Another Newegg refurb - DFI UT nF4 Ultra-D $86 shipped

Could these boards still be modded into SLI boards, or did nv REALLY disable that ability? i have this board on my wishlist at the egg and just noticed it's also the OEM version cept it's priced at 131.00. I am currently in the process of building my system and this would be the first piece of hardware that i would buy for my system and i probably won't buy any other piece until i get a couple more paychecks under my belt. My question is, should i go ahead and purchase this board now and just sit on it or should i wait until i have the money for the rest of my system? I just don' t think i'll be finding a deal like this for this board any time soon. :confused:
infamous gooch said: i have this board on my wishlist at the egg and just noticed it's also the OEM version cept it's priced at 131.00. I am currently in the process of building my system and this would be the first piece of hardware that i would buy for my system and i probably won't buy any other piece until i get a couple more paychecks under my belt. My question is, should i go ahead and purchase this board now and just sit on it or should i wait until i have the money for the rest of my system? I just don' t think i'll be finding a deal like this for this board any time soon. :confused:
it depends on how long it will take you.. if oyu are sure that you can get everything in say less than a month.. sure.. get the good deal on the board now.. get the other stuff later..

otherwise.. wait it out.. new shit will be out.. other stuff will be cheaper.. it will be different.. even in 2 months.. and other deals will come and go.. just get what is a good deal at the time..
Thx for the reply scott. I think i'll go ahead and wait till i have the green to buy everything at once.......i've got some unpaid tickets i need to tend to first anyways :p

Wise move. With refurbs you want to test within the short warranty period, otherwise you risk sitting on a dud.

Imagine two months from now, when you fire it up for the first time, and you discover it was defected all along :eek:

Just comb the refurbs two weeks before estimated system completion, you'll likely find it again.
SJetski71 said:

Wise move. With refurbs you want to test within the short warranty period, otherwise you risk sitting on a dud.

Imagine two months from now, when you fire it up for the first time, and you discover it was defected all along :eek:

Just comb the refurbs two weeks before estimated system completion, you'll likely find it again.
i did that with the 29 dollar abit v2 boards and i got a good one. I couldn't pass that deal up.
be careful with refurbs. I've heard some newegg refurbs are RMA'd boards that people sent back because they wouldn't OC or do the good stuff that this board is supposed to do. Definitely do as said above and check this out as soon as you get it to make sure everything is a-ok.
roninblade said:
someone plz answer this

No, they did not disable it, and most, if not all, Ultra-Ds can be modded into SLI. Nvidia just said they would because it would make people think "Oh, well because they are disabling the mod soon, I dont want to take a chance, so I'll just get an SLI board." Nvidia didnt do anything, but people think they might or they will, so they get an offical SLI board. Long story short, they are still modable, but nothing is 100% for sure.
They're really easy to mod, you have to connect a specific pair of contacts on the chipset. Doing it with a pencil might not work out so well though, it's easier with a circuit pen. It'll show when it posts whether or not you got it to work yet. Be gentle with the chipset though, it doesn't have an IHS or anything.
i've bought lots of referbs from the egg. gigabyte, asus ,abit, aopen , biostar and others.

the asus and abit's came with allmost everything . the gigabytes and aopens were totally bare .
this DFI will be my first DFI and fed-ex should bring it today. as far as i know i have had as good a luck with the referbs as the new ones. but it is sort of a grab-bag on the extra stuff . if you can live without stuff like cables, backplates ect--these are a good deal.

the only bad referbs i got were some epox MB with the via 333ce chipsets. so they were quickly RMA'ed.--that was back during the capisitor disaster.

i would suggest that buying a motherboard and "sitting on it" is a bad idea --new or referb . i bought a few AD-11fic's back in the day and sat on them for a month and when i finally needed one it was a DOA.-- a RMA is allways easyer if you just ordered the product.

most of the stuff i got was either OEM, or retail open box.

the nforce 4 type motherboards are a bit difficult to set up proper and i'm sure many, many get RMA'ed that their isn't a thing wrong with um except they wern't set-up proper .

i know a guy that sent back three A8n-sli's -- and there was nothing wrong with um except they needed a bios flash and a better PSU.

i'll post again on this DFI after it comes in.
all the refurb mobo's i have gotten from teh egg have had jes the board no other stuff.. but i usually jes call the vendor tell them i didnt get a backplate shield with my new purchase and they send em out to me for free.. (ASUS) has done this many times for me

all the boards i have bought from the egg have worked...
They came back in stock a couple nights ago for $85 and I decided to try my luck with one. It should be arriving friday. If it doesn't have an I/O shield I'm going to see if I can get one sent to me from DFI.
My last system used a Newegg refurb P4P800-whatever, told Asus I got it refurbed and they mailed me an I/O shield for free, no problems with it whatsoever.

RMA stuff to Newegg every now and then anyway, any time you get new hardware you're supposed to test it and make sure it works right, with refurbs you just have to do it within two weeks.
the fedex truck just came by .

it is a very nice-looking MB

it came in a strange looking OEM box with DFI written all over it . but just the MB no cables backplates ect.

but i hardly ever use any of the extra stuff anyways . lets see if it will boot up.
well, loaded the ultra d up in my test rig and it booted right up with the winchester 3000 .

haven't had time to check it out fully but it is certainly not a "DOA" .

and this is without the 24pin adaptor. i was under the impression it wouldn't even boot without a 24 pin PSU .

anyways it is up and running fine . after a few quick checks of tempatures and a little stress testing i am going to put it in a case and build a computer with it . LOOKING GOOD ! :cool:
Is a refurb board not covered by Dfi's one year warranty? I was under the impression that it was, so what's the big deal purchasing a refurb?
JasonE4 said:
Is a refurb board not covered by Dfi's one year warranty? I was under the impression that it was, so what's the big deal purchasing a refurb?

well, usually you would have to pay shipping charges to send it to them, and then it'll take about a week of downtime. Sometimes they require an invoice to validate the warranty - just hope it doesn't say 'refurb' on it. Plus, getting free rounded cables and sata cables are nice.

I'm pretty sure you can convince a DFI customer service rep to send you a backplate, Asus sent me one a few years ago free of charge.
FanZ said:
well, usually you would have to pay shipping charges to send it to them, and then it'll take about a week of downtime. Sometimes they require an invoice to validate the warranty - just hope it doesn't say 'refurb' on it. Plus, getting free rounded cables and sata cables are nice.

I'm pretty sure you can convince a DFI customer service rep to send you a backplate, Asus sent me one a few years ago free of charge.

This is where people seem to stray from logic to impulse. Do you really think these companies are sending you the cables etc. for free? Nope...its included in the price. Newegg keeps all the cables and resells them under OEM items. This is how they make up the difference in price. For at least twice the price, the retail product comes with a shiny box and extras (a majority of which stay in that box forever). Assuming the boards are reliable, this is one [H]ell of a deal.
Well, my refurbished board came in yesterday. I recieved only the motherboard, no cables or backplate. I am pretty sure the only thing wrong with the motherboard is that the plug on the motherboard marked "CPU Fan" does not put out any power, so I have the cpu fan plugged into a different spot. Other than that, the board seems to work. It took me quite awhile to get it fully setup and running, but I'm pretty sure that is the case for all DFI nf4 ultras in general. Either way, I am typing this message on my new computer.
Mine came the other day and I set it up yesterday. Nothing wrong with the motherboard as far as I can tell. Absolutely no cable or accessories, however. Not even the Karajan audio module was included.
my DFI MB is running strong . i flashed it to the beta bios from rebels haven and it seems to be a strong overclocker .

i do wish it had came with the audio module . i sent DFI an e-mail trying to aquire one for it . i got a reply asking if it is an OEM or not--LOL

$10 says they will make me buy one--LOL

otherwise a good MB . and on another note - i picked up a sli-bridge for it from the egg for $14.95 with a little clansdine modding makes this the cheapest sli capable mb out there that i know of.

$86+ $15=$101 mb that will overclock and sli -- not a bad deal at all.
just got mine, similar situation: no backplate / cables... shoulda read this thread carefully, now I don't know what I'm gonna do w/o that sound bit, I run my audio thru the mobo usually, and no backplate might bother me... oh well, live and learn, I should get my new venice 3000 monday, and a 6800gt... and a new watercooling rad... Cornelious got 2.9 Ghz off of a venice / ultra - d , I'm hoping for similar results :D might have to find a low profile audio card tho... man... really shoulda gone OEM on this one :(
I must've gotten lucky because mine actually did come with the audio module already attatched to the motherboard. I haven't tried to use it yet, but I'm thinking about switching from my old Audigy to onboard in order to free up one of the 2 or 3 PCI slots.
i've gotten several of these and all of them-- no- audio module--but most of the time i haven't used the obs module anyways.

well i did need to build one with ob sound module--DFI shipped it to me for $18--still all in all not a bad deal-- :cool:

if you get lucky and get the module with the MB--you got a really good deal--if you need the krajuan module-- !!! :cool:
I've had my refurb lanparty NF4 a couple of months: As most have agreed, this is one smokin' motha...:D

Mine came bare board only: No back plate or sound module. I emailed the Egg, andthey told me, in very nice terms, "we told you so..." No biggie, I knew it was a crap shoot going in.

This doesn't dampen my enthusiasm for Newegg, just my chances of winning the lottery. :rolleyes:
Szap said:
It took me quite awhile to get it fully setup and running, but I'm pretty sure that is the case for all DFI nf4 ultras in general. Either way, I am typing this message on my new computer.

What exactly makes these boards so difficult to setup? I might want to get one..
well --i have bulit a number of these DFI-lan-party ultra d--the truth is there not much if any more difficult than any other NF4mb.

things that have caused problems--they sometimes ship with a old bios--it was unstable with some brands of ram--and required you to go into the bios and set everything in the RAM. best thing to do--update the bios--right off the bat.

some of the OE bioses still have a few little issues-- one of them 315--or something had a clear cmos issue after power off.

after i updated to beta 618-03--well the MB has been super stable and a "killer" overclocker

so if you get one of these be ready to update the bios. and try to get a bios that matches your ram . like all nf4s they seem to be sensitive to the PSU --make sure you got a good one that puts out the proper amps on the 12v. don't think you can get by with one of them $26/650w generic POS-things --think like a 450antec --

last thing to consider--the thing has some super high voltages for the ram-chipset and cpu.
there is no safety margin there--these things have killed all kinds of ram -&cpu's

so try to not go crazy with the voltages--your pocket-book will thank you later--lol :cool:
Just received this refurb from newegg. no audio module, no cables, no backplate, no manual, no mint under the pillow, but no major surprises there. At least it still has the clock battery. Has coax SPDIF onboard. No legacy serial or parallel ports. The dual 1000mbps ethernet is awesome for $85

And this DFI can overclock. Combined with reburb 512MB Geil PC4000 + retail 3000 venice reached 2.6GHz stable during 16 hour prime95. Not setting any world records but nice price/performance for $290

Overall very [H]ard mobo for a render/compile/encode farm, or just a cheap fast desktop

Cons: NF4 runs at 50-57C