Antec Aria


Jun 22, 2004
How good is the antec aria on cooling for an Athlon64 sff? I will be putting whats in my sig intp it and was wondering how good it is for cooling and if I need to buy addition cooling supplies? Also what is a good socket 754 matx motherboard to put into it?
dealing with the same problem. building a pc for my cousin, ARIA + A64 2800+. found a review somewhere - can't remember where, and they're saying that 3200+ + 5950 ultra was overheating, but 2800+ was fine. actually, they tested 2600+. i think if you were to cut out the back grill, you should be fine.
Tree....You do Know that ONLY Micro-ATX Motherboards fit in Aria's??

Cause the MB in your Sig is a Neo..and NO Neo's are MicroATX...

Although MSI does make 2 Micro-ATX MB's Socket 754..Both of which are Based on the Via chipset...

Anyways..Most Socket 754 Micro ATX MB's dont Overclock worth the Shit...
i'm going to be using DFI K8M800 microATX mobo - take a look at it. your full size mobo won't fit, and yeah, i didn't even notice that. :)
who was saying it was overheating? Check my sig. I'm running a 3400+ and a 6800GT OC just fine. I did add a side 80mm case fan which dropped temps 6c, but overall it would have been fine without the mod. My Shuttle SN85G4 ran hotter than the Aria without modding it.

Look at my original post. I was also asking for a good s754 matx board to put in it as I know my ATX board will not fit. Please find that review also. Thanks
I’m using an Aria and love the little bugger.

754 3000 at 2.4 (on the board that “Don’t over clock worth shit”
Scythe Kamma HSF
ATI Radeon 8500 AIW
Sony DVD Burner
512 Meg of Crucial 3200

This box runs Folding@Home 24/7 plus does all my media burning etc.
I had CPU temps averaging 52c so I added two 80mm fans in each front side, lower corner. I used low rpm fans and dropped the temps to 48c, and it’s still all but totally silent. The built in card reader and front panel USB and FireWire are great too.

Be careful about your CPU location on the MoBo. The PSU and CPU location can tend to be in conflict and Asus provides some cute brackets to relocate the fan if needed. With this board and a cooler that doesn’t exceed the dimensions of the HSF bracket surrounding the CPU your fine. I did have that issue with a Socket “A” board.

Not a bad case for the bucks, small, tool less and just plain good looking. Asus was thinking ahead too, they are stackable.

Enjoy and good luck. ;)
Just ordered:

Antec ARIA
Athlon 64 2800+ Socket 754
Zalman CNPS7000A-ALCU
Corsair ValueRAM 512MB PC3200
FX 5200 card (not a gaming box at all)
Western Digital 250GB
Plextor DVD-RW PX-712A

Will be an office box, more or less, plus some music/movie storage.
BTW, ARIA is on sale at for $99 + ~$8 shipping.
Wow thanks for the review. I was a little worried about the DFI board. Since this will be a SFF gaming rig I wasn't sure how good it would be. But I think with my 2800+, gig of ram, and 9800pro it will run games perfectly. Guess I'll be getting the DFI soon.
Also, will any psu fit in one of these? I'm thinking about ordering a refurbed aria for only 88$ but I'm scared because it is refurbished. Other than the psu, what else is in an aria that could be doa?
tree_ said:
Also, will any psu fit in one of these? I'm thinking about ordering a refurbed aria for only 88$ but I'm scared because it is refurbished. Other than the psu, what else is in an aria that could be doa?

Nope, this is a custom PSU in the Aria. You could mod it to accomidate a standard ATX by way of having the PSU "hang" out the back of the 120mm fan hole cutting it to fit.

As far as what else might be bad? Well, the media card reader, the power button, the blue LED's on the front or the USB/Firewire ports could be bad. Or, the drive cage could have a defect and not line up properly. A bit far fetched but possible. :)

But for 88 bucks..I do it!!

I bought mine for 130..when they were first released!
Yeah, they are 130$ at my local circuit city. And 120$ still on the egg so I may just pick the aria up localy for 10 bucks more.
I have an Aria as well, mine does run a bit hot. I'm planning on adding a fan or two soon.

Athlon 64 3200+, Radeon X800 Pro, and Gigabyte GA-K8VT800M is the motherboard I'm using. The power supply fan is temp controlled, so my case is usually quiet for the most part unless I'm playing a game and the temps kick up.

Processor usually runs between 45-49C with the retail heatsink.
Daridium I've head a lot of people complaining about having to take out the PSU to get the cPU and hs/f in to fit, Was that a problem you had to face or did it all fit into place just fine?
OT. anyone know when the next revision of the Aria is coming out?

there's still lots of room for improvement (i.e. maximize airflow).

I'm itching to get one, but yes...heat still is a concern for me at this point, along with the PS. (a 400 watt NEO modded to fit on for this would be great)
I run a P4 2.8 prescott in that aria , beneith a Zalman 7000
Cooling could be better, but It never lets the pressy get above 53C & the lack of noise is hard to beat.

The PCI slot exhaust fan, it seems, was added as an afterthought when they found that the sole 120mm Psu fan wouldn't cut it. You may want to opt for a better solve, than what this slot fan gives ya, which ain't much.

As for the psup removal, ... I took it out, yeah, ... but then, I stuck a big-assed Zalmak7K in there ... soooooo....
tree_ said:
Daridium I've head a lot of people complaining about having to take out the PSU to get the cPU and hs/f in to fit, Was that a problem you had to face or did it all fit into place just fine?

I had to take the PSU out in order to get the motherboard screwed down in the first place. I ordered the processor afterwards, but did not have to remove it when installing the processor.

Of course that would also have to do with where your socket is placed on the motherboard you choose. For me, it wasn't a problem.
I got my sytem all put together but when i disconnected the power supply I forgot to map the connectors. You know the 3 wires that plug into the connector white, black, green
Where do I put them. I don't want to fry my board as I have already fried one board trying to figure this out. It blew out my AMD 64 3200 and a gigabyte motherboard. Please help I dont' mean to bother you but I read your specs and you seem to know what you are doing
green on top (ground), black/white on the two bottom ones (with juice running through them) - doesn't matter which one of black/white goes where, since it's AC, not DC. always - ALWAYS - write down wire order. :)

i just put together a box for my cousin, based on an ARIA, and MAN was it nice to work with... i had to drill out the mounting holes in the CD cage, since we didn't want to use that ugly CD faceplate (using Plextor DVD-writer, and wanted to show it); also, wired the two blue LEDs in the front through a switch in the back - that way he can turn those on and off if he wants to; and of course got rid of that fan mesh on the back. photos coming up as a worklog.
i had to drill out the mounting holes in the CD cage, since we didn't want to use that ugly CD faceplate (using Plextor DVD-writer, and wanted to show it);

Why did you have to do that? No drilling needed on mine.
My Aria
Hey I just got a shuttle SNG 41 and I flashed it with the wrong BiOS how do I get it back. I can no longer boot my machine. THe fans are spining the computer powers up but I don't see anything on the screen. I think i flashed it with the sng45 bios. What should I do? I need help before my wife finds out what I did to her new system. :confused: :eek:
Just bought one of these bad boys at a computer show in Philadelphia. Still testing it out though.
Is there anyway to get more than one hard drive in the thing???? :confused:
You can fit 3 in there. The other 2 mount on either side of the drive cage. They hang down from their sides.
I have mixed feelings about the Aria.

Its very compact, but a little *too* compact in certain areas. Some suggestions for a Revision 2 Aria:

The wires that come out of the powersupply are facing down into the motherboard,many times right into the northbridge, causing the wires to rest upon the northbridge heatsink which is a very bad thing.

The rear fan, although large, is quite loud when sped up.

There is only a height clearance of 3 millimeters when using a standard Intel HS/Fan. Give me two more millemeters and I'll be happier.

The top is plastic... When I looked at the picture I somehow assumed the top was alumimum (to help with heat dissipation) Please have the option to upgrade or use an all aluminum top.

Other than those, its a fairly well designed case.
I am sick of trying to get this thing to have any type of decent cable management. I am selling one of my Antec Arias . You can have it for 60 bucks +10 s/h all original equipment included and the box. These things suck. I think all the customers should send them back and demand refunds then they will come out with a better product. I know secretly they have the new product already. They listen to our complaints but they won't release it until they sell all the jacked up bs version one of this Antec Aria (sorry excuse for a PC case.) Antec will get no more of my hard earned money. :mad:
There will be no new version. I have contacted ZD Labs and a few computer publications and retailers they say that Antec has no plans on introducing a new Antec Aria. They will be however getting a system similar to the shuttle XPC that alot of us have seen. What a bummer. Guess the only real way to get a compact case is to build your own or do a custom MOD like that guy Yoshi from The Screen Savers on G4Tech TV. Just goes to show you how big business can take your money and you to the cleaners
ALYNCH75, please respond to my pm's as I am very interested in buying your Aria. Thanks
If tree doesn't buy it from you, then I''d be more than happy to take it off of your hands. BTW, I own two of these cases, and have built an additional two more for customers. No complaints from either myself or the customers I sold the Aria's to.
