Antec P180 Hacks/Mods


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2003
So i have a P180 with a bunch of crap listed in my sig inside.

anyway, cable management is a bitch i have found.

Anyone have any hints or suggestions to make the management better? i've got wires EVERYWHERE. damn quiet though lol

i have thought of cutting up some metal or drilling holes in the mobo tray or th hard drive/psu separator, but don't know where would be the best

Take into consideration i am a VERY novice modder and power tool operator. put it this way the last time i used tools i put a chisel right into my finger, theres a "U" shaped scar on my finger now


Current Setup:





use a dremel and cut the holes behind the mobo tray thats wat i did thats the only way to go i recon makes it look way better il send u pic off inside and il send u pic of behind the mobo tray when i get bak from school
Also for my p180, rather than cut holes int he MoBo tray (which i am actually going to do very soon now..) i wired the sata cables and case usb/firewire/power switch cables into the 3.25 inch drive holder and though the holes on the bottom so they come out right next to the HDD rack, then i pull them though and have them come out just when i need them to .. for the ide cables i duck taped though to the back of the drive bay and upper HDD rack so they are out of the way. same w/ power cables, rather than having a bunch everywhere, i had 1 cord of molex connectors go up the back (from behind the lower HDD rack and up to the top where i connected all the fans + drives.

it worked well, and no tools required, only the 24 pin power connector was really obvious and wired just like yours.

for the 4 pin cpu connector, you should definitely just wire it under the pci and pci-e card you have. alot of people forget or dont notice the notch at the bottom of the card inbetween the I/O ports and the pci slot thing, that notch is there for you to put wires under the card, use it!

my computer's internals looked very nice, and with no tools required.
edit: besides duck tape
there ya go mate theres what i have done to the back very very messy but hay look at the other side.

had to do sum pretty big cuts so the main power cables would fit.

hope this gives u shom ideas.
Also for my p180, rather than cut holes int he MoBo tray (which i am actually going to do very soon now..) i wired the sata cables and case usb/firewire/power switch cables into the 3.25 inch drive holder and though the holes on the bottom so they come out right next to the HDD rack, then i pull them though and have them come out just when i need them to .. for the ide cables i duck taped though to the back of the drive bay and upper HDD rack so they are out of the way. same w/ power cables, rather than having a bunch everywhere, i had 1 cord of molex connectors go up the back (from behind the lower HDD rack and up to the top where i connected all the fans + drives.

it worked well, and no tools required, only the 24 pin power connector was really obvious and wired just like yours.

for the 4 pin cpu connector, you should definitely just wire it under the pci and pci-e card you have. alot of people forget or dont notice the notch at the bottom of the card inbetween the I/O ports and the pci slot thing, that notch is there for you to put wires under the card, use it!

my computer's internals looked very nice, and with no tools required.
edit: besides duck tape

sorry but if you don't mind can you post some pics? im getting a bit lost :confused:

sounds like a really good idea though, just need to see it to get it through my fat head haha:cool:
there ya go mate theres what i have done to the back very very messy but hay look at the other side.

had to do sum pretty big cuts so the main power cables would fit.

hope this gives u shom ideas.

wow looks nice! so u made a few cuts between the division of the PSU/HDD and PSU/Mobo

the back doesnt look that bad. if you could be bothered cable tying a few loose ends it'd look quite nice i think
That is some nice cable management, I am impressed. I'll have to do the same to my P180. What's great about the P182 is that is basically did the exact same mod to the MB tray. You can find a deal for a $70 P182 too, best value for a case I've ever heard of.

Also, what kind of VGA cooler is that? It has some kind of block screwed into the expansion slot below.
Any one ever heard of or have pictures of someone cutting some fan holes on the P180's side panel? I want one to blow on my graphics card. Not sure what it's like cutting through those side panel's with the sound deadening material.
120 millimeters = 4.72440945 inches

Use a 4 3/4" if you can find it, then cover the edges with U-Channel and it'll look sweet!!
Sounds great. I've looked everywhere and found lots of P180's with windows, but none with just a side fan. Is this possible or am I thinking it is too tough? The main issue is how thick the side walls are, but if I take a good hole saw slowly to it, I think it should work. Given the thickness of the side walls though, normal fan screws probably won't work. Any suggestions there?
maybe just use a long screw that can go throw the side and all the way throw the fan and just have a bolt on the end.. im thinking of putting a 200mm fan on the side of mine but not sure yet