Americans' Job Satisfaction Falls to Record Low

People hate their jobs for obvious reasons these days. My job for instance gives a 2% salary increase annually, this is not enough to even cover for inflation. So every year no matter what without a promotion I'll be poorer. Doesn't matter how hard I work or if the guy next to me is doing barely anything, we both get 2%.

Being middle management I get a meager bonus, once again 2%. While the higher ups take 10% or 15% bonuses.

Things like this are why there is no middle class anymore and why the rich get richer. If people want to be happy at their jobs corporate America needs to get a bit more even and stop screwing over the little guy.

I feel for you. I left my last job when I was told everyone gets 2% every year. No matter how good or bad a job you do. Unless you get a promotion. My only promotional path for me was middle management, which I had no interest in.

Which brings me to my next point Mr. Middle management, I feel for you :D. All the responsibility, none of the control. I couldn't do it. Some employees bitch their bosses make to much, but they don't realize just how much their jobs sucks. You need to pay them to keep them around. Sure there are exceptions, but they are fewer than people think.
This attitude won't get you far in life.

Things like this are why all our jobs are going to China. You think working for minimum wage is demeaning and demand a higher paying job even though you have no experience or qualifications. Culture of entitlement :rolleyes:

And Amen to this. Get a job and contribute.

If you are lucky enough to have a family that pays for your car/insurance, college, etc. then STFU and be thankful. People don't work at McDonalds to enrich their lives. They work there because generally you don't stumble into a nice career. Education cost money. Ability to commute costs money.
This attitude won't get you far in life.

Things like this are why all our jobs are going to China. You think working for minimum wage is demeaning and demand a higher paying job even though you have no experience or qualifications. Culture of entitlement :rolleyes:

He's a student. Since you don't seem familiar with the term, the idea is that you spend time and energy to become more qualified. Some would claim that this is a worthwhile use of his time.

And to be perfectly honest, if he's arranged himself so he can live for a while without taking a mindless job on the side of the studying, more power to him. It frees up a job for someone that needs it, and lets him focus on learning.
He's a student. Since you don't seem familiar with the term, the idea is that you spend time and energy to become more qualified. Some would claim that this is a worthwhile use of his time.

And to be perfectly honest, if he's arranged himself so he can live for a while without taking a mindless job on the side of the studying, more power to him. It frees up a job for someone that needs it, and lets him focus on learning.

Good points -- also, as a MacDonalds customer I'd prefer getting my lunch from someone who wants to make hamburgers or at least someone who has a strong desire to do a good job at making my lunch :).
Good points -- also, as a MacDonalds customer I'd prefer getting my lunch from someone who wants to make hamburgers or at least someone who has a strong desire to do a good job at making my lunch :).

Realistically, I'd settle for "wants to get their shift over with with a minimum of fuss". ;)
I have a good job, yeah, I would like to make more money; but that will always be the case no matter what I am doing. The part that I dislike about my work are the older office biatzs that always complain about alchoholic hubbies; etc. So yeah, good job, but with some lame ass coworkers!
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I am happy to still be employed after my company laid off about 3/4 of the workforce (so far). But the work conditions have dropped significantly. The work load has increased, everyone has taken pay cuts(well, just us peons, the managers still make their $300,000 bonuses), we keep switching to worse and worse insurance carriers, 401k got canceled, etc. But I guess its ok, we are keeping the shareholders happy and the big bosses are still making their fat bonuses... customers and employees be damned.
This attitude won't get you far in life.

Things like this are why all our jobs are going to China. You think working for minimum wage is demeaning and demand a higher paying job even though you have no experience or qualifications. Culture of entitlement :rolleyes:

I know how to work.. I've worked as a beach front lifeguard for 3 years - running 2-3 miles a day on broken shells and sand every day.

And if you don't like physical work then I've actually interned for a brokerage company on 44 Wall Street makes 400 phone calls a day to people who didn't want to be sold. Without getting paid.

I'm also in school finishing up undergrad so I can later do law school.

Minimum wage IS demeaning when a whole day's salary makes for 1 or 2 hours of entertainment prices or a ticket to get into a water park. 0 chance to get ahead or even have minimal quality of life.

I'm going to have to rack up some serious loans and then grind later on, so I'm saving my nut for now so I can bust it later when it's worth something humane.
I'm not that satisfied at my job. I was promised that I'd get some programming experience but that hasn't happened. It's been over a year and I'm looking for programming job now.