AMD prices slashed.

yeah but where are the retailers with the new pricing!!? come on pick it up
Goonigoogoo said:
Sorry if its a repost. :p
naw u didn't (i assume), and that stuff is today news lol. We did have some different article relatin to this one and discussed over it. dude good findin.
Too bad I still don't have money for anything :(

But thanks for the link.. I know I had heard rumors about prices...
boasist said:
yeah but where are the retailers with the new pricing!!? come on pick it up

check out monarchs wonderful pricing... the OEM is MUCH more expensive than the retail version
you can get the 3500+ for 260 OR you can get the retail version (with fan mind you) for $30 less.

yeah but... must wait for x2 4000+ ... OMG these prices are nice.

difference between 3200 and 3500 is 20 bucks? WOW. additional 200mhz for $20?!!!
EricNS said:
In later news, AMD's Marketshare is still dropping.


In the past couple of years AMD went from <1% server market share to >10%. How is that dropping?
just joking, with their price : performance ratio, it should be much higher. I meant nothing serious with my previous joke, meerly a bad joke.
visaris said:
In the past couple of years AMD went from <1% server market share to >10%. How is that dropping?
AMD's market share will continue to fall, even when they pass 15%. It's just the way things are.

(Apple's been dying for 30 years now. Why should AMD be treated any differently?)
Zamboni said:
AMD's market share will continue to fall, even when they pass 15%. It's just the way things are.

(Apple's been dying for 30 years now. Why should AMD be treated any differently?)

AMD's falling's all about the frame of reference you give the vector. *cough*
N_Raged said:
Damn why didn't they drop the A643200+'s price. :(

agreed thats what I was gonna get today with it being payday and the price drop. well then I guess im gonna just have to pay the $190 then. :(
ashmedai said:
AMD's falling's all about the frame of reference you give the vector. *cough*

I feel kinda silly laughing about that :p

But keeping on topic, I just finished my rig 2 weeks ago, I guess I could've saved another $30 or so on my 3500+ :rolleyes:
AFAIK AMD is able to sell pretty much all that they produce. It is the amount of cpus they can (or rather can't) produce that determines their market share. OEMs otherwise would have already jumped on the AMD wagon and never looked back, since AMD has the better all around line-up in budget and performance computing and Athlon64 is clearly is in demand.
Nidhogg said:
damn im so glad i didnt buy a 4000+ last week, almost did too.

I did buy one this last weekend before the drop. FORTUNATELY, it was such a smoking deal that my "awesome deal" is now the standard price for the 4000.
Well, the 3500+ looks more interesting, especially since I cannot find that socket 754 3400+ 2.4 GHz for $178 US at newegg. But, they're coming out with the X2 3800+ which kind of puts that CPU to shame in multitasking etc.
nicies, the 4000+ came down a lot. this means i can get that 4000+ newark for less! :D:D
Zamboni said:
AMD's market share will continue to fall, even when they pass 15%. It's just the way things are.

(Apple's been dying for 30 years now. Why should AMD be treated any differently?)

Who's apple?..........
i was just


And I opened this thread just to see Eclipse's reply. :p

BTW, I once ran for a track club called Eclipse. Ah, those were the memories, when I could run a mile in under 5 minutes.
Hmm, I wonder what's the better buy, 3500+ or 3700+. I would guess the former since the 3700+ does not performer much better (more like a 3550-3600, from what I've seen).
actually, a cheaper s754 3400+ would be better than both quite often, being clocked 200mhz faster :D

another option would be to get a 3200+ venice and overclock.. if no overclocking, the 3500+ is a better deal imo
Anybody know when newegg or ZZF will change their prices to match the new ones?
probably as soon as they order the next batch of cpu's at the reduced price ;)
Hactar said:
Anybody know when newegg or ZZF will change their prices to match the new ones?
ZZF not only matched but is a few bucks cheaper due to their free 2-day shipping.
well i was all set on getting the 3200+ but now that the prices have dropped i can get a 3500+ for $223 or the 3700+ for $260. the 3200 remained the same price at $190.

im a gamer and will overclock a little not a huge amount.
for the extra $33 for the 3500+. or
extra $70 to get the 3700+ and have the extra cache.

all this will be going in a msi k8n neo2 plat. which i will be ordering in a couple of days. 6800gt agp and 1 gig of corsair xms 3200xlpt tccd mem. and might be adding raid also.

whats the better buy game performance wise. mainly bf2. will the extra cache on the 3700 speed up my load times.

all these prices are off of
