Angry Gaming Stories anyone? Broken Controller :(

3 dual shock 2's broken
1 xbox controller
2 Dreamcast controllers smashed, at least 4 different controllers with busted buttons from playing Virtua Tennis 4 player ripped and jamming buttons..
I know I've broken at least 1 controller on like every console I've ever had minus the NES

SuperNes 1
Genesis 1
PS2 3
Xbox 1
DC 2

I'm not a screamer or shit talker when I game, i just get pissed and punch, or twist, throw, stomp controllers...I've punched consoles too, and I've leveled a few cheap PC cases, if you look in the ghetto mods thread in the PC cases forum you'll see my Punch Mod's tits
£25 mousemat
£60 mouse
£35 keyboard
£60 headphones

Breaking them all in a blind rage....not going to happen I'm afraid

I've spent far too much money on my rig that even when I get so angry I can't even see straight I still manage to punch my desk.

I punched my desk right next to my old microsoft digital media pro keyboard and broke its left leg simply through the shock on the table, I nearly broke my hand in the process, hurt for about 3 days afterwards.

Punching my mousemat is also out of the question, as is slamming the mouse down, it's an Icemat original and if that sucker breaks it's gonna cut whatever hit's it, and I don't fancy getting blood all over my PC much less carving a massive gash into my hand..

I've been fairly lucky with controling my rage enough to not smash equipment, I know people who are far less in control and punch monitors and go through loads of mice etc..


Oh yeah I've also broken the legs on another keyboard ages ago now, some stupid stupid STUPID game devs decided to make a game with no saves, with unskipable cutscenes and that is pretty damn hard, it's really just a matter of tapping the escape key, then thumping it hard, then whacking it, then punching it until the whole side of the keyboard doesn't work.

If ANY game devs are reading this, for the love of all that is good in this world MAKE ALL YOUR CUTSCENES SKIPPABLE AND PUT SAVE GAMES IN, getting gamers to do the exact same thing 500 times because of your lack of thinking is incredibly frustrating.
My friend beaned my other friend in the face with an n64 controller after a heated smash bros match. This guy has anger mangement issues obviously.
Haha, there have been some great stories here guys. I love them. :). Too bad I just formatted my computer now and lost my NFS:MW game yesterday. I couldn't even get it back in recovery with my GetDataBack recovery software too. Bah.. Now I have to break another controller to get my mustang back into shape :(.
Yeah I gotta admit to a couple, first was wayyy back on nes, playing tecmo super bowl when an absolute shit corner intercepted Montana to Rice in a late season must have game. There was a sudden explosion of profanity as I haymakered my nes across the room. (Still worked, how I have no idea cause it took some damage) And my other I must sadly admit was on madden 04 for xbox, when Corey Dillon fumbled at the most perfect moment to utterly fuck me out of a win, (thrice damned rubber band AI) and I took my controller by the cord and began windmilling it smashing it to the ground on each pass. Sigh..........had to be replaced as neither d-pad or analog would work for direction after that. Gotta stay away from sports games.
I was playing lifeforce for the NES and had just beat the last boss and as it is well documented you have to escape the base after you beat before it all blows. well the shit is moving so fast that you damn near need cybernitcally enhanced reflexes to get through the shit. So I am in the gaming zone, you all know what I am talking about where you just can't do no wrong. Anyway I am almost out of this thing and boom power goes out. I straight up fukin hulk out and kick the tv off the table and that was after I through my advantage controller at it and we all remember how big those fuckers were. The kicker is the power only stayed off for like 5 seconds so it was almost like devine intervention so then I had to let him have it to. Ahhh the good ole days :)
I would always beat the shit out of my brother (using fists) when we were playing street fighter 2 when he would get a couple of hits on me. I dominated that game. :)
Last level on hardest in FarCry. Its just plain bullshit. I get mad thinking about it now. It is absof'inglutely ridiculous
At this years Quakecon I got into a pretty intense QIIIA 1v1 match with one of my friends. It was so close...I beat him in one match, and then the next one was ever closer....the moment he got me with that last rail and ended the match, I jumped up and slammed my headphones into my mousepad and screamed "FUCK!!". So yeah, it popped one headphone out, broke one of the sliders and, for some reason, made the sound gurgly when I pull it in all the way now. No big deal though, it was only a ten dollar pair of headphones... :p
Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones had my Sidewinder gamepad bouncing around the room (I now have a Logitech Rumblepad 2!!). The part with Sword and Axe had me pissed off for ages. I'm shocked at the violence it provoked. Mind you a game that provokes such outbursts of outrageous violence is a sign of a good one! ;)
back when logoitech was still making the MX duo and the wired ver i would go threw the elite keyboard almost weekly, i have an annoying skill of spilling anything spillable on my keyboards, so id do 'walmart swaps'(you know buy the same keyboard, return the old on in its box) the last week walmart carryed them i was playing asherons call(an online game) tring to grief a clan outta a major quest reword(queens kill if you know the game) i came so close when i missed a heal and died, i was pissed, royaly pissed off, grabed my keyboard started smashing it on my desk, keys and parts flying every where, then seeing the clan taunting me, i threw my chair across my room, started stomping around screaming, compleatly lost in rage, my mom opened my door to tell me to STFU when i stomped on a magizne, down i went, hit hte ground and knocked my self out cold

woke up about 30 mins later, spliting headache, went to walmart got a new keyboard, was returning the old one the next day
"was there anything wrong with it?"
"yah look at it, looks like a UPS truck ran it over!"

my mom still taunts me about that day, ill come home, there will be a bunch of mags on my floor

ya i have anger managment issous, now i controll it by going to the gun range weekly and blow away some targets(you know, old computers, cans, little propain bottles(kaboom!) monitors, annoying kids from teh nieghtbor hood(i kid, i kid!), old NES carts and whatnot)
When I was younger playing World Series Baseball (1993-94 or so) against my cousin on Sega Genesis, I was whooping his ass until the last minute, he pulled this miraculous comeback in the bottom of the 9th when Dennis Eckersley blew it (he had something like a 0.63 ERA that year, and generally pwned in that game as a result, except this time). My cousin scored something like 4 or 5 runs (I was up like 6-2 or something) to win it all, capping it with a 2 run shot to end the game.

I got so pissed that I smashed the controller down on the Genesis, cracking the outer shell and freeezing the game, and then I ripped the controller out of the console and threw it against the wall, denting it (the wall). My cousin was laughing his ass off the whole time.

Since then I'm happy to say I've become a lot less hot-headed and can manage my anger a lot better. :)