AMD Raptr Game DVR now supports Crossfire and nVidia 600/700 series


Limp Gawd
Sep 14, 2012
Apparently links to raptr are edited out by the forum? I'd say this qualifies as news, but if it breaks some rule then please take it down:


If you’ve got an AMD card that supports VCE 1.0 or 2.0 (basically Radeon HD77XX series and up) or an Nvidia GeForce 600/700 GPU, you should be all set to use GVR. We’ve added Crossfire support with this release, and Mantle support is on the way.

I haven't seen anyone confirm that it works on their nVidia system, so if anyone here tries it tell us how it goes.
Crossfire Support YES!!!

Will be testing this soon enough.

And yeah these forums edit out all Raptr links for some reason.
So, DVR is better than Shadowplay (doesn't support SLI, afaik) now?
dvr it works for nivia as well, and does support sli, so i suppose its better than shadowplay in that respect.
What's funny is I can actually record with Raptr even in windowed mode. I couldn't record either way with shadowplay so I deleted geforce experience from my computer.
You obviously don't have more than one monitor if you are asking that question.
DVR performance hit is pretty minimal, I'm impressed. I've been using the VCE enabled OBS fork but I'll have to give this a try now.

Seeing the frametimes hit would be interesting. The FPS his is minimal but it might be choppier than the FPS might suggest.
Seeing the frametimes hit would be interesting. The FPS his is minimal but it might be choppier than the FPS might suggest.

I don't "feel" a difference when recording, but seeing if the minimum fps changes could be interesting to confirm how light this really is.

To me, on or off, is the same. Can't wait for Mantle to be supported now with the massively better minimum fps rates it gets.
I don't "feel" a difference when recording, but seeing if the minimum fps changes could be interesting to confirm how light this really is.

To me, on or off, is the same. Can't wait for Mantle to be supported now with the massively better minimum fps rates it gets.

I concur that the frame hit is virtually nil when recording. Since I am used to OBS CPU recording I would like to see an option for higher quality settings. But to be truthful it looks good as is, but I like tinkering with things like the OBS VCE branch.
The only feature I missed when I went red was shadowplay so I'm super excited about this. The Raptr team seems to be doing a great job at quickly polishing this app up.

I was never able to record with Shadowplay in windowed mode either which is no problem for the Gaming Evolved app.
woo croissfire support is nice, now it just needs mantle support and for dice or amd to fix the mantle performance degradation and then i can record bf4 in bliss
I may load raptr up and try it myself.. AMD giving stuff away that Nvidia wants you to pay for .. I don't like this new Nvidia anymore as I feel like it's an MMO as I need to buy add on's..
I was having some serious issues with the 4.0 release supporting Crossfire. I only tried testing with BF4 and Grid Autosport, but the game clients would CTD within a minute or so when trying to capture game footage.

The 4.0.1 update they just put out seems to have sorted these issues and now all games I've tried has been solid while using the DVR feature.
I may load raptr up and try it myself.. AMD giving stuff away that Nvidia wants you to pay for .. I don't like this new Nvidia anymore as I feel like it's an MMO as I need to buy add on's..

Spreading misinformation? NVIDIA doesn't charge for GFE or Shadowplay...

One company pays an internal group to make their software while the other company pays a separate company to make their software. Either way, by buying a GPU you're paying someone's salary.
Spreading misinformation? NVIDIA doesn't charge for GFE or Shadowplay...
No, but they lock it to only their product... gotta buy into their "ecosystem" to get access. Its not exactly the same as charging, but its also kind of just semantics at that point. I'd actually say its worse to make it proprietary than just a free add-on with their stuff that others have to buy
Spreading misinformation? NVIDIA doesn't charge for GFE or Shadowplay...

One company pays an internal group to make their software while the other company pays a separate company to make their software. Either way, by buying a GPU you're paying someone's salary.

If I can't use it on my AMD card.. then yes I have to pay for it (buy Nvidia) just to use GFE or Shadowplay as it's not open..

This high road Nvidia is rolling on is not good for there products or end users that want a more open platform .. the same way a new game comes out with open support for both brands and not only Nvidia (GFE) as I just don't understand there frame of mind anymore and I don't care for there closed products.
If I can't use it on my AMD card.. then yes I have to pay for it (buy Nvidia) just to use GFE or Shadowplay as it's not open..

Can I change my Nvidia graphic card settings with AMD's Catalyst control center? No? Then it is payware!!!1111

Can I change my Nvidia graphic card settings with AMD's Catalyst control center? No? Then it is payware!!!1111


Drivers are something different altogether. How does geforce experience not let amd cards use shadowplay? Hell amd's gvr just works for me on my 780 which i couldn't even get shadowplay to work with. The way some people blindly follow companies is ridiculous.
I don't know what they did at one point since one of the last few updates, but Twitch is a massive fucking pain in the ass to use for me now, and there is a very obvious dent in performance whereas before it was more or less nothing. Like 20%+ framerate hit versus practically immeasurable.

Every single time I get:
"Sorry, we encountered a problem communicating with Twitch and could not determine the chat room to connect to your stream."

and it takes several minutes to even start the stream, before it was a few seconds.
Its more likely a twitch issue, they made a bunch of changes recently.
Can I change my Nvidia graphic card settings with AMD's Catalyst control center? No? Then it is payware!!!1111


You are trying to take software that is truly hardware specific and draw a correlation to a company purposely limiting software to only function on their hardware. AMD is simply allowing their software to work without purposely cutting out nVidia's. Just like adaptive sync. If AMD wanted to they could have not offered it as a standard and could have made it hardware specific, just like Gsync. The 2 companies simply have a different philosophy. AMD feels it better serves them to be more open and nVidia feels it better serves them to be more closed.
I play World or Tanks as I was a beta tester for the game which is a FREE TO PLAY game and I been with it for 4 years, some where down the line WarGaming took a hand out from Nvidia and all it has done is slow down any development for AMD hardware as they had memory leaks on AMD video cards for ever before fixing it.

The game has support for Sli and has for awhile but 4 years later we still have no Crossfire support and the only reason I see Nvidia playing out money on a free to play game is to use there Mob tactics to sell more video cards so I know they are lying in that pod cast about not locking AMD out of GAMEWORKS.
Or they focus on Nvidia since they have 70-75% market share and it makes more sense.
For small indie developers, it's possible, but from what I understand the company behind War Thunder is HUGE now. So they don't have any excuses.
I play World or Tanks as I was a beta tester for the game which is a FREE TO PLAY game and I been with it for 4 years, some where down the line WarGaming took a hand out from Nvidia and all it has done is slow down any development for AMD hardware as they had memory leaks on AMD video cards for ever before fixing it.

The game has support for Sli and has for awhile but 4 years later we still have no Crossfire support and the only reason I see Nvidia playing out money on a free to play game is to use there Mob tactics to sell more video cards so I know they are lying in that pod cast about not locking AMD out of GAMEWORKS.

I beta tested that game also and put it aside cause, well, I couldn't get it to work very well at all. This is a game which nvidia just bought out. Meh...
I play War Thunder also and it's a more level playing field as Sli and CX is not native support but they offer a work around to enable both and I have tried CX and it works very well with 7950's and even the CX logo is displayed at the top to show CX is working..

Nvidia has tried to Mob War Thunder also as there logo's are offered for skins but most contest on WoT has Nvidia behind it for there hardware..

but after the mining craze It's hard for me to believe Nvidia has 70 to 75 % market share as AMD sold everthing they could make and Nvidia did not fair as well.
Any clue when the client will start optimizing game settings for CrossFire setups?
Thats not really how it works.

It only changes in-game settings based on your FPS and the communities similar settings.

If the setting are already maxed out, it will change nothing.
Thats not really how it works.

It only changes in-game settings based on your FPS and the communities similar settings.

If the setting are already maxed out, it will change nothing.

Right, but they aren't accounting for CrossFire setups. Better data would equate to better settings, no? I'd like to see what other CrossFire setups are using.
I tried raptr last night playing titanfall and didn't notice any performance hit, the only issue with the dvr thingy was the file didn't save for some reason :(
Right, but they aren't accounting for CrossFire setups. Better data would equate to better settings, no? I'd like to see what other CrossFire setups are using.

it doesnt matter.

if your crossfire gets better FPS than a single card, your recomended settings will reflect that.

The fact that you have crossfire is not relevant.
I tried raptr last night playing titanfall and didn't notice any performance hit, the only issue with the dvr thingy was the file didn't save for some reason :(

Look in the recycle bin. If I don't choose to upload then it sticks it in there.

Here are the issues with raptr:

  • If you stream to twitch it will disable crossfire (fire up BF4 and give it a try). In fact if you want to stream BF4 (in crossfire) to twitch you currently only have two options:

    (1.) Action! version (the newer version 1.20.2 broke it)

    or you can use

    (2.) Dxtory's direct show output into something else (OBS, X-Split, or FFsplit), if you try and directly use game capture in OBS or X-split, it will turn off crossfire (you have to use both Dxtory and something else)

  • If you game at 1440p you can not stream to twitch at 1080p with ratpr. Why? you ask, well I will tell you why:

    Your output options for twitch are 100%, 50% and 25%, that is it no other output options. Do you see the problem? 100% is 1440p, 50% is 720P, and %25 is gross. That is it, no other options because they decided to use output to percentages instead of actual resolutions. So if you want 1080p, well it ain't going to happen. I have no idea how people with Wide Screen weird resolutions are going to use this program.

  • The GVR function is too limited, would rather just use after burner and pre-record to ram. In afterburner you can pre-record for as long as your memory will allow (or hard drive space if you use pre-record to hard drive).