Antec 300 vs ABS Monolith (Windtunnel clone)


Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2004
Hey all.

About 2 months ago or so, while shopping for RAM for a friend-build, I picked up an ABS Monolith from the egg in a combo deal. I was able to pick up the bog-standard G.Skill 4GB DDR2-800 kit and this case for $87 shipped.

It sat in the closet until about a week ago, when I got bored and figured WTH, I'll swap everything over and see how it holds up, from a cooling perspective, to my 300.

You can see in my sig, that I really don't need the kind of space the Monolith provides, but I was mostly interested in seeing how the huge, if most likely cheap, 250mm fans performed. I also fit 120mm Antec Tri-Cools to the front and rear slots.

The results were really quite disappointing, with a temp increase of about 5C on the MB and CPU, 5C-10C for the GPU, and between 10C-15C for the HDDs.

So, [H] gurus, if you would be so kind, have a look at the pictures in the egg ad linked above, and see what you think about what can be done to get this case cooling properly. Namely, getting better exhaust flow (cutting up the roof ?), and especially, better HDD cooling. Also concerning the HDD bay, it resonates like mad whenever the 6400AAKS is spinning, so I wouldn't be opposed to removing it completely.

Tools are not a problem, just need some idea of where to start.
the ABS monolith is a xclios windtunnel with a different logo on the front..

take a look at my 2 posts i made in another thread further down from this..

and the last part of this post..

and yes the cooling on this case sucks horribly.. the problem is that there is to much positive pressure in the case.. it was a good theory they used on this case.. but horribly executed..