Any experience with KingMax, Dane Elec, or Kingston RAM?


Sep 14, 2001
The guy in the dorm room next to me is going to order an MX700 off Newegg, and asked if I wanted anything (I don't have a credit card). I looked around the site and found three types of SODIMM PC2100 512mb sticks (for my new PowerBook 12" 867mhz): KingMax (cheapest), Dane Elec (second cheapest), and Kingston (most expensive). I don't have a lot of money, so I was hoping to get the KingMax or Dane Elec- but I can't find ANY reports of people using this ram, good or bad. Plenty of people say Kingston works fine though. Has anyone here tried any of it? (And please don't say Get Crucial! or Get Apple! or what not. There's many other circumstances surrounding me not being able to get those two)
Well you can get Crucial from NewEgg.

I think that the Kingston would be your best bet.
There are no crucial 512mb PC2100 sodimms on newegg (at least not that I could find).
I recently attempted to use Kingston in my iBook without any luck, 2 sticks both same problems, don't get me wrong it recognized it and such but after the unit was sleeping for a while it wouldn't come back up. Yanked the stick and everything was fine, replaced it with Crucial and all works well, take that for what it's worth.
Well, I got the Kingston stick in the mail yesterday and installed it. It's run fine for the past day or so doing folding@home and it seems to run snappier. No kernel panics or anything of the sort, yet. Now to just find someone to sell the 128mb stick that got replaced to.