Any ideas on what could be going on?


Jan 15, 2005
almost every day since the start of last month or so, i have been having major lagging when playing games, like runescape, or even surfing the web, where it'll consistantly do this for about every 1 min and 30 secs where it'll not allow any web traffic in at all... and it really pisses me off, because this has been going on for almost a month now, and i'm sure that it's a problem on SBC's side....

Details: SBC yahoo DSL
speed stream 5100 DSL modem
Dlink DIR-655 Draft N router

rest of DHCP stuff is (i think it stops at 250)

all i have on this network is about 4 or 5 computers,
brothers computer
my laptop
parents computer
my computer (which is broken now)
and sometimes my parents laptop.

i really want to get this resolved, as i have absolutely no idea what is going wrong.
I assume you have tried rebooting the modem? I would try to get another modem and see if it fixes it
Youve tried just your PC and the dsl modem right ? (to rule out other PC's and the router)
no, this didn't start with the N router, it started just after x-mas, with my wrt54g i remember there was a power spike/surge, but i believe that it was plugged into a surge protector.

so, should i call SBC and see if they can replace the modem for free? because i don't have any other DSL modems to test this out with, but i will try the direct to modem connection around that time to see if it still acts the same.

if it isn't the DSL modem, i have no idea what could be wrong with my router....
You should consider reading and answering the responding poster's questions before you try to get more help with giving no information.
sorry, yes, all of my computers appear to be affected by this problem, and it always seems to start sometime right after 6pm, and ends right after 8pm...

and also, i have tried restarting my modem, and router, but it doesn't help.
ok, it's about 6:37 now, and im directly connected into the DSL modem, and it keeps doing it, but im sitting right next to the DSL modem, and every time it acts up, and stops sending information, the DSL light goes out, and starts blinking red, then green.

it also said that it is losing it's DSL sync from inside of the configuration page.

so, my guess is either it's something to do with our phone lines, something to do with SBCs switches/w/e they have, or it's the modem itself.....


here is the log from my router for the past couple of mins
2007/01/24 23:32:38 GMT E |System |=============== SYSTEM UP ===============

2007/01/24 23:32:38 GMT E |System |Current Mode: PPP on the modem (Public IP for LAN device)

2007/01/24 23:32:39 GMT E |DSL |DataPump Version

2007/01/24 23:32:39 GMT E |DSL |State: WAITING

2007/01/24 23:32:43 GMT E |DSL |State: INITIALIZING

2007/01/24 23:32:51 GMT E |DSL |HYBRID 2

2007/01/24 23:32:51 GMT E |DSL |Link up 1 US 384 DS 1536 (INTL:G.dmt)

2007/01/24 23:32:56 GMT E |Ethernet |Link 1 Up - 100Base-TX Full Duplex

2007/01/24 23:33:11 GMT E |DHCP Server |Address given out to 00:15:c5:16:89:22

2007/01/24 23:33:24 GMT E |PPPoE |tx PADI, id: 0000, ac: (NULL), sn: (NULL)

2007/01/24 23:33:24 GMT E |PPPoE |rx AC Name: 62031090092572-sfldmise05w

2007/01/24 23:33:24 GMT E |PPPoE |tx PADR, id: 0000, ac: (NULL), sn: (NULL)

2007/01/24 23:33:26 GMT E |PPPoE |tx PADI, id: 0000, ac: (NULL), sn: (NULL)

2007/01/24 23:33:56 GMT E |PPPoE |Last PPPoE message repeated 4 times.

2007/01/24 23:33:56 GMT E |PPPoE |rx AC Name: 62031090092572-sfldmise05w

2007/01/24 23:33:56 GMT E |PPPoE |tx PADR, id: 0000, ac: (NULL), sn: (NULL)

2007/01/24 23:33:56 GMT E |PPPoE |rx PADS id: 54CD

2007/01/24 23:33:56 GMT E |PPP |LCP neg PAP

2007/01/24 23:33:56 GMT E |PPP |LCP up

2007/01/24 23:33:57 GMT E |PPP |IPCP nak option: 3

2007/01/24 23:33:57 GMT E |PPP |IPCP nak option: 129

2007/01/24 23:33:57 GMT E |PPP |IPCP nak option: 131

2007/01/24 23:33:57 GMT E |PPP |IPCP up ip:, gw:, dns:,

2007/01/24 23:34:16 GMT E |DHCP Server |Last DHCP Server message repeated 3 times.

2007/01/24 23:34:16 GMT E |DHCP Server |Address given out to 00:15:c5:16:89:22

2007/01/24 23:34:29 GMT E |DSL |Link Down

2007/01/24 23:34:29 GMT E |DSL |State: WAITING

2007/01/24 23:34:33 GMT E |DSL |State: INITIALIZING

2007/01/24 23:34:41 GMT E |DSL |HYBRID 2

2007/01/24 23:34:41 GMT E |DSL |Link up 2 US 384 DS 1536 (INTL:G.dmt)

2007/01/24 23:35:57 GMT E |SNTP Client |server (Primary) timeout

2007/01/24 23:36:30 GMT E |DSL |Link Down

2007/01/24 23:36:30 GMT E |DSL |State: WAITING

2007/01/24 23:36:34 GMT E |DSL |State: INITIALIZING

2007/01/24 23:36:42 GMT E |DSL |HYBRID 2

2007/01/24 23:36:42 GMT E |DSL |Link up 3 US 384 DS 1536 (INTL:G.dmt)

2007/01/24 23:38:27 GMT E |DSL |Link Down

2007/01/24 23:38:28 GMT E |DSL |State: WAITING

2007/01/24 23:38:32 GMT E |DSL |State: INITIALIZING

2007/01/24 23:38:39 GMT E |DSL |HYBRID 2

2007/01/24 23:38:39 GMT E |DSL |Link up 4 US 384 DS 1536 (INTL:G.dmt)
Do you have filters on all the phones? I would call SBC while it's acting odd and have them do some tests.
alright, i'll call them tonight when i get home.

and i have filters on all of my phones as far as i know, my brother might not have one on his, but i'll have to check.