Anonymous Takes Out and Universal Music

Confirming that Anonymous taking down websites for a few minutes matters. :rolleyes:
If the guy was paying part of his rent in Meth, then yeah, the DEA is going to nail your ass too. That is what megaupload was doing, they were gaining materially from the illegal activity they were hosting.

And I really do wonder, whats it going to take before "The Man" gets annoyed enough to go after Anon for keeps instead of what we have been seeing....

Right about now "The Man" should be afraid of its people and not the people afraid of them.
One thing I don't get is... why do people claim them not deleting something that is claimed to be infringing a bad thing?

I mean, it's not like a claim is a statement of fact. It may be a false claim. God knows these RIAA/MPAA guys don't play by any rules cept their own.
One thing I don't get is... why do people claim them not deleting something that is claimed to be infringing a bad thing?

I mean, it's not like a claim is a statement of fact. It may be a false claim. God knows these RIAA/MPAA guys don't play by any rules cept their own.

Under the DMCA, you need to remove the content immediately. If you provide proof that the file is not infringing, then you can put it back up.

People (and the indictment) are mentioning the deletion of files, because they don't know what they are talking about.

Also, when you delete a file on your PC, you aren't really deleting it, you are merely erasing the entry from the TOC and telling the computer that the sector can be overwritten.
Don't care what anyone says, Anon is awesome. As for why they're taking down YouTube, maybe they're trying to give you a taste of what SOPA and PIPA would be like?

To say that Megaupload is used for illegal purposes and they knew about it, is like saying blank CDs or DVDs were known to be used for copying. You know it's true. Who here hasn't illegally put stuff on CDs or DVDs? Don't give me this Linux crap.

Personally, I'd like Anon to go after the pricks that did this crap themselves. Seems like a war has just started, and it's all about the freedoms of the internet. The enemy is the corporations and their weapon is our government. Call them scrip kiddies all you want, but at least they're doing something about this. All we're doing is sitting here and praying that our bitching is going to do something.

I petitioned against SOPA and PIPA and contacted my representatives and according to figures, so did millions other, you know, like how we're supposed to do things in a democratic country. Not wage wars and commit crimes.
Facebook's important? I think they should go a step further and crash a f'n bus filled with nitro-glycerin into their server farm and give everyone that's glued to that stupid site a wake up call / snap back to reality.
So Kim Dotcom doesn't deserve a fair trial because you don't like him. Got it.

You're saying that you wouldn't try to retreat to safety if armed North Korean soldiers on foot and in helicopters surrounded you?

I never said anything about a trial, I was talking about the defense idiots like you are putting up in these comments, nothing more. Of course he should get a fair trial. If you are his attorney then I apologize for implying you shouldn't be wasting your time defending him.

Where do you get North Korean soldiers out of this? You know, throwing up a straw man works a little better when it isn't quite so transparent.

From the article:
The FBI said Mr Dotcom personally made $42 million from Megaupload in 2010 alone.

Standing 6ft 7Inches tall, Mr Dotcom appeared to revel in his outlaw reputation.
Personalized number plates on some 20 vehicles seized from the site included KIMCOM, HACKER, STONED, GUILTY, MAFIA, GOD and POLICE, according to the indictment.
One video on YouTube shows him racing a Mercedes in the Gumball 3000 road rally and talking about bribing a Moroccan official.
Of all the people out there who are being fucked over unfairly by the law, you think THIS guy is a worthy posterboy for your cause?

I never said anything about a trial, I was talking about the defense idiots like you are putting up in these comments, nothing more. Of course he should get a fair trial. If you are his attorney then I apologize for implying you shouldn't be wasting your time defending him.

Where do you get North Korean soldiers out of this? You know, throwing up a straw man works a little better when it isn't quite so transparent.

Of all the people out there who are being fucked over unfairly by the law, you think THIS guy is a worthy posterboy for your cause?


The North Korean soldiers comment was an attempt to see what the reaction would be if the roles were reversed. How would you react to having a foreign police force come in to your country to take you or your neighbor away? I don't recognize NK soldiers as a valid police force in America, and I imagine the NZ people would feel the same way about the United States FBI.

I agree that he is a scumbag, but he's a scumbag that is being accused of a crime he did not commit, simply because the courts dont understand technology (Specifically, that deleting a link on MegaUpload is the same as deleting a video off Youtube).

I have no cause, I hate everyone equally.
I petitioned against SOPA and PIPA and contacted my representatives and according to figures, so did millions other, you know, like how we're supposed to do things in a democratic country. Not wage wars and commit crimes.

This was more effective than anything Anon cooked up. It actually makes you wonder what the whole point of hacktivism is. None of their actions ever showed results, in fact, their actions are making it worse for the rest of us.
The North Korean soldiers comment was an attempt to see what the reaction would be if the roles were reversed. How would you react to having a foreign police force come in to your country to take you or your neighbor away? I don't recognize NK soldiers as a valid police force in America, and I imagine the NZ people would feel the same way about the United States FBI.

Except that it was the NZ police that conducted the raid. There were no FBI officers present, nor any other foreigners, when they came to arrest the German national known as "Kim Dotcom" at his mansion outside Auckland. So there goes the North Korean soldier comparison. This guy saw the NZ Police and the OFCANZ (Organised & Financial Crime Agency New Zealand) come to his door, and he locked himself in his "panic room." Spin away.

I agree that he is a scumbag, but he's a scumbag that is being accused of a crime he did not commit, simply because the courts dont understand technology (Specifically, that deleting a link on MegaUpload is the same as deleting a video off Youtube).
The indictment against him and his company is a bit more involved than simply misunderstanding the nature of deleting files from a hard drive. The actual indictment can be read here:

I encourage anyone genuinely interested in this issue to read the indictment, and any other information that is out there about this, not just the self-serving FUD pumped out by one side. (And some script-kiddie marauders with poor aim calling themselves Anonymous seem to be doing their best to de-legitimize their side of the argument anyway.)

It is possible that did not infringe anyone's copyright, did not conspire to do so, did not aid and abet same, did not launder money, and did not conspire to commit racketeering, and the charges against them will not stand up in court. Had not used a server farm in Virginia, these charges would not have been brought against them in the U.S. If NZ did not have an extradition treaty with the U.S., and were themselves not interested in seeing international copyright law upheld, then nothing much would have come from the indictment.

I have no cause, I hate everyone equally.
Does that apply to Anon?

Some more light reading for those seeking some insight into the scandalously treated innocent victim, Mr. Kimble "Tim Jim Vestor Dotcom" Schmitz:
