Annoyed at F@H

Feb 11, 2007
Basically i just started folding and my first WU took two days to complete and then F@H crashed while sending the data to Stanford.

Does this happen alot?
Crashed how? No, it's pretty unusual. It might have trouble getting through ("Cannot reach assignment server, and no other work to do" kind of thing), but a crash is unusual. Can you give us more information?

What client are you using?

OS, Graphical/Console, SMP/normal, version #, everything.
The most up to date windows GUI version 5.03. Downloaded it yesterday.

I kicked off the first WU, a super villin. Ran fine with no problems for 38 hours.

Basically i watched it as it completed and in the middle this threw up the standard windows 'this program must close' and then ended.

Re started and it didnt even resume the WU it got a new one. It also reset my team number to 0 for some reason.
FAH's client software is very mature and for the most part bug-free. I know alot of people are going to say this aswell, so I'll just come out and say it - use the console client, its much more stable. If you really want to "see" the protiens you can download Electron Microscope which can be used to monitor the console client visually. (If you just want to see progress, you can always open up "unitinfo.txt" in FAH's folderto view %-completed etc.

Otherwise, in terms of the GUI client, I've never seen/heard of that type of behavior except for some problems with it not playing nice with other 3D openGL applications/games.
PS - you'll get a tiny bit more performance/ppd out of the console client.;)
p[H]ant0m;1030798117 said:
And the GUI Client strikes again. For the most part, we highly recommend people use the "no nonsense" console client. For the most part, its set and forget. Instructions can be found here:, and if you would like to monitor your clients, EM3 is really the best way to go which has instructions here:

Welcome to the team!

You stole my lines just as I was posting! PS - P[H]ant0m, I'm ramping up production and have you in my sights for overtaking.. :D
I am going to post a sticky at the top of this forum...


:p :D
After leaving it a few hours problem isnt as bad as i though.

I did get the work unit so im happy haha. Just annoyed that the GUI client crashed.

I will setup the console client though.

Cheers for the advice.
I have used the GUI client with windows and have gotten over 350,000 points with it.

I just started using the windows console client because I now have a dual core.

In other words... I have never had problems on my seven machines running the GUI. In fact, they are still running the GUI.

Where I have had problems is with my Bit Torrent client running with certain downloads crashing and blue-screening my windows XP. But that is only on one boxen, and only with certain kinds of downloads.

Good luck.

Fold on FTW!

Wwell ive put my first 186 points in the dirrection of [h]!

Im getting about 100 points a day. I rigged up a second old machine but it cant hack folding, way slow.

Saving to build a pair of shuttles for folding in a month or so.

Does the GPU client worj with all GPU's?
When I used the GUI client, it would crash if the window was open when it finishes the WU. It works just fine if you leave it minimized to the task bar.
Ok cool.

Just did the math on my 2nd system.

Its putting out 2points a day haha.

Worth the bother?
When I used the GUI client, it would crash if the window was open when it finishes the WU. It works just fine if you leave it minimized to the task bar.

Yeah thas what happend, il see what happens next WU if i have it in the sysTray.
Ok cool.

Just did the math on my 2nd system.

Its putting out 2points a day haha.

Worth the bother?

Probably not. Chances are it won't finish WUs within the deadline and would be more like 0ppd. :D (You don't get any points if they aren't on time!)

Glad it's worked out for you. Folding is fun and gives a sense of satisfaction.

Also, you should do better than 100ppd as long as you get some WUs that aren't supervillins!
Those are notorious bad ppd. :mad: