Any fix or super lightweight single-exe alternatives to Windows calc?


[H]F Junkie
Jul 27, 2006

This is the problem both my workstation and laptop have. I found but nothing works. I very frequently use WinKey+R --> calc and it is very convenient to type in something like that. Typing in 'calc2' or anything longer or containing numbers of symbols (i.e. calc++) won't work for me. However, as long as it is a single standalone executable, renaming to 'calx' works for me.

So, are there any decent and simple lightweight alternatives to calc that look similar to calc that [H]ard could suggest? :?
Have you tried checking for corrupted Windows files using CMD (run it as administrator) and sfc /scannow as the command. That has gotten me past some things that didn't work just quite right in Windows. The command prompt found some corrupted files and replaced them.

Also, you might reinstall the calculator from this page:

Or you could install this decent calculator. It is reasonably configurable and pretty useful.

Hope one or another of these things might help.
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sfc /scannow did pickup and repair some things, but even after a reboot I still have the same issue with calc. I have the same problem in Windows Live Mail (only using that for POP3 downloads). Meh, well I guess it's time to get an SSD and upgrade to Windows 8. :D (And to virtualize my laptop before I do it so that I can start clean and fresh on Windows 8.)

EDIT: I still have the same problem when I try out the first link you gave me

EDIT2: I'll just use the second one. Since I can't run it from WinKey+R / Run, I'll just create a shortcut in my taskbar. Thanks!
It would probably be fairly easy to write that in standard win32 C++. Hardest part would be the GUI but once you have that down path the rest would be a cake walk, at least for the simple calculation stuff, the scientific stuff may be a bit more complex.

Don't use .NET or anything or it wont be standalone. There may be something out there already.
I bought a physical calculator. Though, the only reason I ever use windows calc is because it can handle numbers larger than 14 digits.

I don't know of any singe exe calculators, but if you found a calculator that you liked, you could set up a hot key for it. Win+C is empty on my windows. That would be even quicker. Or maybe you have media keys on your keyboard? Or have a shortcut?