Another Email Scam, HATE THIS @##$#

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Limp Gawd
Nov 24, 2004
I have been getting these scam or spam whatever you call it, but its starting to get annoying, I always get these kinds of emails but they are usually for huge amount of money like this one

I am Mr. kelvin Alen, a private financial consultant
/Account portfolio manager. I happen to have managed a
particular account for a Resident Foreigner, here in
the United Kingdom, who accidentally died Interstate,
leaving in our care a reasonable amount in a
Domiciliary United States Dollars Account.

The Highly confidential nature of our client and our
Business Confidential disposition on Client to client
Basis did not warrant us to have an easily
identifiable next of Kin to this particular Client. I
have made seve BLAH blah........ you get the picture

But this time it change with this one


I epistolize to you this with hope that you will help me....

I have 23 years, I have children's two.

I live in Poland.

I write with request about financial assistance as well as material...

Lacks me,on bread, milk, clothes, fruit for children...

I have the heavy indebtedness of payments...

My husband got lost in incident, and became alone now....

I ask about help....

I am in life stymie..

I calculate on every help..

grateful for answer on my appeal....

It be not on my harm indifferent, I ask you very..

My address mail: [email protected]

I ask you will help me...??

I greet Sylwia

sure you might fell for it, but if she has the means to use a computer why not food or a job, but what really gave it away was that were it says From: it has her name but were it says TO: it has more emails, so she send them not only to me but to more than 10 all of them started with a K, mines is kwikspell there were ones that had kwilliam.... see the pattern. She also put a picture.


I just can't stand these emails, well I only get one around 2 a month but this one was different. Sorry for the long post. If this post is pointless please deleted, I jusr wanted to vent it out.
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