AMD will reportedly stop supporting Windows 10 starting with its new Strix Point APUs

I'm not a power user but I haven't really noticed a difference performance wise between 10 and 11.

Anyone wanna educate me on how 11 is inferior to 10? Being serious here.

I work for DoD, in the past few months all machines were pushed to Windows 11. There's like a million employees/contractors/etc.. Thats A LOT of machines and so far, my understanding is that there hasn't been any widespread issues. I'm a Data Scientist, I've been doing data scientist type work on Windows 10 without much issues and have been doing it on Windows 11 without much issue as well.

I have it on my personal gaming machines since last year, no issues. So IDK...
Anyone wanna educate me on how 11 is inferior to 10? Being serious here.
For a while because things like the taskbar were remade from scratch long-standing feature disappeared, the ability to have the taskbar vertical on the side of the monitor, never combining taskbar buttons, etc...

Under the hood there was little I can remember about being inferior, some unsupported hardware support issue could arise (microsoft kinect for example, work sometime, sometime it does not on 11, so old hardware driver issues I imagine are possible) and a lot of the innovation were ported on windows 10 because it is still so popular.

Now I am not sure if Windows 10 support ReFS outside pro for workstation and enterprise, making regular win11 much superior to win10 if that the case, what is lost if you do not have drivers issue ?
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I'm not a power user but I haven't really noticed a difference performance wise between 10 and 11.

Anyone wanna educate me on how 11 is inferior to 10? Being serious here.

I work for DoD, in the past few months all machines were pushed to Windows 11. There's like a million employees/contractors/etc.. Thats A LOT of machines and so far, my understanding is that there hasn't been any widespread issues. I'm a Data Scientist, I've been doing data scientist type work on Windows 10 without much issues and have been doing it on Windows 11 without much issue as well.

I have it on my personal gaming machines since last year, no issues. So IDK...
In corporate, government, education, etc, Win 11 is way better than 10, especially when handling encrypted drives, it has a negligible performance impact for day-to-day office stuff.
Win 11 also does much better for bulk device management, via Intune or other MDM solutions.
Win 11 becomes a downgrade for Home users, even Pro unless you have Pro for Workstations, for those users who have to deal with advertising, things resettings to defaults you changed away from, etc it is an annoyance.
Performance-wise Win 11 uses about 500 MB more RAM than 10 at any given time, so if you are on 8GB it becomes a problem, at 16 it's fine, but really if you are using it for Gaming or heavy workloads 24 should be your minimum.
Dream on. They all will screw you over for the all mighty $$ Dollar. So you keep telling your self what makes you happy!
I'm not a power user but I haven't really noticed a difference performance wise between 10 and 11.

Anyone wanna educate me on how 11 is inferior to 10? Being serious here.

I work for DoD, in the past few months all machines were pushed to Windows 11. There's like a million employees/contractors/etc.. Thats A LOT of machines and so far, my understanding is that there hasn't been any widespread issues. I'm a Data Scientist, I've been doing data scientist type work on Windows 10 without much issues and have been doing it on Windows 11 without much issue as well.

I have it on my personal gaming machines since last year, no issues. So IDK...
Some unsupported hardware and software. Having frame rate and stuttering issues in games that doesn't exist in a testbed install of PopOS linux and Windows 10 on the same hardware even with fresh drivers. Windows 11 also managed to unalive itself more than once after an update and wipe the boot loader. Had to do a bunch of voodoo with the repair tool and secure boot settings to get it back running.