least get it to ring? We need to get a hold of them STAT :mad:

EDIT: I decided on this subforum since 90% of the SysAdmins haunt here. Hope the mods don't mind. I'm in a pinch here.
Just tried it from work...went right through. We use McAfee managed defense by the way.

Good luck
did you try from a cell phone? Maybe they have your number blocked ;)

BTW, that number works for me from my office phone.
Well the numbers still don't work, yet our Phone Admin swears it isn't our side. I used live chat and got it solved instead.

I'll go flog the Phone guy now

Thanks gang.