

Oct 12, 2004
This is new right?


This is an AMD rig of mine...never seen this before!!!!! :eek:

I read about a QMD on an AMD system yesterday at OC Fourms I think...

What's the PPD/Gzh there? What is the system specs?
I'm gonna guess that it's 2.5 gHz... and at 47:00:00 per 450 point WU, that makes almost 225 PPD for that one box. That's almost 100 PpDpG, or 4 PpHpG.

Bring em on baby! No more of these 41 and 56 pointers.

Is it running on fahCore_96?

Wow, that's crazy, I just checked the forums, and there wasn't any mention that QMD's had been pushed beyond the beta stage... relevatn thread here:

If these are in fact out of beta, I think we should probably be expecting the point values to be dropping since they'd be just a normal big WU. I'm surprised that the speed isn't any higher than that though...

can someone chime in an explination for the newbs wtf that is? some way to remotely montiter your folding box's progress?

p[H]ant0m said:
Wow, that's crazy, I just checked the forums, and there wasn't any mention that QMD's had been pushed beyond the beta stage... relevatn thread here:

If these are in fact out of beta, I think we should probably be expecting the point values to be dropping since they'd be just a normal big WU. I'm surprised that the speed isn't any higher than that though...

Standford has these listed in the stats that they are out for regular use.

Here are the complete specs on this box.
2500+ @ 2.5 on air
512 ram total 2 x 256
agp video
integrated sound

I tought this was new...I never seen them before. I now have a 1.8 sempron with one of these as well.
1.8 sempron on air
512 megs ram 2 x 256
integrated video
integrated audio

These seem to be out in force since I got 2 just like that!

Mayhem- Do yo notice any slow down on the machines? Be interesting to know how the memory bus is holding up since Intel's get slaughtered here.
marty9876 said:
Mayhem- Do yo notice any slow down on the machines? Be interesting to know how the memory bus is holding up since Intel's get slaughtered here.

It seems to be ok for me, im doing some autocad work right now and it seems to handle just fine.
I think the problems that have been had with this protien is due to 2 or more instances flooding the mem bus, amd only one per box.
I'll let you know if anything wierd starts to show up!

Mayhem33 said:
Standford has these listed in the stats that they are out for regular use.

Here are the complete specs on this box.
2500+ @ 2.5 on air
512 ram total 2 x 256
agp video
integrated sound

I tought this was new...I never seen them before. I now have a 1.8 sempron with one of these as well.
1.8 sempron on air
512 megs ram 2 x 256
integrated video
integrated audio

These seem to be out in force since I got 2 just like that!

Your first one was an Athlon XP right? I thought XPs only had SSE, not SSE2 or SSE3, or at least my 1700+ is. So QMDs dont need SSE2? Maybe that's why its kinda slow?

All the more reson now to get me a budget A64 rig. :D
The release was accidental and should not of gone out to clients that aren't running -advmethods

from Vijay @ Stanford

Yes, this was definitely not intentional and I'm very much not happy about this (and apologize to all those who had problems with it). When we saw the problem (thanks to Bruce and Jim for the heads up too) -- all other servers ran out of jobs on the port 80 AS and the AS resorted to the only server with jobs available (the QMD server) -- we immediately put in a temporary fix, but I'm not a fan of those for the long term.
OC-AMD said:
The release was accidental and should not of gone out to clients that aren't running -advmethods

from Vijay @ Stanford

and, OT, interesting.. Mayhem, you running -advmethods or did you just get those as one of the 'accidents' ?

Carnival Forces said:

and, OT, interesting.. Mayhem, you running -advmethods or did you just get those as one of the 'accidents' ?

I am running -advmethods, I have been setting the client up that way since I learned what switches are. All the talk of these, and pentium troubles didnt seem to apply to amd. So I never changed my config, I still dont see it as a least not for me, well not yet anyway! ;)

Wow, an assignment server ran out of WU's? Wow, that just warms my heart to hear that Stanford can't keep up with all of us!
Mohonri said:
Wow, an assignment server ran out of WU's? Wow, that just warms my heart to hear that Stanford can't keep up with all of us!
Seriously, though, this is less than heartening; what if they ran out of WUs altogether? Apparently there's no automated process to make more WUs running and they have to do it by hand. I've said it before and I'll say it again - this is not a great way to run things. There should be a way to manually do it, sure, but the default way of making WUs should be completely automatic.

Maybe there's something I don't know about how WUs are made, but from what I've heard it sounds like it doesn't really need human input. Keeping a grad student around to click "next" all day seems counterproductive to me.

My AMD rigs seem to handle the QMD cores just fine....not really a good protien to fold on them though....takes to long.
Just in case some were wondering.

Mayhem33 said:
My AMD rigs seem to handle the QMD cores just fine....not really a good protien to fold on them though....takes to long.

That's always been the problem with the QMD on the AMD side of things, its just too slow for what they want. According to that original screenie you posted Mayhem, it still looks like it was getting about 225 PPD on it. Normally that'd put it in same territory as the 241 point Tinkers.

p[H]ant0m said:
That's always been the problem with the QMD on the AMD side of things, its just too slow for what they want. According to that original screenie you posted Mayhem, it still looks like it was getting about 225 PPD on it. Normally that'd put it in same territory as the 241 point Tinkers.

Yea....I wouldnt complain about them, they run fine and the PPD are better than the little ones that are out in force right now. Just for info thats all! :p
