Any good language teaching software?


Jun 8, 2005
Are there any good software packages that people here might have used or know of that others have used?

I'm particularly looking for an Italian package.
that's a good question -- i'm looking for both a Japanese one and an Arabic one

on a side note, if you google Kurso de Esperanto you'll get an excellent Esperanto teaching program...
I think Rosetta Stone series is the defacto language teach series out there right now.
Sunni_Phono said:
You're not going to learn a new language from a PC.
this is an example of a Tom's Hardware Guide kind of post. congratu-fucking-lations.

yeah, it seems as though the consenus among other places on the web is also Rosetta Stone...
Do some research and you'll find that the best way to learn a language is to actually work with people learning the language. It's a pipe dream trying to learn in front of a monitor for 100+ hours.
Sunni_Phono said:
Do some research and you'll find that the best way to learn a language is to actually work with people learning the language. It's a pipe dream trying to learn in front of a monitor for 100+ hours.
some people don't have that luxury, or want extra help.

i know languages fairly well, i know three and hope to learn at least three more. i totally hear you on the "native teachers best" argument -- absolutely; but , in lieu of that, a PC program, i'm sure, can still be valuable (though never measure up to the real life experience, of course)