Another Dumb 2405 Question


Apr 28, 2005
Noob here. And not a young one, at that.

I've posted one thread pondering what display to grab, but the longer I look, the more I think it's worth the splurge on the 2405 from Dell.

I'll probably order, but I have a few questions from those in the know about these sort of things:

1. I have a GeForce FX 5900XT. Is that going to cut it for proper (and good) resolution on this display? If not, what card is acceptable for this display (I'm not a huge FPS gamer, FWIW).

2. Along those lines, I *will* use the display for DVD watching. Is there anything I need to know in regards to this.

3. I'd like to be able to watch HD anything on the monitor. Eventually, I'll think about setting up an HDMI to DVI situation via a cable box, but until then, what will I need to watch HD video from the hard drive? I saw an Apple display today that looked great in-store, but the G5 that was running some HD was choking on itself. Not fun. I don't want that. What hardware do I need to ensure that this doesn't happen on my end?

Sorry for the silly new questions. I've been lurking and searching, but nothing seems to cover these VERY basic questions all in one place, and I get SO confused over in the HTPC forum. It is very much beyond me at this point. I just need very basic advice to start a nice foundation for HDTV potential later, being able to watch DVD and HD video now. I also do a little RTS gaming, FWIW.

Thank you all for any help you can offer.

the_eephus said:
Noob here. And not a young one, at that.

I've posted one thread pondering what display to grab, but the longer I look, the more I think it's worth the splurge on the 2405 from Dell.

I'll probably order, but I have a few questions from those in the know about these sort of things:

1. I have a GeForce FX 5900XT. Is that going to cut it for proper (and good) resolution on this display? If not, what card is acceptable for this display (I'm not a huge FPS gamer, FWIW).

2. Along those lines, I *will* use the display for DVD watching. Is there anything I need to know in regards to this.

3. I'd like to be able to watch HD anything on the monitor. Eventually, I'll think about setting up an HDMI to DVI situation via a cable box, but until then, what will I need to watch HD video from the hard drive? I saw an Apple display today that looked great in-store, but the G5 that was running some HD was choking on itself. Not fun. I don't want that. What hardware do I need to ensure that this doesn't happen on my end?

Sorry for the silly new questions. I've been lurking and searching, but nothing seems to cover these VERY basic questions all in one place, and I get SO confused over in the HTPC forum. It is very much beyond me at this point. I just need very basic advice to start a nice foundation for HDTV potential later, being able to watch DVD and HD video now. I also do a little RTS gaming, FWIW.

Thank you all for any help you can offer.


I think we need more detailed information on your system specks, and one easy to read question that we can answer.

No prob.

P4 3.0 w/ 512MB of RAM. You've got my video card already. What else do you need? A shorthand of the questions would be:

1. Will the GeForce FX 5900XT cut it for making the most for the full-resolution of the 2405FPW?

2. If not, what would be the video card that would and could also handle present and future High-def wants and needs listed in the first post?


p.s. Better yet, here's a list of my original newegg order last year. With the exception of the Seagate drive, which took a dump on me, everything else is still in operation.

Can't seem to link to the page I've been trying to show you. Go to Dell's 2405 page and click on the red highlights for info on video cards which work with that monitor.
Thanks bmwrob. That definitely answers which card I should get if mine doesn't work with it.

Now, on the site, are those the ONLY cards it supports? :)

It appears those are cards that Dell has and ships, which is the only reason I ask. My card isn't listed there as a 'YES' or a 'NO'. It isn't listed at all. There are a ton of cards that aren't listed.

My assumption would be that if the card doesn't appear on the list, it probably won't work. But I'd call Dell sales and try to get a straight answer from them. Good luck.
No, basically any videocard with a 400 MHz RAMDAC should be just fine. The list on Dell's website is just that, a list with the graphics cards they (meaning Dell) offer/have offered in the past with their systems. It's definitely not a complete list. :)
After reading around some more, it appears my card should have no trouble diplaying at native on the 2405.

It may not scream, but it should be fine.

Thanks for the help!

1c3d0g said:
No, basically any videocard with a 400 MHz RAMDAC should be just fine. The list on Dell's website is just that, a list with the graphics cards they (meaning Dell) offer/have offered in the past with their systems. It's definitely not a complete list. :)
Thanks for correcting me; I'd hate to give anybody bum scoop while I was attempting to help.
I have been told that the DVI input does not support HDCP. Which means it cannot use the DVI connection on my Motorola cable box.

In that case you are forced to use the component inputs to watch HDTV.
I wouldn't call it "forced", after all, it's a computer monitor, and supporting non-computer hardware is only a secondary function. 2405's DVI connection is intended for use with computer,not HDCP, so it makes perfect sense. If u want a multimedia-oriented monitor, buy LCD-TV, Dell has a ton of those - and Dell has no desire of having 2405 to compete with it's LCD-TV selection :p