Any DD-WRT compatible firmware with more login security?


Snopes is My Fact Checker
Mar 9, 2000
Long story short I live in a house where the wireless connection is shared 6 ways, and I've put some respectable QoS limitations on the router via DD-WRT so that we don't have a connection that slows to a crawl every time some dick wants to run torrents.

Long story long, one particular dick thinks its ok to constantly log into the router and remove the settings and change all the port forwarding settings to his ip (so yes I know its the same dick who does it every time) and torrent 24/7 which results in internet slowing to a crawl and online game pings of 2000+.

I was thinking maybe there is a modification or something out there that can ban a person via mac address from making any modifications to the router settings or something...or I guess I could change the password and tell the other people not to give it to him.
You have to login to any firmware.... Why does the "dick" have the login info?

Something you aren't telling us?

I'm confused...
why not change the password?

Better yet set it up to only allow access from certain mac addresses. DON'T put his on there.
Why haven't you changed the password to the router? Disable the "User" logon and put a strong password on the "Admin" one. The logons are secure over a LAN so that's not the issue.